My invite for Little Monsters arrived earlier today, so I created a profile and had a look around. At the moment the content is very heavily focussed around Lady Gaga herself. Since the platform is still closed for now, here is a look at the current homepage.

Little Monsters homepage
The current homepage of

In my opinion the platform is a sort of mix between Facebook (features), Pinterest (design) and Tumblr (audience). You get all the familiar features that exist elsewhere: sharing of content (photo’s, videos, discussions and news). Furthermore, you’re able to see hot topics, what your friends have posted, or just the latest and greatest.

With registrations also comes a personal e-mail address, tied into Google Apps. Everything worked out of the box when I tried it. Remains to be seen how this platform can be leveraged. And more importantly: to what cause?

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 publiceert Stijn Vogels hier zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Met een geschiedenisdiploma op zak streeft hij ernaar door middel van zijn doordachte analyses een waardevol perspectief te bieden op onze snel veranderende wereld.

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