Geld verdienenGelezen bij Businessweek: vijf eenvoudige regels om op een veilige manier te bouwen aan een vettere bankrekening op lange termijn. Het lijkt allemaal zo logisch, maar omdat ik genoeg mensen ken die binnenkort afstuderen is het misschien toch de moeite waard om deze tips eens te overlopen.

  1. Live below your means

    Living below your means is the way to avoid unnecessary debt. Christopher Zook, chairman of CAZ Investments in Houston, recommends borrowing money only to purchase a home or fund your education.

    Rule 1 also means saving a portion of your earnings. Here’s an easy way to make that happen: Simply set up an automatic investing program with a mutual-fund company so that a cut of your paycheck — let’s say 10% — is socked away each month. The key is to make it happen automatically.

  2. Take calculated risks

    To make serious money, you’re going to have to take some risk. That could mean career risks — such as starting your own business. But it might be safer — and suit your temperament better — to take investment risks.

    Tom Taulli, co-founder of, says the investors he knows who are reaping the greatest rewards now are the ones who made some small investments in tiny startups and then forgot about them. “If one or two ideas hit pay dirt, that can have a huge impact on a rate of return,” he says. “That’s what venture-capital investing is all about.”

  3. Diversify your investments

    By purchasing a mix of assets and holding them through market cycles, you can take enough risk to actually earn a decent return on your investments — but won’t get hurt too badly by a meltdown in a specific stock or asset class. BusinessWeek’s Midyear Investment Guide offers some suggestions for alternative investments.

  4. Keep your nose clean

    Too many people today try to get ahead in life by cutting corners — cheating on an exam, cooking the books, or stealing an idea from a colleague, says Callahan. Despite some recent high-profile convictions of top executives caught with their hands in the corporate till, the risk of getting caught today is still pretty low (one reason Callahan thinks corporate malfeasance is so frequent).

    “The real risk is losing your soul,” he says. “People think they can catch up on their values later. But cheating can be a slippery slope, and you may regret it even if it doesn’t lead to big trouble.”

  5. Keep your eyes on the prize

    Isn’t it happiness, not riches, we’re all really after in the end? A growing body of academic research shows that an individual’s level of happiness usually doesn’t improve with a rise in income.

    The reason people don’t get happier when they get wealthier is that they spend money on things like bigger houses and more expensive cars that don’t improve their quality of life.

    Instead you should use your income to buy “inconspicuous goods — such as freedom from a long commute or a stressful job.” It’s a goal worth keeping in mind as you accumulate wealth — the slower the better.

Bij het investeren op de beurs heb ik voorlopig nog serieuze twijfels. Dat zie ik mezelf niet meteen doen. Wanneer ik er enigzins tijd voor heb dan hou ik de beurs wel in het oog, maar voor de rest weet ik er niet zoveel van. Ik kan je wel vertellen dat de Dollar nog steeds relatief laag staat.

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 deelt Stijn Vogels zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Met een geschiedenisdiploma op zak streeft hij naar doordachte analyses die een waardevol perspectief bieden op onze snel veranderende wereld.