Tim Cook

Het is drie jaar geleden sinds Tim Cook bij Apple het roer overnam van Steve Jobs. NYT maakte een uitgebreid portret van het soort leider dat Cook wil zijn.1Matt Richtel en Brian X. Chenjune, Tim Cook, Making Apple His Own, The New York Times, 15 juni 2014.

If Mr. Jobs was the heart and soul of the company, Mr. Cook seems to be trying to cast himself as a different sort of leader. His Twitter feed is a mash-up of Apple hoopla and cheerful promotion of human rights and environmentalism. He wrote an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal in support of proposed federal legislation protecting gay, lesbian and transgender workers. […] Mr. Cook is amassing a creative brain trust, according to Bono, the lead singer of the band U2, who befriended Mr. Jobs and worked closely with him and Apple’s team on developing a U2-branded iPod, as well as on charitable work in Africa. Mr. Cook is not saying “I’m here to replace him,” said Bono, who is a managing director and co-founder of the venture capital firm Elevation Partners. “He’s saying, ‘I’ll try to replace him with five people.’ It explains the acquisition of Beats.”

Ook het effect van zijn leiderschap en visie op de aandeelhouders van Apple komt ter sprake.

Investors have clamored for Apple wizardry — a much-anticipated iWatch or iTV, perhaps. To these critics, Mr. Cook is uninspiring, his social views window dressing, when what they want is magic. […] If Apple makes an iWatch and sells 10 million units in the first year, it would add a mere 50 cents to its earnings per share, barely a single percentage point. […] “Most people would say, if you sell 10 million units of something that would be incredible,” Mr. Sacconaghi said. But not so with Apple. “There are very few things that could move the needle,” he added.

Een bijzonder lang artikel, maar zeker interessant om te lezen.


Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

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