Napoleon (2023)

On a brisk December evening in Antwerp, the city was cloaked in a typical winter chill. Streets glistened from a recent drizzle. It was the kind of night that beckoned for the comfortable seats of a warm cinema. This was precisely where we found ourselves, escaping into the world of Ridley Scott’s latest historical epic, …

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, by Paul Hawken

Contemplating the seemingly insurmountable challenge of climate change, could we harness a wealth of untapped solutions to not just halt, but reverse this global catastrophe? In an age where the brunt of climate change has begun to make its presence unequivocally known, Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming proves itself …

State Surveillance Capitalism, with Chinese Characteristics

During this digital era, the currencies of power have expanded beyond traditional realms to include data and information. The advent of technology has given rise to new systems of socio-economic operation, one of which is surveillance capitalism. State surveillance capitalism with Chinese characteristics signifies a distinctive fusion of commercial and state surveillance activities, tailored to …

Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy, by Tim Harford

Contemplating the sheer complexity of our modern economy, have you ever wondered about the seemingly innocuous inventions that silently sculpted the contours of our daily existence? There are few writers who can skilfully weave historical evidence, economic theory, and engaging storytelling into a coherent narrative as adeptly as Tim Harford. His latest oeuvre, Fifty Things …

Over toxisch leiderschap in de politiek

Het was de beroemde schrijver Lord Acton die zei: “Macht corrumpeert, en absolute macht corrumpeert absoluut.” Deze bewering is, helaas, even actueel als ooit tevoren. Zoals het recente artikel van Joël De Ceulaer onthulde, blijkt er in het Europees Parlement een diepgewortelde cultuur van toxisch leiderschap en machtsmisbruik te bestaan. 1Joël De Ceulaer, ‘Wie macht …