Op Immoweb stikt het van de fraudeurs. Eind 2010 kwam de vastgoedsite negatief in het nieuws na een scherp onderzoek van Humo. 1Humo, Fraude op Immoweb, 8 november 2010.

Helaas zien we sindsdien nog maar weinig verbetering.

Momenteel zijn mijn vriendin en ik aan het uitkijken naar een iets groter appartement in Antwerpen. Om online een appartement te zoeken begin je uiteraard bij “de 1ste vastgoedsite van België” omdat hun aanbod zo groot is. Makkelijk filteren op locatie, postcode, type en je krijgt meteen een honderdtal passende resultaten.

Valse zoekertjes herkennen op Immoweb

Tussen al die resultaten kwam ik dit tegen: een appartement van 48 m² met twee slaapkamers en geen extra kosten voor €450 per maand — referentie 2999025.

Immoweb ref. 2999025

Master bedroom has a marble en-suite bathroom with shower and marble washbasin. The main bathroom is beautifully decorated with marble and limestone has a large bath tub, shower and toilet. The bathrooms are fitted with superior fittings and feature extensive use of marble and limestone. There is also a separate guest toilet with a small hand basin. Flat screen TV, fully air conditioned with three independent zones which can be controlled individually, DVD player, stereo unit, spare DVDs and CDs, a small library.

Fancy that, ziet er alvast strak uit, en een echt koopje voor zo’n prijs. Alleen lijkt het veel groter dan de opgegeven vierkante meter. Ik zal toch maar eens een mailtje sturen en het adres vragen.

Immoweb ref. 2999051

We kijken nog wat verder tussen de andere zoekertjes. Uit nieuwsgierigheid gingen we ook eens kijken bij de wat duurdere aanbiedingen. En daar kwamen we een chique loft tegen met een verdacht gelijkaardige beschrijving — referentie 2999051. Meteen is het duidelijk dat we hier met een oplichter te maken hebben. Een korte zoektocht in Google met dezelfde beschrijving levert alvast enkele gelijkaardige resultaten. Bewijzen genoeg dus.

Hallo, meneer de oplichter

Ondertussen zat er blijkbaar al een antwoord in onze inbox van ene Frank Raoul C. Aelvoet (frank34533frank@hotmail.com).

Thanks for your interest. The apartment is still available. I recently moved my work in Liverpool, United Kingdom, but the rent is high here, I decided to offer for rent the apartment that i have in Antwerpen. I can rent the apartment for maximum 9 years … This is the period that I have a contract here, but I can rent it for a shorter period as well. I own the ground and is exactly as in the photos. The rent for 1 month is 700 EUR and includes all your utilities (water, Internet, cable). The price included the furniture. You can enter the apartment on the same day when receiving the keys .. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but I hope to find a compromise. If you’re interested, write me back .
I send you some pictures and all details with my apartment!

Het eerste appartement was gelegen aan de Verschansingstraat 54/3. Dat is hier om de hoek. Ik doe opnieuw een zoektocht op Google naar die adres, en zie dat het eigenlijk te koop staat op enkele andere websites. Blijkbaar plukt men die informatie dus gewoon van elders.

Hoe de situatie verder zou ontwikkelen lezen we in het artikel van Humo over fraude op Immoweb.

De man wil van tevoren 900 euro op een rekening van koeriersbedrijf TNT laten storten – 450 euro waarborg en 450 euro voor de eerste maand huur. Daarna zal hij “binnen drie dagen” de sleutel en het contract overmaken.

“Als u beslist het appartement te nemen, dan geeft u TNT de toestemming om het geld aan mij over te maken. Indien niet, stuurt u sleutels en contract terug, en vraagt u TNT het geld terug aan u te storten.”

Goed dat we daar niet in zullen trappen. Ondertussen blijf ik deze oplichter wel verder baiten. We zullen zien of daar nog wat interessants uit komt.

Oplossing in de maak?

Peter Grypdonck, directeur van Immoweb, liet toen vorig jaar in zijn reactie weten dat het quasi onmogelijk is om alle zoekertjes te controleren. Omdat het er zoveel zijn, zei hij. Onmogelijk? Dat lijkt mij toch eerder een gebrek van goede wil in plaats van overmacht.

Eén mogelijke oplossing is alvast eenvoudig. De meeste zoekertjes waarmee fraude wordt gepleegd zijn Engelstalig. Filter uw zoekertjes op taalgebruik dat woorden als “bedroom”, “bathroom” of “kitchen” bevat. Dat is al héél wat minder werk. Dagelijks de resterende, nieuwste plaatsingen doorkammen is toch zeker mogelijk.

Wat onze voorbeelden betreft, heb ik ze alvast al fout aangegeven met de knop “Meld een vergissing”. We zullen zien wat ervan komt…

Update: Lees nu ook enkele officiële reacties van Immoweb zelf.

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 deelt Stijn Vogels zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Gewapend met een geschiedenisdiploma en een scherpe pen zoekt hij naar zin in de chaos. Misschien vind je iets wat je aan het denken zet. Misschien ook niet. Maar dat is het risico van nieuwsgierigheid.

Doe mee met de conversatie

259 reacties

  1. Hey,

    Wij hebben dit appartement ook gevonden te huur in Leuven. We vonden het al verdacht :) Gelukkig zijn wij slim genoeg om geen geld op te sturen voor een appartement dat we niet te zien krijgen. Hopelijk andere mensen ook.

    1. Beste mensen

      Same story over here.
      Ook te Leuven.

      Het klonk al verdacht en onmogelijk.
      Pas dus op mensen


      1. Nog even ter vermelding zijn naam was Michael Gauren met dit e-mailadres

        Hij kwam uit Brixton en verhuurde zijn appartement in Leuven voor € 420 incl alles + zijn inboedel



        1. Ik ben zo blij dat ik het adres net heb opgezocht en op deze pagina terecht bent gekomen. Ik heb nog gistere gesproken met 1 van de oplichters wat een assholes

    2. Onze zoon heeft een nieuwe baan in Brussel, de tijd om nieuwe woonruimte te vinden is dus 10 dagen ….
      Nu al drie(!!!) smerige oplichters , de een zit in schotland …. De ander in frankrijk.
      Meerdere malen gemaild, stuurde meerdere foto’s van zichzelf, zijn vrouw en paspoorten plus belgische f-kaarten.
      Zijn agent was Rettie, die zouden de sleutels opsturen , nadat mijn zoon 1000 euro overgemaakt had aan “rettie”. Zag er , voor een leek, betrouwbaar uit.
      Maar helaas, wij wilden graag eerst het appartement zien( overigens was er geen huisnr bekend) dus ….. Fraude!!!!
      Ik ben erg benieuwd hoe zo n bankrekening werkt…????

  2. Ik heb deze mailtjes ook letterlijk gekregen. Omschrijving van het appartement is letterlijk hetzelfde, zo ook het verhaal over Liverpool. Het ging hier alleen over een appartement in Amsterdam, voor €450. Maar nu handelde de oplichter onder de naam van Yahn Khum.

  3. Vandaag ben ik hetzelfde tegen gekomen via marktplaats, een ruim appartement op de Keizersgracht voor slechts 450 eur inc. Toch nieuwschierig en even gereageerd, kreeg exact dezelfde mail als hierboven. Alleen had deze persoon het over een storting op een rekening van marktplaats, na storting kwamen de sleutels en een contract mijn kant op. Tevens niet ingetrapt , te mooi om waar te zijn. Maar ja niet geschoten is altijd mis !!

    1. Hey Erik. Het blijft me verbazen dat die oplichters overal dezelfde tekst kunnen gebruiken zonder dat immobiliën websites daar wat van merken. In ieder geval is het goed om te lezen dat ze jou alleszins niet liggen hadden. :-)

      1. Hey stijn,

        hier ook hetzelfde verhaal in Mechelen. ook 450 euro, ook bij tnt storten met zelfs een link in zijn mail om te gaan kijken op de website van tnt. eerst ging hij de sleutel opsturen, in de volgende mail moet je eerst één maand huur storten op rekening van tnt en je hebt drie dagen om te gaan kijken en dan in de laatste mail moesten de twee maand huurwaarborg gestort worden voor hij de sleutel opstuurt. het zoekertje stond ook ook op immoweb maar is ondertussen verwijdert. het ging over een bemeubeld appartement met twee slaapkamers maar als je echt wou dan zou hij zijn meubels laten opslagen zonder extra kost.

  4. Pas op met Hollie Chapman!

    Ze doet zich voor als een getrouwde vrouw uit Liverpool. Ze verhuurd een appartement in Brugge voor maar 300 euro, inclusief water, elektriciteit, afwasmachine, enzovoort.

    Het verhaal van een dochter die gestudeerd heeft in België maar nu terug in Liverpool woont. Ze vraagt via remax.com eerst 600 euro te betalen, alvorens de sleutel te krijgen van het appartement.

    In Schilde stond ook al eens zo’n appartement te huur, met heel mooie foto’s en een bijzonder lage prijs.

    1. Hallo Nele. Ben je dit zoekertje via Immoweb tegengekomen? Zo ja, heb je toevallig ook nog de link naar die webpagina? Het lijkt me bijzonder interessant om zoveel mogelijk informatie te verzamelen over dergelijke oplichters. Zeker ook dit bericht ‘Liken’ op Facebook. Hoe meer mensen hier van op de hoogte zijn, hoe beter.

      1. Mijn ervaring dateert van juni 2009 de naam van de oplichter was toen Harold Fender die woont in Glasgow en hij verhuurde een app op de Frankrijklei 25 ik heb toen Immoweb op de hoogte gebracht ik heb nog steeds zijn mails mvg mevr Van Beek

  5. Ik snap niet, waarom deze immosites niet het “land van oorsprong” bij hun advertenties zetten.

    Het IP adres kan makkelijk opgezocht worden bij het toevoegen van een advertentie en het is een extra “warning” naar de gebruikers toe. Ik negeer nu al de zoekertjes die geen telefoon of immokantoor hebben.

  6. Hallo,

    Ook mijn zus was er even mee weg maar gelukkig kreeg ze al snel door dat er meer aan de hand was. Even googlen en we kwamen op uw site terecht wat onze vermoedens bevestigde. Ik heb toch een melding gedaan op ecops.be (de internetfraude-afdeling van de federale politie), je weet nooit dat het misschien in een groter dossier terecht komt. Ook melding gedaan bij de echte immo-makelaar re/max (internationale immo-makelaar) wiens naam de oplichters gebruiken om een bona fide indruk te wekken bij eventuele slachtoffers. Op hun website wordt expliciet gewaarschuwd voor deze fraudeurs en er wordt gevraagd om misbruik te melden, zodat ook zij een dossier kunnen samenstellen tegen deze oplichters.


  7. Ook soortgelijke mail, zojuist ontvangen, vertrouwde het meteen niet. Appartement in Breda echt heel groot en heel mooi voor 700 alles inclusief. Blij dat ik gegoogled heb en dit tegenkwam.

    Niet exact dezelfde mail maar wel soortgelijk. Wilde het geld hebben via ebay protection plan stuurde zelfs zijn italiaanse legitimatie mee. (engelse e-mail) Eerst 700 euro overmaken, dan stuurt hij de sleutels, 5 dagen de tijd om te bezichtigen, dan komt iemand van ebay en dan moet je zeggen of je het wel of niet wilt.
    Serieus, denkt die man dat ik daar in trap, er komt iemand langs van ebay.. Waarschijnlijk krijg je de sleutels nog niet eens in handen. Als je het dan wil moet je de rest overmaken.

    Hoop dat met dit verhaal nog meer mensen gewaarschuwd zullen zijn tegen dit soort e-mails.

    1. Hoi Dianthe. Dankjewel voor jouw verhaal. Wat had ie deze keer precies geschreven in zijn beschrijving? Als je de tekst naar hier kan kopiëren, dan kunnen hopelijk meer mensen deze informatie te weten komen, en verkomen we samen dat nog meer oplichtingen.

  8. Een appartement in Antwerpen voor 400euro, nou te leuk om waar te zijn natuurlijk, gemaild.

    Bij het lezen van z’n uitgebreide lange email ging het zeker om een oplichter, heet Peter Pumfleet uit London. 900 euro overmaken etc precies als bovengenoemde. Heb de emails nog steeds, die zijn erg lang. Wil het misbruik melden, weet niet precies waar.

    1. Je kan het altijd proberen melden bij de beheerders van de website, maar of dat veel zal helpen is niet meteen duidelijk. Men kan de advertentie wel verwijderen, maar dat zal niemand beletten om die opnieuw aan te maken…

  9. Hello,

    I have been exchanging e-mails with someone who rents his apartment in Strombeek-Bever for 400euro all-inclusive since mid-week last week. His story goes like this. He currently lives in Gabon, South Africa for work reasons that is why he is renting his apartment. I desperately wanted to have the apartment so I kept on checking my e-mails every now and then. Just at noontime today, the guy called me to know if I already sent the money through Western Union because his brother who lives in Vilvoorde is waiting for the go-signal to give me the keys of the apartment and the contract. I decided to write him an e-mail to let him know that I want a transparent transaction and paying at front without having seen the apartment is just not honest. And now I am reading all this. I am glad I can put my case to rest. But the thing is that I gave my personal information to the person. That makes me feel uncomfortable. I hope this person can be trapped.

  10. Ik heb net wat emails uitgewisseld met een engelsman. Ik heb een idee waardoor je kunt achterhalen of je genept wordt of niet:

    • Kijk naar de naam, is het een veel voorkomende naam?
    • Zoek de naam op bij Facebook, Linkedin etc. Vooral bij Linkedin kun je geavanceerd zoeken op woonplaats en professie. Vraag ook direct naar dergelijke accounts, ook telefoonnummers.
    • Zoek op het adres? Wie wonen er in de buurt? Woont er misschien al iemand toevallig op het adres?
    • Als iemand aangeeft in Engeland te wonen zijn kleine spelfoutjes niet te tolereren (met name tijden).
  11. Maandag lazen we ook een gelijkaardige advertentie op Immoweb, de advertentie is dinsdag al wel van de site verwijderd. Wij hadden er uit nieuwsgierigheid toch eens naar gemaild en kregen de volgende mail in het Engels terug, met een gelijkaardig verhaal:


    My name is Lauren Chapman and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Verlatstraat 27, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Antwerpen.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including all utilities: wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


    Te gelijkaardig met al jullie verhalen, en dus niet te vertrouwen die handel!


    Tim & Julie

    1. ik ben blij dat ik dit artikel nog heb gelezen want ik heb juist de zelfde mail gekregen als jullie , alleen onder een andere naam en voor een appartement in de stoofstraat 2 antwerpen


      My name is Gregory Wimbrough and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Stoofstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Antwerpen.

      I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
      In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

      The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

      The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including all utilities: wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

      About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

      You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

      I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

      Best regards,

      kheb nog een paar mails van hem

        1. Het Verhaal wordt nog leuker, m’n vriend en ik vertrouwden het al van in het begin niet, aangezien er 2 appartementen te huur staan op dit adres en 1 te koop! We hebben toch enkele mails gestuurd, om hem uit z’n tent te lokken,zien of hij een steek liet vallen, maar nog niet, m’n vriend gaat wel aangifte doen want dit kan niet… Hier is de mail:


          My name is Norman Braathen and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Vlaamse Kaai 59, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Gent.
          I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
          In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
          The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
          The rent for 1 month is 425 euro for the entire apartment including: electricity, Internet, cable tv, garbage….heating will be pay by you depend of consumption. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
          About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
          You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

          I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

          Best regards,


        2. Dit zoekertje staat net weer online op immoweb: stoofstraat 2, 70 vierkante meter met 2 laapkamers voor 450 euro, te mooi om waar te zijn dus!

      1. mijn ervaring:
        de eerste mail heb ik niet meer teruggevonden. ik heb het ook doorgegeven aan e-cops
        dit is mail 2 en 3, ik heb hem even aan het lijntje gehouden. al vanaf mail 2 merkte ik dat die niet door dezelfde persoon was geschreven als de eerste. hij beweerde ook een hele goeie job in Londen te hebben en een dochter die hier net klaar was met studeren.


        Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in London already.Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 430 EUR + 430 security deposit ( 860 EUR ), with no extra taxes to pay.I must have one month rent + security deposit from you.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account,so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account.The apartment is ready for you,you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it,and see if you like it.Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast,and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days,if you move fast as well.The solution is provided by a rental company called DeWitt Rental Company which is similar to FedEx or UPS,which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the DeWitt Rental Company website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:


        Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

        Thanks and have a good day,
        Hello Naomi,

        I deposited the keys and contract at DeWitt Rental Company agent.When you will received the confirmation you must to deposit the money.You must to go at the office Western Union and deposit the money at the agent DeWitt Rental Company (Mark Bentley).The money will stay in the custody of the agent DeWitt Rental Company and if you not like this apartment you will recived the money back.Check your “INBOX” ,” JUNK” or “SPAM” email and you will have the confirmation from DeWitt Rental Company.

        NOTE : The agent of the rental company told me that when you go to Western Union and the Western Union agent ask you for what you send the money, you say that want to send money to a friend of yours, because if you says that you want to rent an apartment you have to pay a taxes expensive (about 162 euros), but if you say you want to send money to a friend the tax money to send is small (about 20-30 euros).

        Here is the the tracking number and where you can check the package status:


        And this is the tracking number: Q7342155977

        Thanks Michael Parry

        1. Heb exact dezelfde mail gekregen over een appartement in Mechelen! Dit keer van een Torston Thalbourg.

      2. Ik heb een gelijkaardige mail gekregen voor een appartement in stoofstraat 2 te Antwerpen.


        My name is Donald Attwood and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Stoofstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
        I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
        In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
        The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
        The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including: electricity, Internet, cable tv…..heating will be pay by you depend of consumption. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
        About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
        You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

        I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

        Best regards,


    2. Hey!

      Ik ben zo blij dat ik op deze site terecht ben gekomen. Ook ik had op immoweb dit appartementje gevonden en had diene mens ook gecontacteerd. Plots kreeg ik inderdaad een engelstalige mail terug… geen probleem natuurlijk.

      Nu vond ik de naam Paul Orlowinska zeer verdacht en heb dit gegoogled. Blijkbaar is er een zeer bekend persoon dat Paul Orlowinski heet. Ik vertrouwde het zaakje toen al niet. Toen kreeg ik inderdaad net dezelfde mail terug als Tim en Julie.

      Nu dat ik dit zie stelt dit me wel gerust! Had er zeker niet op ingegaan, maar wou ook niet vals beschuldigen. Nu dat ik zie dat jullie deze (exact dezelfde) mail hebben ontvangen onder een andere valse naam krijg ik wel ergens die bevestiging! Een vraagje naar jullie toe is dan… hebben jullie nog op diene mens gereageerd en hem gezegd dat jullie zijn boeltje door hadden?

      1. Hallo Carol. Moest je nog meer tijd steken in het contacteren van deze persoon denk ik niet dat ze zelf nog gaan antwoorden. Het is mogelijk om het e-mailadres te melden als een oplichter, maar die maken dagelijks weet-ik-veel hoeveel nieuwe addressen aan. Nu goed: als we ze het vuur een beetje aan de schenen leggen kan je hen wat tijd afprutsen, maar langs de andere kant loop je het risico een vete uit te lokken me georganiseerde internetbandieten. En als die proberen je e-mail inbox te kraken zit je met de gebakken peren.

    3. Geachte,

      Ik kreeg dezelfde email als respons op het zoekertje voor het prachtige appartement in de Stoofstraat maar dan van een zekere Donald Attwood, residerend in Londen en werkend voor een farmaceutisch bedrijf als researchteam. Ook hij is net als die Lauren 37 jaar… Er klopt dus inderdaad iets niet…

      Met vriendelijke groeten,


    4. heb uw email gelezen.heb een appartement op het oog in de graaf van egmontstraat te antwerpen.zijn naam is roben greg.het adres waar hij zogezegd verblijft is 49 hillstreet london.het blijkt een hotel te zijn.ik heb dat hotel gecontacteerd en deze mensen kennen deze persoon niet.ik had hem gemaild dat ik had gebeld en dat hij niet opnam en vroeg of hij me wilde bellen.5 minuten later belt deze persoon van een agency te london en zegt me dat ze alleen per mail werken.heb hem gezegd dat ik de waarborg via een ocmw zal laten overschrijven.bij deze ga ik morgen naar het ocmw en tevens ook de politie.het kantoor in belgie waar hij zegt dat het appartement bij is kent deze man niet en ze doen ook geen verhuur.

    5. Hi Tim & Julie ,

      een interessante text !I Wij zoeken ook dringend een Appartement en dit was een verlockend aangebot wat mij ook te gelijk heeft doen argwanen, Ik heb juist vanochtend de selfde text gekregen van een Christopher Barton ! Hij geeft sich uit voor 35 J !! Jullie zien het houd niet op ! zo aan allen OPGEPAST !!!Hi,

      Thank you for your interest. As you can see I have available the apartment located in Korte Gasthuisstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
      I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
      In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
      The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
      The rent for 1 month is 475 euro for the entire apartment including: (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
      About myself, I am 35 years and I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
      You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

      I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

      Best regards,

      De mail adres : Christopher Barton ;

      Ik hoop geholpen te hebben groeten

      Rio Gangl

      1. de Mail adres van deze Christopher Barton is :

        bartonchristopher2@hotmail.com !

        Nog ter Info ,ik hat in Dezember 2012 een bericht gekregen van GOOGLE Lotery dat ik met mijn E-mail een geld prijs van 750.000 EUR gewonnen heb en daarin was ook een persoon genoemd met een echte naam en ook Identiteitskaart van de UK daar ging het om het zelfde dat ik eerst al mijn prive data en adres aan hun moest zenden per mail en een bedrag voor de “Shipping Company” zo dat die mij de check kunnen sturen ,er waaren 3 variaties mogelijk.En het bedrag was niet mogelijk te verrekenen met het gewonnen geld! Alle deze mails kwamen uit Engeland UK ! Ik heb hen geschreven dat ik persoonlijk langs zou komen naar London en de check ophalen ,daarna kwam niets meer !Zo de zin van deze info is U allen er op te wijzen dat dit niet alleen de Imobilienmarkt betrefft maar ook op een ander vlak is uitgebreid! Mijn voorstelling van dit alles is dat die proberen zo veel mogelijk persoonlijke data te verzamelen om die dan duur te verkopen ! Zo als het al in Duitsland zo is.

        Voor meer inl ,kunnen jullie mij graag schrijven .

        Rio Gangl

  12. In de meeste gevallen, lijkt het me een scam wanneer :

    • er geen telefoonnummer vermeld staat
    • de huisbaas niet in het land bevind
    • de reacties enkel in’t engels gebeuren
    • iemands identiteit gebruikt (met hoge(re) functie)
    • geld vragen om het pand al enkel nog maar te bezichtigen!

    De meesten zeggen via Western, Remax of andere financiele diensten te werken. De beste raad: betaal niets vooraleer je het gezien hebt en zekerheid hebt over de persoon die’t bedrag ontvangt.

  13. Het verhaal van TIM gaat als volgt verder, heb eens een visje uitgeworpen om na te gaan hoe het verder verloopt. Hierna de mail die de fraude wel erg duidelijk maakt.

    First of all , I want to tell you that if you are ready to proceed with this transaction I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works.

    You will have 5 days to inspect the apartment before your final decision to rent. I will pay the shipping costs.

    This is how they work :

    1) I will make the delivery papers at International Home.

    2) After I will make the papers for delivery they will require for your payment confirmation of the first month and the guarantee deposit( 450 EUR + 500 EUR= 950 EUR ) to the company. The shipping company will send you a delivery notification to let you know they that have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys/contract and that they checked it.

    3) After the payment is confirmed the delivery process will start and when you will receive the keys, you will have 5 days inspection period before your final decision to rent.

    4) If all is in order, you will instruct the shipping company to give me the money. Further rents will be sent directly to my bank account.

    5) If you refuse to rent the apt , Int Home will give you a full refund (950 EUR) and you will give them back the keys and the contract.

    If you are interested to rent the apartment please send me your information, i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal.

    The delivery company service its called : International Home ( international-home-ltd.co.uk.tc )

    Now i must know for sure if you agree because other peoples are interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the International Home.

    Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.

  14. Ons heeft hij ook gezellig veel te mooi voor waar praat verkocht! Ik heb zijn emails op ip adress gecheckt en ben er achter gekomen dat hij in de buurt van Redwood, washington een ip adress gebeukt, ik heb dan ook een melding gemaakt bij de computer crime afdeling van de amerikaanse overheid! Verwacht er niet veel van maar… Ben hem nu nog even aan het lijntje aan het houden met rare vragen over het appartement :-)

    1. Niels,
      succes ! na zijn laatste mail is het muis stil geworden. geen enkele reactie meer.
      Wel plaats hij nog meer van dergelijke appartementen op Immoweb, recent nog onder de naam d.wadensten@hotmail.com

  15. Men gebruikt telkens identiteiten van mensen die echt bestaan op LinkedIN etc ; misschien handig dat deze mensen ook eens ingelicht worden, dat hun identiteit misbruikt word door oplichters.

    Ik dacht dat identiteitsdiefstal illegaal was; zeker wanneer een naam misbruikt zou worden, voor oplichting/diefstal. Via deze weg kan er misschien ook meer druk gelegd worden om er sneller iets aan te doen.

    1. Aangezien de klachten maar blijven binnenstromen lijkt het me onwaarschijnlijk dat hier gauw is aan gedaan zal worden. Waar denk je dat immobiliën het meeste mee bezig zijn: meer winst genereren voor de eigen zaak, of enkele booswichten tegenhouden die je kanten oplichten?

  16. Daar wringt het schoentje in heel het gebeuren ; er is teveel belang voor veel geld en teweinig belang voor het individu..

  17. Heb via Immoweb een klacht ingediend, zie hierna hun reactie.

    Wij hebben uw bericht in verband met een zekere zoekertje goed ontvangen.
    Na verschillende berichten via het tabblad “meld een vergissing” die wij ontvangen hebben heeft onze technische dienst deze geanalyseerd en tot besluiting gekomen dat het inderdaad over een oplichter gaat.
    Gelieve geen gevolg te geven aan zijn voorstellingen.
    Voor verdere informatie kan u steeds http://www.immoweb.be/nl raadplegen of contact opnemen met de Immoweb Customer Care op 02/333.25.06 of per email naar zoekertje@immoweb.be.
    Wij danken U voor uw vertrouwen in Immoweb.
    Karim B.
    Immoweb Customer Care Team

  18. Ik heb het omgekeerde meegemaakt met Luc Perrin. Een Fransman die zogezegd in de Ivoorkust werkt voor een bedrijf. Het komt dus ook voor in het frans. Hij wilde van ons een app huren voor 3 maand aan de zee. Wij moesten hem storten betalen opdat hij ons kon betalen. Een ivoorkustse werkwijze waarbij de ontvanger de taks van de betaler moet betalen om de som te kunnen ontvangen. Wie trapt daar nu in. ik heb zijn naam gegoogled en hij blijkt een gekende oplichter te zijn. Dit is ook niet leuk voor eerlijke mensen die iets willen verhuren.


  19. Ik wist dat dit een veelvoorkomend probleem in de autoverkoop was, maar dat het zich nu ook al in de immobiliën voordoet wist ik niet. Knap speurwerk ;-)

    1. Dankjewel Heide. We doen ons best. In principe is het aan de websitebeheerder om oplichterij aan te pakken, maar helaas hebben zij daar ook niet altijd tijd voor.

      1. Beste Stijn,

        In deze tijd van technologie vraag ik me af waarom de webmaster van immoweb zijn adverteerders niet verplicht om met een kaartlezer te werken, zodat hun identiteit 100% verzekerd is.

        Grts EricVt

  20. ja ik heb ook zoiets meegemaakt met ene Robinson Trek.
    zie hier bericht


    I am Robinson Trek and I just received an email of interest in my apartment . I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc.

    I must tell you from the beginning that I do not have a problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisement ( 100% like in the pictures ).
    I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

    The rent for 1 month is 500 EURO (for the entire apartment).

    You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract).

    About myself, I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in Liverpool ( United Kingdom ).
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Here is all the photos of the apartment :


    PS: I write you in english because my german in not very good sorry:)

    Best regards
    Robinson Trek

  21. Hallo iedereen,
    Ik heb net deze mail gekregen let dus op voor iets gelijkaardigs!


    My name is Paul Orlowska and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Verlatstraat 27, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Antwerpen.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including all utilities: wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


    1. Dankjewel Yirka. De verzameling oplichtingen begint hier al serieus lang te worden. Misschien moet ik toch maar eens contact opnemen met Immoweb zelf. Denk dat in het vervolg de reacties ook ga inkorten tot de adressen zelf, zodat die tenminste toch nog terugvindbaar zijn.

      1. Stijn, is inderdaad een zeer goed idee. Het pand waarvan sprake werd door Tim en mijzelf ook al eerder in dit blog vermeld. De adressen komen dus terug. Voor deze laatste publicatie heb ik gisteren al een melding gezonden naar Immoweb. Een criteria om de frauduleuze meldingen te selecteren is dat zij bijna nooit iets vermelden over het energiecertificaat.

    2. Ik heb ook dezelfde mail ontvangen van Paul Orlowska!!
      Wat een oplichterij!!

    3. Oke,ik ben dus net in de maling genomen door paul blablabla. het nadeel is dat ik reeds mijn adres en naam heb opgegeven, ik heb daarna wel ’n mail gestuurd dat ik ontdekt heb dat het fraude is en dat ik niet zal betalen voor het ontvangen van eender wat. Maar loop ik nog steeds ‘gevaar’ als deze persoon mijn adres en naam heeft? Stupid me.

    4. @ Yirka, deze mail heb ik ook gisteren in mijn inbox gekregen, net hetzelfde onder dezelfde naam.

  22. Ik ben op zoek naar een appartement en ik kwam op Immoweb.be terecht. 2 slaapkamer appartement in de Verlatstraat 27, 2000 Antwerpen aan € 450/mnd Sleutels en contract worden opgestuurd via koerier. De “eigenaar” van dit appartement is de 37 jarige Paul Orlowska die dit gekocht heeft tijdens zijn werk hier en nu terug in Londen woont.
    Dus ik kan er zeker van zijn dat dit pure oplichterij is ?

    1. Sylvia,
      100% zeker oplichterij. Zie ook de mail van TIm van 28 maart. Was identiek hetzelfde adres.

      1. Wordt vervolgd… Deze Paul Orlowska heeft mij zijn paspoort via mail toegestuurd ?! De sleutels zouden onderweg zijn.. Ik heb niets betaald en ben ook niet van plan om dit te doen, deze avond ga ik naar de politie om klacht neer te leggen. En nu wacht ik rustig af wat hij verder gaat doen. Doordat ik te lang te goedgelovig ben geweest heeft hij mijn adres en mijn telefoonnummer en dit moet ik toch even melden aan de politie, moest er nog een staartje aan komen.

  23. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium , but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting it out. We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.


    Paul Singer
    94 Maple Rd
    Beckenham, London,
    SE20 8HG, UK
    Tel: 07909380480

    700 euro op voorhand storten dan ooit de sleutels krijgen 2 dagen bedenktijd.. achja niets nieuws dus… ! :p

    When something looks to good to be true, it probably is!

    1. Nét dezelfde mail gekregen van een zekere Emily Godefrey. Ook via Immoweb.

  24. Beste Sylvia,

    Best direkt aangeven bij de Computer Crime Unit (CCU) van de federale politie; moest je naam e/o adres misbruikt worden; dan is er alreeds melding gegaan tegen deze fraude. Op deze manier ben je al een hele stap voor, moest het echt harig worden voor je…

    Zowieso, is het niet iemand van Belgie op het eerste gezicht. Nu nog reageer ik soms op een artikel dat me een fraudeur lijkt te zijn en ben ik 99.9% van de gevallen juist door de punten hierboven vermeld.

    Aan de hand van e-mail headers heb ik al een IP adres uit Duitsland gevonden, en eentje met een AOL account.

    Wanneer je over verschillende dagen communiceert, durft dit IP adres wel eens te wijzigen, maar bij dezelfde provider blijft; dus; lijkt het me een legitieme gebruiker of trojan geinfesteerde computer te zijn.

  25. Ik onlangs net hetzelfde meegemaakt…

    Wou een appartementje huren met mijn vriendin maar aangezien het ons 1e appartementje is zouden we er met open ogen intrappen ook, maar iedereen rondom me zei tegen mij van, nee dit is oplichterij, toen ben ik beginnen googelen en op dit uitgekomen… meermaals bedankt…

    Hier is trouwens de mail:


    My name is Martin Taylor and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Zwaluwenstraat 17, 1000 Brussels, with 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Brussels.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.

    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including all utilities: wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


      1. Nog steeds op zoek… beetje ge-demotiveerd…
        zeker nu ik weet dat dit allemaal oplichterij is…
        Ik was zo blij dat we eindelijk samen gingen wonen en dat het nog redelijk rap ging gaan ook.
        Maar nu zijn we weer op zoek naar een appartementje.
        Ik ben blij dat ik geen 950€ direct op tafel zou kunnen leggen anders had ik ze nog betaald ook…

      2. Hoi,
        Ik heb zonet hetzelfde meegemaakt ook via immoweb en dankzij deze website heb ik op het laatste moment kunnen beseffen dat dit een oplichterij is. Hier is het bericht dat ik heb ontvangen over een ap/ntje in gent:


        My name is Arthur Macleod and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Kouter 76, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Gent.

        I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
        In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

        The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

        The rent for 1 month is 400 euro for the entire apartment including all utilities: wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

        About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

        You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

        I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

        Best regards,


    1. Halo, Ik en een vriend hebben net hetzelfde voor met een appartement in Zwaluwenstraat 17 Brussel 1000

      Het gaat om een zogezegde Neuro-oncoloog met de naam Daniel Mallinson die het appartement heeft gekocht voor zijn zoon.

      Hij wilt ons de sleutels bezorgen via een bedrijf dat Trulia heet (http://www.trulia.com/)
      Hij heeft toch een beetje zijn best gedaan want trulia is inderdaad bezig met immo.

      Either way, mijn vriend heeft al onze thuisadressen, email en telefoon gegeven aan die brave meneer mallinson dus ik ben wellicht van plan op een of andere manier de politie te contacteren.

      Hier zijn zijn mails. Zoals jullie zien gaat het om een zeer gelijkaardig verhaal. Zelfs de fotos zijn nog dezelfde.

      Hello, Thanks for your interest, i bought this apartment for my son during he’s studies , but now he’s back home in London UK permanently, so i’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further i would like to know something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, what is your job, how old are you and for how long you will stay . The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 500 euro per month and i believe it is convenient for both of us. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 500 euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 1 month notice ). You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. I’m a Neuro-Oncology doctor from London – United Kingdom . I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from here fast and easy . I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks

      Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:37:04 +0200

      Dear Alexis,
      Thanks for your reply, That sounds great !
      You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. The thing is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 1 month of rent will be 500 euro but in the first month you must to deposit 1000 euro, 1 month of rent plus 500 euro for security deposit payment which is refundable while packing without any lost or damage of my properties. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called Trulia which is similar to FedEx or UPS , Escrow … etc, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address and telephone number. I will also need to know the rental period and the day you want to move in so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra costs for you. Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can make the deal as I explained it now, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.
      The apartment is like in the pictures

      I am waiting for your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you

  26. Ik en mijn vriendin hebben hetzelfde meegemaakt.
    We vertrouwen het zaakje niet maar dachte het spelletje toch mee te spelen en zien wat er gebeurt…

    Hieronder de laatste mail die we gekregen hebben, nadat ik per e-mail had laten weten akoord te gaan met het verzenden van contract en sleutel.

    Dear Sander,

    I have deposited the apartment keys to International Home office. This is the tracking number of our transaction: PNM23MSGN479

    You can also check, at all times, the status of the package on their website. http://www.international-home.co.uk.tc

    Please reply me to know if you have been contacted by International Home. You need to follow the instructions from the company in order to complete this transaction.

    Also I call you before you visit the flat to give you some details about location.

    I’ve put into the envelope the flat keys and 2 copy’s of the contract.

    About the contract, I’ve let blank the rent period field for you can fill it. Also if you agree to rent the apartment you have to sign the contract and send to me one copy through email or Fax, but I think is more easy to send it through email.

    I have an British bank account, so the rent payments you can send it there, you have my account details on the contract.

    Also I trust you to be a honest person. I know that is not a good quality of mine to trust an unknown person, but I’ve got my safety measures with International Home and I’m sure that you will complete this deal and rent my apt.

    I am sure that when you will recieve the package and see the apartment you will accept it!

    I attached my passport id in case you need it.

    PS: The shipping company told me that maybe you will receive the confirmation from they in your Junk folder email. Please check it.

    Best Regards,

    We hebben nog niets getekend of betaald.

    We zijn ook beginnen googelen en uitgekomen op deze site gelukkig, nu zijn we zeker dat het oplichting is. We gaan denken we niet eens meer tekenen voor ontvangst van het paket wanneer het aankomt want we denken dat we dan wel eens voor meer kunnen tekenen dan enkel ontvangst.

    Het is wel goed dat mensen hun ervaringen in deze zaken delen op het internet, zo kun je je bij verdachte zaken na wat googelen heel wat ellende besparen!

    Dank u!

    1. hier al zijn e-mails:


      My name is Martin Taylor and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Zwaluwenstraat 17, 1000 Brussels, with 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Brussels.

      I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
      In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

      The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

      The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including all utilities: wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

      About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

      You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

      I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

      Best regards,


      Dear Sander,

      Thanks for your reply,

      That sounds great !

      You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 1 month of rent will be 450 euro but in the first month you must to deposit 950 euro, 1 month of rent plus 500 euro for security deposit payment which is refundable while packing without any lost or damage of my properties. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account.

      Of course you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot rent an apartment that you haven’t seen. I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs.

      The delivery for the keys and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made through an authorized courier and using a International Home delivery is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.

      I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please email me as soon as you read this message because I really need to take care of this matter.

      This is the pictures of the apartment


      Best Regards,

      Dear Sander,

      I want to tell you that if you are ready to proceed with this transaction I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works.

      Like I said, I will pay for a 3 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
      1 – To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
      2 – I go to the International Home Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
      3 – Int Home will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
      4 – They will send you a delivery notification to let you know that they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and they checked it.
      5 – They will inform you all the steps and all the informations about our transaction (delivery and payment).
      6 – After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 5 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apartment or not.

      I will pay International Home Service for the shipping.

      Now i must know for sure if you agree because other 3 peoples are interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the International Home.

      Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.

      Dear Sander,

      I have deposited the apartment keys to International Home office. This is the tracking number of our transaction: PNM23MSGN479

      You can also check, at all times, the status of the package on their website. http://www.international-home.co.uk.tc

      Please reply me to know if you have been contacted by International Home. You need to follow the instructions from the company in order to complete this transaction.

      Also I call you before you visit the flat to give you some details about location.
      I’ve put into the envelope the flat keys and 2 copy’s of the contract.
      About the contract, I’ve let blank the rent period field for you can fill it. Also if you agree to rent the apartment you have to sign the contract and send to me one copy through email or Fax, but I think is more easy to send it through email.

      I have an British bank account, so the rent payments you can send it there, you have my account details on the contract.

      Also I trust you to be a honest person. I know that is not a good quality of mine to trust an unknown person, but I’ve got my safety measures with International Home and I’m sure that you will complete this deal and rent my apt.

      I am sure that when you will recieve the package and see the apartment you will accept it!

      I attached my passport id in case you need it.

      PS: The shipping company told me that maybe you will receive the confirmation from they in your Junk folder email. Please check it.

      Best Regards,

    2. Dankjewel Sander om deze berichten met ons te delen. Hoe meer informatie we te weten komen, hoe beter we potentiële slachtoffers kunnen waarschuwen. In je reactie lees ik dat hij zegt over een Britse bankrekening te beschikken. Zou handig als we nog te weten konden komen wat dit bankrekeningnummer precies is. Daar kan Interpol vast iets mee aanvangen.

      1. dit is bankrekening van de oplichter:

        • Acount Holder : Daniel Adomnitei
        • Acount number : 33225275
        • IBAN : GB12 BARC 2095 6133 2252 75
        • Swift Code (BIC) : BARCGB22
        • Bank Name : BARCLAYS BANK PLC
        • Sort Code : 20-95-61
        • Country : United Kingdom
        1. Hoi, ik ben ook een van de “slachtoffers” (gelukkig heb ik niks betaald) en dat zijn zijn bankrekening-gegeves. Uiteraard de naam van de eigenaar van deze rekening was anders dan de naam die hij in zijn mails gebruikte. Lezers van deze blog kunnen eventueel controleren of ze naar dezelfde bankrekening geld moesten storten.


  27. Beste blogbezoekers,

    Bedankt voor de vele meldingen onder dit blogartikel, dit maakt het ons makkelijker frauduleuze zoekertjes op te sporen en te verwijderen. Sinds enkele dagen krijgt onze klantendienst verschillende meldingen van surfers die onze aandacht vestigen op zoekertjes die hen bedrieglijk en misleidend lijken. Sommige bedriegers gaan zelfs zo ver dat ze zich voordoen als werknemer van Immoweb!!

    We herinneren onze website bezoekers graag aan enkele essentiële regels om een transactie veilig te laten verlopen:

    1. Wees voorzichtig met panden waarvan de prijs te mooi is om waar te zijn.
    2. In geval van twijfel, ga geen verbintenissen aan zonder het vastgoed op voorhand bezocht te hebben.
    3.Wees extra voorzichtig indien het telefoonnummer of e-mailadres van de eigenaar u vreemd lijkt (verkeerd telefoonnummer, niemand antwoordt, geen telefoonnummer, …)
    4. Stort of verstuur nooit geld als voorschot op de huur of om de sleutels te verkrijgen, zonder eerst de eigenaar of zijn vastgoedmakelaar te hebben ontmoet.
    5. Wees op uw hoede, in het bijzonder wanneer gevraagd wordt om betalingen uit te voeren via Western Union of naar een buitenlandse bank, aangezien deze vaak anoniem zijn, waardoor het onmogelijk is om de begunstigden terug te vinden.
    6. Immoweb treedt NOOIT of NOOIT op als tussenpersoon bij transacties tussen de kandidaat-koper of kandidaat-huurder en de plaatser van het zoekertje (immobiliënkantoor, notaris, eigenaar). Elk bericht dat het tegendeel beweert, is dus foutief.

    Als u een frauduleus zoekertje op het spoor bent gekomen, kan u dit steeds melden door op de link “Meldt een vergissing” te klikken, rechts naast de foto van het pand zoals in onderstaand voorbeeld: http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7712/captureyue.jpg

    Dagdagelijks analyseert onze technische dienst gerapporteerde “vergissingen” om eventuele fouten (bijvoorbeeld een verkeerd opgegeven gemeente) in een geplaatst zoekertje te wijzigen en/of frauduleuze zoekertjes zo snel mogelijk in de kiem te kunnen smoren. Gelieve alleszins geen enkel gevolg te geven aan dubieuze voorstellen!

    Voor verdere informatie kan u steeds http://www.immoweb.be/nl raadplegen of contact opnemen met de Immoweb Customer Care op 02/333.25.06 of per email naar zoekertje@immoweb.be.

    Wij danken U voor uw vertrouwen in Immoweb.



  28. Vandaag weer een nieuw fraude zoekertje Ref3687172 volgende mail naar Immoweb verzonden:
    Ondanks alle moeite die u doet om op blogs goed over te komen is het niet aanvaardbaar dat er frauduleuze zoekertjes op de site blijven komen. Prijs is absoluut niet in verhouding, foto’s zijn frauduleus ( zie op streetview en de ramen van de living komen niet overeen) en er is geen sprake van een energie certificaat, zelfs geen melding “in aanvraag”en bovenal de omschrijving is afgebroken “slaapkamers waarvan…” tekst is afkomstig van ref44637781 van vivastreet…

    1. Beste Frank,

      Bedankt voor je reactie, we begrijpen je reactie volkomen al is het helaas zeer moeijlijk om alle ‘mogelijk’ frauduleuze zoekertjes van Immoweb te bannen. Dagelijks krijgen we via zoekertje@immoweb.be of via de knop “meldt een vergissing” (naast het zoekertje) meldingen van mensen die een geplaatste zoekertje als ‘niet correct ‘ ervaren of die van mening zijn dat het zoekertje frauduleus is, waarbij ons team meteen in actie schiet. Echter gaan de mensen achter zulke frauduleuze zoekertjes steeds slimmer te werk door voor elk geplaatst zoekertje een ander e-mailadres, telefoonnummer, naam, etc te gebruiken waardoor het voor ons team zeer moeilijk is deze mensen te weren. Mensen die frauduleuze zoekertjes plaatsen zoals u en “Zeenat” aangeven worden ‘per direct’ van de Immoweb verbannen en hun IP wordt geblokkeerd, doch merken we dat deze mensen veelal opereren vanuit een of ander internetcafé in een Afrikaans of Oost-Europees land.

      Als u van oordeel bent dat u te maken heeft met een mogelijk frauduleus zoekertje, gelieve dan een e-mail te sturen naar zoekertje@immoweb.be of via de knop “meldt een vergissing” naast het zoekertje zodat het Immoweb team hier ‘per direct’ kan op inspelen, de echtheid kan nagaan en verwijderen uit onze database zodat andere mensen er geen hinder meer van ondervinden.

      Wij danken U voor uw vertrouwen in Immoweb.



  29. Beste allen,

    Op deze website heb ik meerdere e-mails gelezen, die precies een kopie zijn van de e-mails die ik heb ontvangen. In mijn geval heet hij Jan Veldhuijzen.

    Het ging om een appartement aan de Rue de Rouleau 7, Brussel. Mijn mailcontact met hem heeft vandaag (12 mei 2012) plaatsgevonden. Ik had argwaan omdat hij maar in het Engels bleef communiceren, terwijl hij een Vlaamse naam heeft en ik aangaf dat we ook in het Nederlands konden communiceren. Verder kreeg ik argwaan, omdat de prijs te laag was en omdat hij dus ook via UPS de regeling wilde treffen.

    Ik vertrouwde het niet helemaal en begon te googlen. Ik was ook van plan om UPS maandag te benaderen, want ik ben toch wel benieuwd of dit soort services door hen wordt aangeboden, Ik ben heel blij dat ik deze website tegen ben gekomen. Inmiddels heb ik deze oplichter gemeld bij http://www.ecops.be

    Zie hieronder zijn reacties.


    I am Jan Veldhuijzen and I just received an email of interest in my apartment . I am an Belgian researcher working for a pharmaceutical company . I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Belgium.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. I must tell you from the beginning that I do not have a problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisement.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 620 Eur (for the entire apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 2 months.
    About myself, as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London.
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.
    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship. I hope that you can send me some personal information about yourself.

    Best regards
    Jan Veldhuijzen

    Hello ,

    Thanks for your reply,
    That sounds great !
    I must let you know that I can rent the property for maximum 3 years. The minimum period is 2 months, but I’d rather like to rent it for a long term. You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems .Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 1 month of rent will be 620 euro and i want aslo one month guarantee deposit 620 euro ( the guarantee deposit 620 euro you will receive back when you leave the apartment ), with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money .

    Of course you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details . I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs. The delivery for the keys and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made with UPS to make sure that we can trust each other.
    I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please e-mail me as soon as you read this message because I really need to take care of this matter.

    Jan Veldhuijzen

    If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact company UPS to provide all necessary information so they can begin the process immediately. We need full name, address, telephone number and if you have a copy of this ID. You will receive a notification from UPS company shortly thereafter, with all the instructions to follow and the invoice as well.
    As regards payment, will be instructed to deposit money, first payment a month’s rent in advance + 1 one month warranty (EUR 1240) to an account of the company UPS. I need to pay in advance at the company UPS because I’m tired of people who are just looking around and not serious about hiring. UPS The Company will hold and secure the money until you check the apartment and decide if you want to take it or not. This is how their policy works buyer protection. As for me myself, I’ll be glad to know that company UPS has possession of money during the delivery. This is my insurance. Once the funds were deposited into their account, they will begin shipping process. The keys and rental contract will be delivered to your address in not more than 2 days. You will be given control over three days from the day you receive the keys and contract at home. If you decide to keep the apartment, then you will need to authorize the company UPS to release the funds for me and the transaction will be completed. If you are not satisfied with the apartment, you can send the keys and the contract and company UPS will return the funds to your same day.
    Although I am sure you will love the apartment, it is good to know that you have this second option available. If you want to continue renting the apartment, please tell me your name and full address so I can start business immediately through the company UPS.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. In Gent ook al? Ai ai. Als ik bovenstaand overzicht bekijk dan valt op dat men vaak hetzelfde adres opgeeft. Dat van de Verlatstraat in Antwerpen bijvoorbeeld. Maar zoek je dan even in Google, dan zijn er artikels over een brand op dat adres. Louche zaken.

      Wat die coolness betreft laat ik volledig aan u over. Misschien minder sleutelgatloeren? ;)

  30. Eigenaardig, dat er wel een pand te huur stond, onlangs, in de Verlatstraat. Ik vraag me af, of de scammer bestaande zoekertjes en identiteiten (van reacties?) gebruikt als basis, voor het opzetten van valse zoekertjes.

  31. Ben ook een luxeappartement, in Gent dichtbij ’t Zuid, tegengekomen op immoweb.be, zeer verdacht allemaal maar tegelijkertijd zeer aanlokkelijk. Kreeg hetzelfde verhaal te horen na ‘de verhuurder’ te contacteren, dit keer van een vrouw. Immoweb of de oplicht(s)ter hebben het wel onmiddellijk na onze mail verwijderd hoewel we het niet aangegeven hadden. Ik vermoed dat immoweb er wel degelijk iets aan doet dus.

  32. Via immoweb: Studio voor €250 + €250 waarborg in de Aalmoezenierstraat 1, Antwerpen. De eigenaar is Peter Shawn, een dokter uit Bristol en hij gaat alles via Euro Rent LTD regelen. Ik heb het uiteraard links laten liggen. het zoekertje werd dezelfde dag nog verwijderd.

    1. Beste Matthias, Wim,

      Ons customer care team analyseert dagelijks nieuwe meldingen van surfers en gaat na of een zoekertje al dan niet frauduleus is. In het laatste geval wordt het zoekertje meteen verwijderd en proberen we op alle mogelijke manieren te voorkomen dat hij/zij een tweede, derde, … zoekertje kan plaatsen, al gaan sommige criminelen helaas bijzonder ingenieus te werk.

      Bij de minste twijfel, kan er altijd een e-mail worden gestuurd naar zoekertje@immoweb.be of via de knop “meldt een vergissing” naast het zoekertje zodat we hier ‘per direct’ op kunnen inspelen, de echtheid kan nagaan en verwijderen uit onze database zodat andere mensen er geen hinder meer van ondervinden.

  33. Ik heb twee van die mails gekregen. De tweede mail kreeg ik NADAT ik een mail had gestuurd waarin ik duidelijk zei dat ik oplichting vermoedde en immoweb zou inlichten. Dus blijkbaar lezen ze de reacties amper of slaan ze er geen acht op.


    Thank you for your interest.
    As you can see I have available the apartment located in Rue Bosquet 12, 1050 Bruxelles-Quartier Louise, with 2 bedroom 1 living room, 1 bathroom and terace because I moved with my job in Italy, Rome and I need money to pay the rent here.I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Bruxelles with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it.I would be happy to rent it to somebody who likes keeping it clean and tidy.I can rent you the flat for 6 years, and, if after the six years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract.I can also rent it for short periods.The rent for 1 month is 520 € including all utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spot, air conditioning, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine).You can use my furniture, or you can use your own.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs).You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m the only person who have the keys but I hope that we will find a compromise.
    Modern apartment near Place Stephanie with spacious living room +/- 30m2 with large bedroom. En suite bathroom with large bath. Separate and equipped kitchen. High ceilings and large window so very light. Separate room with large fitted sliding cupboards that can also be used as a baby’s bedroom or study. Possibility of parking in the building. Large cave for storage. Small terrace facing south. Very near shops (beggining of Av Louise) and just next to the metro Hotel de Monnaie.
    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Good luck

    Hi again,
    Thanks again for your reply. Before all I want to tell you that if you are ready to proceed with this transaction I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can bring it to an end. You will only have to deposit to Express Currier Service 1 month of rent (590 EUR), so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract.
    Like I said, I will pay for a 2 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work.
    1 – To start this transaction I will need to know your full shipping coordinates and I am referring to your full name and full shipping address where you want to receive the package and tel number.How Many Months are you willing to rent the apartment?
    2 – I will go to the Express Currier Office here in the Rome and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
    3 – Express Currier will check the envelope to see if everything it’s OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
    4 – Express Currier will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they’ve checked it. Express Currier will give you further instructions about the 1 month deposit!
    5 – After you receive the package, you will go and check the apt and in 2 working days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not. If all is in order, you will instruct Express Currier to give me the money for the rent. Further rents will be sent directly to my bank account who will be provided into the contract. If you don `t like the apt they will give you a full refund and you will give them back the keys and the contract.
    I will pay the Express Currier Service for the shipping of the keys and the contract.
    Thanks for understanding, but at this point just let me know if we can do this, so email me all your full shipping information in order for us to proceed in this deal.

    Good luck,

    PS Please read all the info and tell me if it’s clear to you, or if I can help you with other explications..

    1. Beste Sophie,

      Heb je Immoweb reeds ingelicht of is het zoekertje door de plaatser reeds verwijderd. Als het nog steeds online staat, kan je ons dan het nummer van het vastgoed bezorgen per e-mail naar cva@immoweb.be zodat we het nodige kunnen doen?


  34. Net het zelfde gehad op immoweb. Appartement in Antwerpen met 2 slaapkamers voor 550 euro, ziet er allemaal mooi uit. De persoon mailt mij terug als een neuroloog in Bristol. Maar heel zijn mail staat vol met spelfouten, naar verder onderzoek hebben wij hem ook niet gevonden op de site waar hij zogezegd zou werken.

    Hier de mail:


    I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Schaliënstraat 26, 2000 – Anvers, Belgium . The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Belgium, but now he’s back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 550 Euro per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 550 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building him life here and now he will go with him wife in Portugal to make them bussines, and about me I am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Peter Erin Shawn and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Peter Erin Shawn

    P.S: Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.

    1. Hi,

      I had the same ”email” from a Peter Shawn. Very shady story , full of grammatical mistakes. I know doctors usually don’t have a good caligraphy but they normally don’t write like rappers.

  35. Beste Alan,

    Bedankt voor het melden van dit dubieuze zoekertje, we stellen dit ten zeerste op prijs. Er werd ons deze ochtend reeds eenzelfde melding gedaan over hetzelfde zoekertje, al lazen we uw mail nu pas daar deze in de spam folder was terechtgekomen. De gevraagde prijs strookt alleszins niet met de weergegeven informatie en gezien het wederom om een Engelstalige mail ging met verblijfplaats in Engeland wisten we meteen dat het om een oplichter ging. Het zoekertje werd dan ook deze voormiddag verwijderd en het gebruikte e-mailadres werd geblokkeerd zodat hij/zij geen nieuwe zoekertjes meer kan aanmaken.

    De laatste weken melden Immoweb gebruikers geregeld ‘vreemde’ zoekertjes, zeer vaak antwoord de verkoper/verhuurder in het Engels en komt hij/zij uit Engeland. Helaas is het zeer moeilijk om alle fraude tegen te houden, doch proberen we dagelijks zoveel mogelijk ‘dubieuze’ zoekertjes te controleren en te verwijderen.

    Als u in de toekomst nog verdere vragen/opmerkingen/suggesties zou hebben, aarzel zeker niet om een mail te sturen naar cva@immoweb.be, dan gaan we er meteen achteraan om u zo snel mogelijk van een gepast antwoord te voorzien.


  36. Net dezelfde mail gehad voor een appartement in Gent:


    My name is David Urban and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Kouter 76, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 430 euro for the entire apartment including: electricity, Internet, cable tv, etc….heating will be pay by you depend of consumption. The security deposit is 500 euro and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). I can rent you the flat for 5 years, and if after the five years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract. I can also rent it for short periods (5 months minimum)
    About myself, I am 37 years and I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


  37. Beste Sophie,

    Beschik je over het referentienummer van het zoekertje of klikte je reeds op “meldt een vergissing”? Als je nog niets hebt ondernomen, willen we je vriendelijk verzoeken om een e-mail te sturen naar cva@immoweb.be zodat we de nodige stappen kunnen ondernemen om dit zoekertje en de plaatser te blokkeren zodat hij/zij in de toekomst geen nieuwe zoekertjes meer kan aanmaken.


  38. Ik heb hetzelfde voorgehad:


    I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Nassaustraat 11, 2000 Antwerpen , Belgium . The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Belgium, but now he’s back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 520 Euro per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 520 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building him life here and now he will go with him wife in Portugal to make them bussines, and about me I am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Peter Shawn and I’m a 61 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Peter Shawn

    P.S: Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.

  39. Wat me wel opvalt, is dat al deze appartementen altijd wel een vaatwasser, koelkast, internet e/o kabel TV meegeleverd krijgen. Ik denk dat ze nog niet goed weten, hoe het hier in Belgie in elkaar zit rond internet en kabel ;)

    1. In de beschrijving staat ook vaak dat het om een “marble” badkamer gaat. Zo zullen er wel niet veel zijn. Misschien kan men daar al op filteren?

  40. hallo allemaal

    vandaag net antwoord gekregen van azo ne pipo…

    voor een appartement te brussel: 320 euro en mag er huisdieren houden ook, op ne studio van ne scheet groot….

    dokter in bristol zogezegd… ondertussen zoekertje verwijderd….

    opletten allemaal!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Ja ook dit http://www.immoweb.be/nl/Rent.Estate.cfm?IdBien=3710110&xgallery=gallery&xpage=1 is een oplichter

      Minguez Jean [mtmaregvzym@hotmail.com]


      Thank you for your interest.
      As you can see I have available the apartment located in Noendries 41, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedroom 1 living room and 1 bathroom because I moved with my job in Italy, Rome and I need money to pay the rent here.I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Gent with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it.I would be happy to rent it to somebody who likes keeping it clean and tidy.I can rent you the flat for 6 years, and, if after the six years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract.I can also rent it for short periods.The rent for 1 month is 425 € including all utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spot, air conditioning, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine).You can use my furniture, or you can use your own.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs).You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m the only person who have the keys but I hope that we will find a compromise.
      Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
      Good luck

      Ready apartment within walking distance of University Hospital, fantastic connectivity with E17/E40/R4 and the city of Ghent, in a quiet residential area. Apartment consists of: Entrance hall / living room with natural light / south facing terrace, fully equipped kitchen (sink, electric stove, oven, refrigerator, hood, jack Fri dishwasher), 2 bedrooms (north), separate toilet, laundry room, bathroom.

  41. Deze week net hetzelfde verhaal tegen gekomen. Ik zag een mooi appartement te huur in Gent tegen een strakke prijs op immoweb. Direct contact opgenomen met de eigenaar en kreeg na enkele dagen een mail van een man uit London in mijn mailbox. (zo goed als letterlijk dezelfde mail zoals andere mensen kregen)

    Ik wist van heel deze oplichterijen nog niks en ben beginnen mailen met de man. Hij stelde ook voor om de sleutels op te sturen naar België via een international cargo. Ik vertrouwde dit zaakje niet en heb hem voorgesteld om met een Belgisch Immokantoor te werken als tussenpersoon.. Sindsdien niks meer van hem gehoord. Deze middag zag ik op het nieuws wat er allemaal aan de hand was en ben ik zo ook op deze site terecht gekomen..

    Het valt mij op dat bovenvermelde appartementen in Gent wel regelmatig terug keren op immoweb.. Allemaal oplichterij? Amai!

    Hierbij de mails die ik kreeg:


    My name is Phillip Kendall and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Martelaarslaan 534, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including: electricity, Internet, cable tv….heating will be pay by you depend of consumption. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your reply,

    That sounds great !

    You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. The matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 1 month of rent will be 450 euro but in the first month you must to deposit 950 euro, 1 month of rent plus 500 euro for security deposit payment which is refundable while packing without any lost or damage of my properties. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account.
    Of course you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot rent an apartment that you haven’t seen. I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs.
    The delivery for the keys and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made through an authorized courier and using a International Cargo is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please email me as soon as you read this message because I really need to take care of this matter.

    The apartment is like in the pictures!


    Best Regards,

  42. Beste Anne, Leen, Melissa,

    De laatste weken duiken er nu en dan gevallen van phishing op. Phishing is een vorm van internetfraude waarbij mensen wordt gevraagd in te loggen op een website identiek aan de Immoweb website met hun gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord waarbij de fraudeur vervolgens (Peter Eric Shawn of iemand die deze naam misbruikt voor malafide doeleinden) de prijs van een pand kan verlagen (bijvoorbeeld van € 700 naar €450). Mensen die hierop ingaan krijgen dan zoals reeds enkele keren op dit blog gepubliceerd, een Engelstalige e-mail toegestuurd. Van zodra we zulke zaken ontdekken, wordt de account tijdelijk geblokkeerd, het phishing e-mail adres op een zwarte lijst gezet en nemen we telefonisch contact op met de echte verhuurder/verkoper en kiezen we samen een krachtig wachtwoord om te voorkomen dat zijn/haar account weer ten prooi kan vallen. Momenteel zijn we bezig aan een concreet actieplan om alle fraude buiten de deur te houden.


  43. Woensdag 13 Juni een mail terug ontvangen van jaja Peter Shawn ivm een appartement voor 350 euro in Brugge. Ondertussen is het zoekertje van immoweb verwijderd.

    Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:20:17 +0300
    Subject: Re: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur
    From: per.shawn49@gmail.com

    I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Mallebergplaats 9, 8000 Brugge. The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Belgium, but now he’s back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like hed and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, ow many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equippdishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 350 Euro per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 350 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building him life here and now he will go with him wife in Portugal to make them bussines, and about me I am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Peter Shawn and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Peter Shawn

    P.S: Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.

    2012/6/10 immoweb

    De 1e vastgoedsite van België, 134664 zoekertjes in België, 68558 zoekertjes in het buitenland, 1591285 foto’s.
    Beste adverteerder, een bezoeker wenst meer info over Uw… Appartement TE HUUR N°3736087

  44. In Antwerpen heeft de oplichter een nieuwe naam. Het ging over een appartement in de Kronenburgstraat nr 114. Zoekertje stond op Zimmo.be en http://www.entreparticuliers.be. Van beide sites is het verdwenen.
    Hij gebruikt nu de naam Ted Baumax. Voor de sleutels gebruikt hij een immo kantoor Foxton Rentals.
    Op hun email voor de transactie stond ook een heel ander adres :

    Package Details:

    Apartment keys and rental agreement.
    All documents were verified by the Rent.com agents.
    Apartment location Rue de la Croix de Fer – 1000 Bruxelles – Belgium

    terwijl het zogezegd over een apartement in Antwerpen ging.

    Zijn gegevens :

    First name: Ted
    Last name: Baumax
    Address : 160 Southampton Way
    City/State: London
    Postal Code: SE5 7EW
    Country : United Kingdom

    Ik heb een klacht neergelegd via ECops.

  45. OPLICHTING op immoweb: Appartement Nassaustraat 14 – 2000 Antwerpen! Appartement TE HUUR N°3783673
    Email adres van de oplichter: aa2012nn@gmail.com



    Nassaustraatè14/5v 2000, Antwerp
    see the map below. (attached folder)

    Thank you for your interest. I am looking for someone to rent it as soon as possible, because I recently divorced and I’ve moved back to my country in London, UK . I am currently located in London so the renting period is unlimited, it means you can stay in the apartment as long as you wish, there is no minimum or maximum period required. The apartment looks exactly like in the pictures, it’s very clean and also full furnished and equipped with everything you need, you don’t have to bring anything. The rent for 1 month is listed in the ad, available for the whole apartment including all utilities. You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. Pets are allowed too (not recomended).

    I will look forward to hear from you. Best Regards!

    MAIL 2:

    The apartment is still available, as I said I’m already in London UK and there is only one method we can make the deal right now. The total price you must pay right now will be 400 plus 400 security deposit, with no extra fees . You will send me the money every month here in uk if that’s ok with you. The apartment is ready , all you need is to receive the keys and the contract to review and sign it and you can move in right away.
    We will use a shipping/escrow Real Estate Agency called Trulia for the safety of both parts, it’s a very well known and safe Agency all over Europe.

    Let me explain you how the transaction will go step by step: first, I will go to them with the keys to start the shipping , after that you will be notified by them that the transaction has been initiated and they will send you all the instructions on how to complete the payment to their escrow agent. After they will have the confirmation of payment from you, they will deliver the package to your address and you will have to check the apartment to be sure that you like it .

    So after you will see it if everything is as you expected so you must contact them to release me the money and we’re done . If everything sounds good for you please send me your full name and address and your phone number so we can start the procedure asap. You will receive the keys in maximum 3-4 working days .

    Go to http://www.trulia-imb.co.uk to see and check the agency.
    Thank you!

    MAIL 3: Mijn antwoord + info die ik opvroeg bij Trulia (de organisatie waar hij mee zou samenwerken)

    I’m really interested in the apartment, but sending 800 euro to someone i dont know, makes me cautious. I looked up trulia and asked them for some info. See mail from trulia below.

    Looking forward for your reply.


    Van: Trulia Help Center [helpcenter@trulia.com]

    Thank you for contacting Trulia. We are a real estate search engine and do not participate in the transaction between renter and landlord. However, situations involving wire transfers and landlords that cannot meet you in person are red flags for scams and we encourage users to be cautious.

    Based on the email sent to you by the ‘landlord’, it is very likely that this is a scam. It is recommended that you do not send any money to this person. Please respond to this email with the listing address for the rental that you are inquiring about so that we can remove this listing from the site.

    MAIL 4: De reactie van oplichter

    I don’t know what to say….
    Trulia is 2-3 maybe 4 blocks away from my house.
    They deal with this kind of stuff.
    So I talked with them and they told me the steps

    you send the delivery address, copy of id, they send a contract (European legit) you read, agree, yes or no. and send the first month plus security. You get the keys in one or or maybe 3 days, I don’t know exactly , you visit, you decide, you email them back with your decision, the money comes to me, a small fee to trulia, you are the new (owner), the house is all yours until next month :) or if you want to pay in advance, that’s OK.
    If you don’t want to take it, just email them and the will refund the money, i’ll still pay a small fee to them but… that’s life, oh, and you send the keys back to my address.

    Dit Klopt duidelijk niet!

  46. Yep, heb hetzelfde meegemaakt vandaag voor een appartement in Luik (300 euro voor een prachtige verdieping van 75 m2). Kreeg exact zo’n mail in het Engels, vond het een raar verhaal, heb wat rondgekeken op internet en ja dus: een oplichter.

    Dit is de eerste mail die ik vandaag kreeg nav een advertentie op immoweb.be voor een appartement in Luik:


    Thanks for your interest, i bought this apartment for my son during he’s studies , but now he’s back home in London UK permanently, so i’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further i would like to know something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, what is your job , how old are you and for how long you will stay . The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 300 Eur per month and i believe it is convenient for both of us. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 300 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 1 month notice ). You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. I’m a Neuro-Oncology doctor from London – United Kingdom . I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from here fast and easy . I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks

    Dit was de tweede mail:

    Hello ,
    Thank you for your reply but the thing is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you must pay on the first month of rent will be 300 EUR + 300 EUR security deposit ( 600 EUR ), with no extra fees . I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. So i have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well . The solution is provided by a rental company called Trulia which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address and telephone number. I will also need to know the rental period and the day you want to move in so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no costs for you. Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can make the deal as I explained it now, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.

    I am waiting for your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you.

    Ondertekend: Justin Bushby

  47. Beste,

    Ik had een vraag ivm uw artikel: https://aardling.com/oplichters-immoweb-fraude/

    Wij hebben iets gelijkaardigs voor met exact dezelfde voorbeelden als in uw artikel.

    Nu was mijn vraag wij hebben op de eerste reactie geantwoord, waar onze namen instaan en gsm nummer en natuurlijk het e-mail adres. Moeten wij nu iets speciaals doen voor eventuele fraude te vermijden of volstaat het om gewoon verdere communicatie te negeren?

    Of moeten wij contact op nemen met een polite instantie ?

    Graag uw advies.



  48. Ook ik heb juist hetzelfde meegemaakt en vond het van het begin al behoorlijk louche. Het ging over een appartement in het centrum van Gent. Ene Gert Mulder zou dit verhuren. Ondertussen werd het zoekertje al van immoweb gehaald.
    Hieronder de mails… Zeer vergelijkbaar met alle mails hierboven.

    MAIL 1:

    Thank you for your interest.As you can see I have available the apartment located in Keizer Karelstraat 65, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom because I moved with my job in United Kingdom, London and I need money to pay the rent here.I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it.I would be happy to rent it to somebody who likes keeping it clean and tidy.I can rent you the flat for 5 years, and, if after the five years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract.I can also rent it for short periods (2 months minimum).The rent for 1 month is 550EUR including all utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spot, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine).You can use my furniture, or you can use your own.You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I `m the only person who have the keys but I hope that we will find a compromise.
    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Good luck,

    MAIL 2:


    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in London already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 550EUR, with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.
    Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called TNT which is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the TNT website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained: http://www.tnt.com/express/en_gb/site/home/services/express_delivery.html
    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one.

    Ik zet mijn zoektocht naar een niet-frauduleus appartement alvast verder…

  49. From: Gert Mulder
    Sent: 7/16/2012 1:51:14 PM
    Subject: RE: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur

    Thank you for your interest.As you can see I have available the apartment located in Keizer Karelstraat 65, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom because I moved with my job in United Kingdom, London and I need money to pay the rent here.I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it.I would be happy to rent it to somebody who likes keeping it clean and tidy.I can rent you the flat for 5 years, and, if after the five years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract.I can also rent it for short periods (2 months minimum).The rent for 1 month is 550EUR including all utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spot, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine).You can use my furniture, or you can use your own.You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I `m the only person who have the keys but I hope that we will find a compromise.
    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Good luck,

  50. Beste Hilde en alle anderen,

    Indien u twijfelt over de echtheid van een Immoweb zoekertje raden we u aan om op de link “Meldt een vergissing” rechts naast het zoekertje te klikken, dan wordt dit zoekertje meteen gemeldt aan ons customer care team en gaan ze de echtheid na. Of u kan ook steeds een e-mail sturen naar cva@immoweb.be; een bericht plaatsen op onze Facebook pagina (http://www.facebook.com/Immmoweb) of ons benaderen via één van onze twee Twitter accounts (http://www.twitter.com/Immoweb voor de Nederlandstaligen of http://www.twitter.com/Immoweb_fr voor de Franstaligen).

    Gelieve wel steeds het referentienummer van het zoekertje erbij te vermelden zodat we per direct de echtheid kunnen nagaan en indien nodig het zoekertje per direct kunnen verwijderen zodat andere Immoweb gebruikers zich niet in de maling laten nemen.

    Begin deze maand rolden we een aantal verbeteringen door waardoor gevallen van phishing of identiteitsdiefstal (een hacker die het wachtwoord kraakt), en dergelijke meer tot een strikt minimum wordt herleidt. Helaas is het quasi onmogelijk om Immoweb 100% te vrijwaren voor mensen met slechte bedoelingen, doch doen we dagelijks onze uiterste best om alles zo correct mogelijk te laten verlopen zodat onze bezoekers niet de minste hinder kunnen ervaren.


  51. Beste,

    Ik heb 3 jaar geleden reeds hetzelfde meegemaakt op immoweb, en nu opnieuw hetzelfde. Ik stuurde de volgende 2 mails naar immoweb.

    mail 1

    Bij deze wens ik een verdacht zoekertje te melden.
    Ik vermoed een fraude gezien ik dit in het verleden nogmaals heb meegemaakt op deze site.
    Het gaat om zoekertje 3854678.
    Redenen waarom ik fraude vermoed:
    1) prijs is abnormaal laag;
    2) verhuurder geeft geen mail of gsm;
    3) tekst is overgenomen van de volgende advertentie die een koop advertentie is:
    http://immo.vlan.be/nl/Detail/Appartement/te-koop/2800/Mechelen/(RAB37480), met uitzondering van een klein stuk tekst dat weggelaten is, waar dan opnieuw opvalt dat de vervoeging naar meervoud foutief is.
    4) Op 1 van de foto’s in bijlage is het raamkozijn zwart aluminium daar waar het betreffende pand (terug te vinden op googlemaps) enkel witte ramen heeft.
    Graag een reactie van jullie op deze mail.

    mail 2:


    De fraude die ik 3 jaar geleden meemaakte(die eveneens in mechelen was) ging als volgt tewerk:
    Na contact met de zogenaamde verhuurder kreeg ik de melding van de zogenaamde verhuurder dat hij in het buitenland was.
    Als ik toch het pand in kwestie wilde huren diende ik 2 maand waarborg over te maken waarna ik de sleutels zou krijgen die ik zogenaamd bij iemand in Mechelen zou kunnen gaan ophalen. (uiteraard ben ik hier niet op ingegaan)
    Indien jullie je er ook van kunnen vergewissen dat het opnieuw om dezelfde soort van fraude gaat denk ik dat het ter beveiliging van jullie site nuttig zou zijn een melding te maken op https://www.ecops.be/webforms/Default.aspx om zulks een praktijken die waarschijnlijk door dezelfde persoon worden uitgevoerd in de toekomst te vermijden.

    Na het lezen van deze site lijkt het probleem me inderdaad groter dan gedacht. Rekening houdende met het feit dat immoweb toch geld vraagt voor het plaatsen van een zoekertje lijkt het me toch een minimale dienstverlening dat ze de zoekertjes ook zouden nalezen en op deze wijze zouden screenen. Dit lijkt mij DE manier te zijn voor hun om zich te onderscheiden van de vele andere immowebsites!

  52. Ongelooflijk!
    Het zoekertje waarover sprake in vorige reactie hier werd deze namiddag offline gehaald, maar staat nu reeds weer online met een ander advertentienummer zijnde 3856204.
    Ik begin mij toch wel echt vragen te stellen bij de professionaliteit van immoweb!

  53. Hi,

    My name is Donald Attwood and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Stoofstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.

    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including: electricity, Internet, cable tv…..heating will be pay by you depend of consumption. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


    Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:52:58 +0200
    From: info@immoweb.be
    To: donald5attwood@hotmail.com
    Subject: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur

    De 1e vastgoedsite van België, 134531 zoekertjes in België, 86695 zoekertjes in het buitenland, 1779390 foto’s.

    Beste adverteerder, een bezoeker wenst meer info over Uw… Appartement TE HUUR N°3857768

    450 EUR
    2000 Antwerpen
    Stoofstraat 2
    Uw referentie : 0

    Deze bezoeker wil graag bijkomende info :

    Opmerking van de surfer :

    Ik ben uw zoekertje tegengekomen op Immoweb en het interesseert mij. Wanneer zou ik dit kunnen bezichtigen?

    Alvast bedankt voor uw reactie,

    Met vriendelijke groeten,

  54. Beste Nele, Alex en Jill,

    Ook tijdens het weekend proberen we Immoweb zoveel mogelijk te vrijwaren van onjuiste zoekertjes. Begin vorige maand rolden we een aantal verbeteringen uit waardoor gevallen van phishing of identiteitsdiefstal (een hacker die het wachtwoord kraakt), en dergelijke meer tot een strikt minimum wordt herleidt. Eind deze maand rollen we de tweede fase waardoor het publiceren van mogelijk malafide informatie wordt bemoeilijkt. Helaas is het quasi onmogelijk om Immoweb 100% te vrijwaren voor mensen met slechte bedoelingen, doch doen we dagelijks onze uiterste best om alles zo correct mogelijk te laten verlopen zodat onze bezoekers niet de minste hinder kunnen ervaren.

    Indien u twijfelt over de echtheid van een Immoweb zoekertje raden we u aan om op de link “Meldt een vergissing” rechts naast het zoekertje te klikken, dan wordt dit zoekertje meteen gemeldt aan ons customer care team en gaan ze de echtheid na. In het weekend is het steeds mogelijk dat het enkele uren duurt voor het zoekertje effectief verwijderd is, doch doen we onze uiterste best. U kan ook steeds een e-mail sturen naar cva@immoweb.be; een bericht plaatsen op onze Facebook pagina (http://www.facebook.com/Immmoweb) of ons benaderen via één van onze twee Twitter accounts (http://www.twitter.com/Immoweb voor de Nederlandstaligen of http://www.twitter.com/Immoweb_fr voor de Franstaligen).

    Gelieve wel steeds het referentienummer van het zoekertje erbij te vermelden zodat we per direct de echtheid kunnen nagaan en indien nodig het zoekertje per direct kunnen verwijderen zodat andere Immoweb gebruikers zich niet in de maling laten nemen.


  55. En kijk eens wat ik nou toevallig binnen kreeg ;)


    My name is Donald Attwood and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Stoofstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including: electricity, Internet, cable tv…..heating will be pay by you depend of consumption. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


    Waarop na mijn antwoord dit volgde:

    Dear Laura,

    Thanks for your reply,

    That sounds great !

    You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. The thing is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 1 month of rent will be 450 euro but in the first month you must to deposit 900 euro, 1 month of rent plus 450 euro for security deposit payment which is refundable while packing without any lost or damage of my properties. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called Trulia which is similar to FedEx or UPS , Escrow … etc, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address and telephone number. I will also need to know the rental period and the day you want to move in so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra costs for you. Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can make the deal as I explained it now, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.

    PS: This is the pictures of the apartment:


    I am waiting for your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you.

    Exact hetzelfde dus als voorgaande meldingen!

    Ik heb weer geantwoord. Ook al weet ik dus dat dit er achter zit. Kijken of ik nu een gedetailleerder antwoord krijg op mijn vragen..

    Groetjes, Laura

  56. Beste laura,

    Kan je ons laten weten om welk referentienummer het gaat AUB zodat we meteen actie kunnen ondernemen of heb je reeds op “Meldt een vergissing” geklikt?

    Vriendelijke groeten,


    1. De advertentie was alweer verwijderd.. ;)

      Al voor ik zijn eerste antwoord kreeg, dus vandaar..

      Groeten, Laura

  57. Opgelet! Onze oplichter wordt slimmer.
    Stoofstraat 2 staat wéér op het net, maar dan in het nederlands op http://www.aanbod.be


    Hij is zogezegd een erkend makelaar nu met een Vlaamse naam. En oh lala, hij heeft zelfs een kantoor!
    Hij is wel nét niet slim genoeg! :-)
    Zijn telefoonnummer begint met de landcode van Kameroen, hahaha.
    Toch hoop ik dat er geen goedgelovige zielen zijn die hierin trappen.

  58. Ikzelf ben eigenaaren dit samen met mijnman van een appartementsgebouw. Bij eens bezoek van een apprtement mag u altijd naar de authentieke eigendomsacte vragen van het appartement, zo weet men wie de eigenaar ervan is en wie het te huur stelt. Vragen stellen kost nooit geld. Er moet een vertrouwen zijn langs beide kanten. Als de potentiele huurder akkoord gaat wordt er een huurovereenkomst getekend en bij ons neemt dit wel 2 uur in beslag, om zowel de huurder als de eigenaar goed te leren kennen. Het contract moet ook goed nagelezen worden. Bij de ondertekening betaalt men de eerst maand huur in cash en de eigenaar geeft hiertegenover een bewijs van betaling. Dit zijn de zaken die men als huurder moet in he toog houden. Ik denk dat als de eigenaar een heleboel vragen stelt over de persoon zelf die zijn pand wil huren een zeer goede zaak is. De huurder mag dit bij ons hetzelfde doen. Wij vragen nooit om de eerste maand op een rekening te storten en wij willen altijd kennismaken met de eventuele huurder. Opgelet ook met het aantal m² en onvolledige aankondigingen.

  59. Nog steeds hetzelfde vandaag in Brussel met Foxtons Rentals IMB (http://foxtons-imb.co.uk en ook http://www.foxtons-rental.com en andere). De tussenleverancier zou zogezegd al een jaar of 19 bestaan, maar de websites bestaan nog maar sinds begin juli 2012. E-mailadressen zoals lisaklit.verlaan@gmail.com of Dennis Karlsson worden door de oplichters gebruikt.
    Het zoekertje zelf stond nog geen dag online bij Immoweb.be onder het nummer 3880503 voor een appartement in de Zwaluwenstraat 15 Rue des Hirondelles te 1000 Brussel.
    Dit is een kopie van de eerste e-mail die ik ontving:


    My name is Dennis Karlsson and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Rue des Hirondelles 15, 1000 Bruxelles – Belgium, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 small terrace and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the announce. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is 600 EUR for the entire apartment including: electricity, Internet, cable TV…..heating will be pay by you depend of consumption. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 3 months.
    About myself, I am 41 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in Bristol/United Kingdom, my home town. You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,

    Dennis Karlsson.

    De tweede e-mail luidde als volgt:

    Hello ,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 600 EUR + 600 EUR security deposit (1200 EUR), with no extra taxes to pay. I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called Foxtons which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postal code and telephone number. I will also need to know the rental period and the day you want to move in so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra costs for you. Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can make the deal as I explained it now, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.

    I am waiting for your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you.


    Ten slotte ontvang je een voorstel tot overschrijving:

    Thank you for choosing FOXTONS RENTALS IMB, the safest, most convenient and flexible way for on-line shipping and rental services. We are sure that our service will satisfy your needs.

    Transaction Details
    Transaction ID:
    Item Price:
    € 1200.00 Euro
    € 1200.00 Euro
    Order Description:
    Apartament keys and rental contract.

    Tracking Number: 7EF47869P9

    You can check your tracking number by accessing the following link http://foxtons-imb.co.uk/tracking.html.

    Sender information:
    Name: Dennis Karlsson
    Address: 233 Wells Road, BS4 2DF Bristol
    Country : United Kingdom

    Receiver information:

    Country : Belgium

    Apartment Keys and rental contract verified and signed by the Sender. Owner of the apartment in : Rue des Hirondelles 15, 1000 Bruxelles – Belgium. All the papers are double checked.

    -Insured Value Amount (first month rent) + Security Deposit : € 1200 EURO
    – If you decide to hold the apartment, then you will have to authorize us to release the funds to the sender, and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the apartment, you will be able to send the keys and contract back through the same service with no costs and inform us to return the funds to you.

    Payment Information:

    Payment must be sent in the next 72H using Bank Wire Transfer or direct deposit to our payment agent bank account.

    Important: If you can’t make the payment in 72H after receiving this e-mail, please contact us and ask if the bank account where you must deposit the money is still available for your transaction.

    When the payment is made, email us or or send a Fax at 0044-207-504-8019 with the transfer receipt from your bank.

    Foxtons Rentals bank account details :

    Account Name : Foxtons Rentals
    Account Number : 33807436
    IBAN : GB05-BARC-2094-4833-8074-36
    SortCode : 209448
    Bank Name : Barclays
    Bank Address : 130 George Lane. South Woodford, London E18 1AZ, United Kingdom

    Our services are available only to those who can act in their full capacity, as intended and desired by EU Law (Civil Code art. 2),
    that is the capacity to conclude contracts and sales.


    FOXTONS RENTALS IMB is the solution for your problems. FOXTONS RENTALS IMB specialises in providing Letting and Management Services for high quality residential houses and flats.

    FOXTONS RENTALS IMB. All rights reserved.© 2012

    1. Beste Bart,

      Opgelet met het posten van deze tracking numbers, daar men zo makkelijk(er) aan identiteitsfraude kan doen. Vanaf het moment dat ’t nummer ingegeven worden, krijg je een resem van prive-data…



  60. Lezers,

    Helaas ben ik er in getuimeld en ben een hoop geld lichter.

    Scammer van dienst; “Marie Medunova” Tsjechische in Liverpool.

    Ondertussen verder gezocht naar een appartement in Brussel en opnieuw eentje gevonden. Deze keer Dhr. “Robert Gerard”, Brit uit Londen aan de andere kant; deze keer met de Door2Door scam.

    Adressen : Kruidtuinlaand 38 en Generaal Gartrystraat 27 te Brussel.

    Beiden worden uitgeprint en woensdag netjes overgedragen aan de politie.

    Mocht iemand een betaalbaar (800euro) tweeslaapkamerappartement in Brussel weten, stuur zeker een berichtje!

    Vriendelijke groet,

    Matthias Van Steen

  61. I also found an apartment with a not – so – realistic renting price so i contacted the owner and guess what? He’s a doctor in Bristol, he’s too busy to leave the country so there is this company called Savilles Rentals and we can make the transactions over that company’s services. The mail I got:


    I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Archimedesstraat 93, 1000 Bruxelles – Belgium. The apartment have: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Belgium, but now he’s back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 320 EUR per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 320 EUR, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building his life and now he will go with his wife in Portugal to make them business, and about me I am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Dr Paul Creamer and I’m a 57 years old Rheumatology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years. I have no problem if you have pets. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Dr Paul Creamer

    I even received a scan of the contract that the scammer made, and a mail very much alike the ones in other comments, the only difference was that the company name was the savills-rentals and I couldn’t reach the page over Google. So I looked up their address on maps and found out that it was The Chinese Embassy in London. Perhaps that Barclays bank should be informed.

    P.S: Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.

  62. No zo’n lokkertje zojuist ontvangen. Vond het te mooi om waar te zijn, dus maar even gaan googlen. Thanks voor de info mensen.


    Thanks for your interest, i bought this apartment for my son during he’s studies , but now he’s back home in London UK permanently, so i’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further i would like to know something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, what is your job , how old are you and for how long you will stay . The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 350 eur per month and i believe it is convenient for both of us. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 350 eur , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 1 month notice ). You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. I’m a Neuro-Oncology doctor from London – United Kingdom . I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from here fast and easy . I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks

  63. Op marktplaats.nl vandaag een zelfde soort advertentie/reactie voor een appartement in Eindhoven van Svee Germann. Vertrouwde het niet dus ben naar het adres gegaan en het bleek geen appartement maar een woonhuis waar mensen wonen die van niets wisten. Toen ik marktplaats een bericht wilde gaan sturen met de mededeling dat het niet klopte, bleek de advertentie al te zijn verwijderd en had ik al een waarschuwingsmail over de advertentie. Iemand anders was er blijkbaar ook al achter dat het niet klopte.

  64. Hallo. Wij zijn deze week ingegaan op een te huur aangeboden appartement in Nijmegen via Kamernet.Brieven en procedure zoals hierboven vermeld, de naam van deze oplichter is Andres Genevier in Londen. Als derde partij werd TNT genoemd. Gelukkig net op tijd erachter gekomen dat het om oplichterij ging. Op Kamernet wordt wel voor deze praktijken gewaarschuwd maar dan moet je echt dieper op de site zoeken. Het zou op de homepage moeten staan om iedereen alert te maken op deze praktijken!

    1. Hello, the same person is letting an appartment in Berlin. Can you give me more info how you found out it is a scam? He is sending automated answers and wants money to be sent to immoscout. How did you find out it was a scam?

  65. Hallo. Mijn zoon vertelde me een week of twee geleden ook over een appartement te huur in Gent (Vlaanderenstraat). Ik voelde meteen dat er iets niet klopte doordat de prijs zo laag was 400 euro all-in. Ik maande hem aan om voorzichtig te zijn en zeker geen geld te storten. Mijn man zocht info op en al gauw werd het duidelijk dat dit inderdaad om hetzelfde gaat waar al de mensen voor mij op reageerde. Een viertal dagen geleden reageerden mijn man en ik elk afzonderlijk op een advertentie (hetzelfde pand) voor 425 euro. Gisteren kregen we beiden exact dezelfde mail terug .

  66. sorry hier het vervolg .
    Beste adverteerder, een bezoeker wenst meer info over Uw… Appartement TE HUUR N°3921350
    425 EUR
    9000 Gent
    Wilderoosstraat 96

    Uw referentie : 0


    My name is Gordon Wendell and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Wilderoosstraat 96, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 425 euro for the entire apartment including: furniture, Internet, cable tv, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
    About myself, I am 37 years and I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


    Dit gaat inderdaad maar door en door .
    Is het raadzaam om dit te melden bij vb ecops.be of via andere instanties ? Hebben de meeste onder jullie het zo gelaten of ergens klacht ingediend ?
    Ik hoop in ieder geval dat niemand in deze praktijken loopt en zijn duur verdiende centen niet hopeloos verloren ziet gaan door deze gangsters .

    1. OMG!! ik heb juist hetzelfde email gekregen van juist het zelfde persoon en ik heb hem all mijn gegevens door gestuurd en nu wacht ik op zijn antwoord. en ondertussen heb ik op internet dat adres opgezocht en kwam ik hier terecht.. die man of wie dat ook is heeft al mijn gegevens wat moet ik n doen?? :(:(:(

  67. zelfde mail ontvangen… Ik zocht het adres op in google en het appartment stond te koop plus heb andere fotos toegestuurd gekregen


    My name is Gordon Wendell and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Wilderoosstraat 96, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much. In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other. The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is 425 euro for the entire apartment including: furniture, Internet, cable tv, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 37 years and I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town. You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,

  68. zelfde mail ontvangen….
    1 Mail


    My name is Gordon Wendell and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Wilderoosstraat 96, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 425 euro for the entire apartment including: furniture, Internet, cable tv, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
    About myself, I am 37 years and I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


    2 Mail

    Hi Frank,

    Thanks for your reply,

    The thing is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 1 month of rent will be 425 euro but in the first month you must to deposit 850 euro, 1 month of rent plus 425 euro for security deposit payment which is refundable while packing without any lost or damage of my properties. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called Trulia Real Estate which is similar to FedEx, UPS, Escrow … etc, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please email me as soon as you read this message because I really need to take care of this matter.

    The apartment is like in the pictures


    Best Regards,

  69. Nog eentje voor de collectie; het heeft me wel 3 mails gekost voor ik door had dat het over oplichterij ging. Maar beter laat dan nooit in dit geval.


    Thank you for your interest.As you can see I have available the apartment located in, Lindenhoflaan 3,3000 Leuven, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom because I moved with my job in United Kingdom, london and I need money to pay the rent here.I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it.I would be happy to rent it to somebody who likes keeping it clean and tidy.I can rent you the flat for 5 years, and, if after the five years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract.I can also rent it for short periods (2 months minimum).The rent for 1 month is 440 Euro including all utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spot ,air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine).You can use my furniture, or you can use your own.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs).
    You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I `m the only person who have the keys but I hope that we will find a compromise.
    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Good luck,

    Ik ben nog een tijdje blijven mailen om te zien wat er verder van zou komen, omdat ik eerlijk gezegd wel geïntrigeerd was. Het verliep zoals hierboven een aantal keren beschreven staat. Laatste mail was:

    I just came back from the TNT office. I already finished all the arrangements for the delivery of keys to the address you gave me in your last email. I remind you to complete and confirm the bank transfer to TNT as soon as you receive the delivery notification so we can avoid the possible extra charges for any delays. You will have the details of the TNT cashier(bank account) in the delivery notification.
    I will wait your reply as soon as you have done this.
    PS: Ckeck the e-mail in inbox or spam folder.

    Deze mail werd gevolgd door een email van tnt-delivery.tnt@instruction.com met een heel document met bankgegevens etc. Zag er relatief geloofwaardig uit, maar er was geen spoor van een klant- of verzendingsnr. Dom slordigheidje van de mannen.
    Voor de moment heb ik nog steeds contact met ‘Didier’, just for fun.

    1. Reply op mezelf: zou de persoon in kwestie niet bij de lurven gepakt kunnen worden aan de hand van een bankrekeningnummer? Ik heb anders wel een Beneficiary Bank Account Number …

      Maar waarschijnlijk niet, want dan had men dat al lang gedaan.

  70. Hello, I saw your complaints and comments but too late! I got trapped in this fraud, unfortunately… I already filed my complaint to the police, I sent e-mail to the bank security to inform them for the fraud and to the Immoweb site. But until today there is no reply from them… Now I see that this person is again doing frauds in the Immoweb, so I contacted him again to get him on the hook and try to stop this.

  71. In juli reeg ik gelijk aardige mails daar ik en mijn gezin op zoek waren naar een appartement of woning in Gent. Volgens de persoon die mij antwoordde ging het over een appartement in de Keizer Karelstraat 65, voor 550 euro, zonder kosten en 1 maand waarborg met meubels erbij. Ik ben dan ook gaan kijken met mijn man en mijn zoon, en bleek dat ze die persoon niet eens kenden en dat het appartement verhuurd werd door een immo kantoor uit Wichelen voor 850 + kosten, en dat het op dat moment verhuurd was voor zes maanden. Soortgelijke advertenties zijn ook regelmatig te vinden op zimmo.be, marktplaats.be en uiteraard immoweb.be.

    Dit waren zijn gegevens:

    Gert Mulder
    Address 44 Edgware Road,
    London, W2 1ED
    Country United Kingdom
    +44 7031857054

    En hij handelde via TNT. Deze gegevens heb ik niet meer, heb deze per ongeluk gewist.

    1. Michel Derudder
      To sultannematullah@yahoo.com


      First of all i’m sorry to write you in english but i don’t speak norwegian. I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Pilestredet Park 45, 0176 OSLO. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms and 1 kitchen.

      I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Norway, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.

      Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.

      The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 7800NOK/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Norway, so we won’t disturb you.

      You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.

      Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Michel Derudder and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.

      I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.

      The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.

      But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

      Please reply me with your email address for more pics and info.My email address is: michel.derudder11@hotmail.com

      Looking forward to hear from you soon.

      All the best from United Kingdom!

      Michel Derudder

      Department Manager in Graphic Design

      151 Palmerston Road


      N22 8QX

      United Kingdom

  72. Hier nog zo eentje… Ga ik inderdaad direct melden op immoweb.

    From: leisamickelse65@gmail.com
    To: //adres verborgen//
    Subject: Re: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur
    Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 19:43:30 +0300

    Hello again,

    Thank you for your reply but the thing is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you must pay on the first month of rent will be 300 eur + 300 eur security deposit ( 600 eur ), with no extra fees . I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. So i have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well . The solution is provided by a rental company called Trulia which is similar to FedEx or UPS , Escrow … etc, which will handle both payment and delivery of the keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address and telephone number. I will also need to know the rental period and the day you want to move in so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no costs for you. Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can make the deal as I explained it now, and consider it only an inspection and reservation. I look forward to hear from you soon .


    From: //naam verborgen//
    Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:04 PM
    To: leisamickelse65@gmail.com
    Subject: RE: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur


    I’m Susan, 23 years old (24 soon). I finished my studies as a translator Dutch-French-Spanish in june, and now I am working as a teacher in Antwerp (the reason why I want to move there). For now, I have a contract to stay untill the end of may. It is possible that it will be renewed by then, but that is not sure yet.
    So for now, I would say that I will stay untill the end of may. I would rent the apartment alone.
    I studied 5 years in Antwerp and I really enjoyed being in the city. Back then, I went by train, but I didn’t have to be there every day. Now, I also have to be there in the evenings for meetings, sometimes in the weekends, which makes it harder.
    What did your son studied in Antwerp? Could it be possible for me to visit the appartment so I can have an idea of how it looks in reality?

    If there is anything else you ‘d like to know, don’t hesitate asking me.


    From: leisamickelse65@gmail.com
    To: //adres verborgen//
    Subject: Re: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur
    Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 16:03:35 +0300


    Thanks for your interest, i bought this apartment for my son during he’s studies , but now he’s back home in London UK permanently, so i’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further i would like to know something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, what is your job , how old are you and for how long you will stay . The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 300 eur per month and i believe it is convenient for both of us. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 300 eur , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 1 month notice ). You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer.I’m a Neuro-Oncology doctor from London – United Kingdom . I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from here fast and easy . I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks

    Bedankt voor de waarschuwingen!

    1. Hallo Susan. Heel even melden dat ik je originele bericht aangepast heb om jouw privacy te beschermen. Je volledige naam en e-mail adres heb ik uit voorzorg gecensureerd om eventuele spam te voorkomen. Nog een prettig weekend.

  73. Ook het zoekertje op http://www.immoweb.be/nl/Rent.estate.cfm?idbien=3991985 voor het appartement Coupure 940, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room is oplichting. De gebruikte informatie is marcuskulawik@hotmail.com

    My name is Marcus Kulawik I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town

    Heb ook via ecops “klacht” ingediend en een reactie naar immoweb gestuurd, je weet nooit.

    Ondertussen, lang leve The_Wisdom_of_Crowds

    1. Heb hetzelfde meegemaakt ivm coupure 940: ene Frank Douven. Het zoekertje is ondertss al verwijderd.

      1. Hallo, blij dit artikel hier te lezen.

        Een tweetal weken geleden was ik op zoek naar een bemeubeld appartement in Gent om ‘snel’ te verhuizen. Zit ook al op een bedenkelijke (studio/flat) aan het Zuid waar er veel ‘fout’ is aan de studio om het zo te stellen … en het heel duur is … maar het contract en zo is ok via het bureau …

        Per toeval door ook even bij de ‘ongemeubelde’ te kijken botste ik op het appartement aan de Coupure 940 in Gent. Mooi interieur, decor, alles piekfijn, leuke prijs, onmiddellijk beschikbaar … Besloot te mailen en kreeg een nogal ‘standaardantwoord’ in het Engels van ene Frank Douven die in Londen woont en dat appartement te huur stelt omdat hij het nu niet wil verkopen. Een hele mail, leek me ok, ben nogal goedgelovig en stelde me er verder geen vragen bij, was ‘gefixeerd’ op de foto’s … Toen ik ging kijken, vond ik de ligging niet ‘je dat’ voor mij en mijn intuïtie gaf een ‘nee’ aan … Ik mailde terug om te stellen dat ik het niet nam en ik kreeg een mail terug, opnieuw in het Engels, met ‘hi’ … dat het allemaal via TNT zou geregeld worden, dus blijkbaar had hij mijn antwoord niet gelezen. Nog geen argwaan, zag het eerder als een ’teken’ dat ik het ‘moest’ nemen maar liet het voor wat het was … Had de heer Douven wel al eens gescreend en vond hem noch op Facebook, noch op Linked In … nog altijd weinig argwaan, net evenmin over zijn ‘vreemd mailadres’ … Ook was het zoekertje na mijn eerste mail direct verwijderd …

        Eergisteren (het speelde nog steeds in mijn hoofd) mailde ik hem terug om te stellen dat ik de procedure en zo wou overwegen … Hij reageerde ’s nachts en gaf de hele procedure uitvoerig op … 1000 euro (tweemaal de maandprijs) betalen via TNT, daarna kreeg ik sleutels en contract en kon dan bepalen of ik het huurde of niet … Indien niet, kreeg ik geld terug … Vond het wat omslachtig en ‘vreemd’ en kon vannacht niet slapen en kwam op deze website terecht, gelukkig, … Nu, ik mail hem nog even om het zelf allemaal te checken (heel ontgoocheld in immoweb, het feit dat het ‘oplichting’ blijkt te zijn en ik opnieuw moet zoeken en zit al krap bij kas …). Ik deed zelf nog wat meer research en botste op onderstaande link: http://www.willhaben.at/iad/immobilien/mietwohnungen/mietwohnung-angebote?PROPERTY_TYPE=3&areaId=401&fromExpiredAdId=53789893

        Het blijkt dus dat hij of hij als contactpersoon ook een huis of flat in Oostenrijk verhuurt met hetzelfde mailadres …

        Ik hoop nog steeds dat alles niet waar is maar door hier de exacte mails en woorden te lezen, het ‘patroon’, … begint alles te dagen … Een schande voor Immoweb al is het niet altijd makkelijk te traceren, toch, mits enige research wel … Ik mail Frank Douven nog een laatste ’testmail’ met vraag naar GSM- en telefoonnummer, details over het appartement, een vermoeden van oplichting en zijn woning in Oostenrijk. Dan zullen we misschien meer weten want ik check graag alles dubbel en doe graag zelf research hoe duidelijk ook de bewijzen. Ik beschuldig niemand graag valselijk …

        Nog enig advies omtrent opsporing van die man/bende, wat ik zelf kan doen om niet via mail lastig gevallent e worden of zo? En kent iemand eventueel een pagina of site met leuke, gezellige en deftige (comfort en mag ‘all in’zijn, liefst geen businessflats) gemeubelde studio’s/appartementen in Gent tegen een schappelijke prijs?

        Hartelijk dank als dit oplichting zou zijn, want dit kan ik helemaal missen!!!

        Hieronder nog zijn ‘laatste mail’ …


        I want to inform you that TNT will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don’t like it, you only have to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.

        I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to TNT Service 2 months of rent – ( 500EUR + 500EUR = 1000EUR ) – so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract.No deposit required.

        Like I said, I will pay for a 3 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:

        1 – To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .

        2 – I go to the TNT Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.

        3 – TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.

        4 – TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.

        5 – At this point you will have to go to your Bank Location and make a money transfer to the bank account of TNT Representative for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is 1000EUR.

        6 – After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to TNT.

        7 – TNT will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .

        8 – After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 3 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not, if everything is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me.

        If you don’t like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense.

        I will pay TNT Service for the shipping.

        Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the TNT delivery.

        Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.

        1. Ondertussen ben ik naar het adres zelf geweest. Daar aangebeld. Op de postbus staat een andere naam van een persoon die daarvoor woonde. Flat zou enkele weken terug verkocht zijn en de nieuwe eigenaars moeten er nog intrekken vertelden de overburen. Ze had al gelijkaardige verhalen gehoord en zo was ik helemaal zeker en verzond enkel een mail om te stellen dat ik het niet meer wilde huren omwille van verschillende redenen …

  74. Net bijna opgelicht, maar zijn Engelse brief had te veel fouten in vergelijking met de eerste brief dat ik kreeg van Dhr. Karlsson. Deze keer was hij net verhuisd trg naar Bristol.

    Ik ga van de week naar de politie in ik zal een klacht indienen tegen immoweb en tegen deze heer.

    Dus mensen geen appartement op de Lange Nieuwstraat 16 in Antwerpen. Het is een gigantisch oplichter!


    1. Haii

      Wat erg als ik u reactie lees dat wij het precies over dezelfde woning hebben. Ik blijf de heer karlsson mailen om te kijken wat eruit komt.

      In mijn laatste mail heb ik hem naar een telefoonnummer gevraagd, hopen dat hij het mailt en dan stap ik daarmee naar de politie met alle mailtjes die ik nu van hem heb.

  75. Hai,
    Als ik deze reactie lees, dan schrik ik hier van. Ik wist nooit dat ik gebeurde, dat het zo makkelijk gaat via de immoweb. Ik had me bijna mee laten slepen door ene Dennis Karlsson. Ik was blij eindelijk een appartement in Belgie, totdat ik deze mail kreeg.

    You must deposit the money at the agency. After you deposit the money, an agent will come with the keys and contract and will take you at the apartment for visit. After you visit you have to confirm if want to keep it or not. If you keep the apartment, the agency will pay me, if you don’t want the apartment, the agent will give you the money back.

    Terwijl ik meneer Karlsson duidelijk naar een telefoonnummer vraag om telefonisch contact te hebben. Ik ben toen op het idee te komen met de gegevens waarmee hij werkt te gaan google, en tot mijn verbazing zie ik dat ik bijna opgelicht was.

  76. Ze zijn nu actief op Speurders.
    Appartementen op toplocaties in Amsterdam.

    Deze week ben ik er al met 4 in contact gekomen.
    Allemaal met bijna hetzelfde verhaal, terug naar Madrid, Engeland, enz.

    Alice Hope, Antonia Estevez, Marisol Hernandez, Adam Harper, ect, ect.

    Huur en borg moeten overgemaakt worden via een koerier, zoals UPS of Re-Max, en dan krijg je de sleutels om het appartement te kunnen bekijken. Dat krijg je zogenaam terug van het koeriersbedrijf als je het appartement niet zou willen.

    Deze mensen bestaan niet en/of sturen nep-sleutels op en vervolgens ben jij al je geld kwijt!

    Een voorlopig huurcontract, eigendomsbewijzen of persoonlijke gegevens wilden ze niet sturen voordat wij zouden betalen.

  77. Ik kreeg dezelfde mail van Anthony parmar, en dacht: het lijkt inderdaad allemaal te mooi om waar te zijn, dus ik ga even opzoeken.


    My name is Anthony Parmar and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Frankrijklei 8, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.

    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

    The rent for 1 month is 500 euro for the entire apartment including: (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .

    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,

    Thanks voor deze site, zeer behulpzaam en heeft me waarschijnlijk inderdaad van een grote fout belet.

  78. Deze mail kreeg ik nog eens, ik denk ook weer zelfde verhaal dus oppassen geblazen! :

    Sorry for my late reply and I’m sorry to write you in English but i don’t speak Dutch and also not French.
    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment: Korte Sint-Annastraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen.
    The apartment is renovated last year and have 1 living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bedroom. The total surface of the apartment is 50 m2. Washing machine, dishwasher is available and also you can make changes in the apartment if you want like paint the walls. Water, electricity are included in the rent. Heating will be pay by you according of consumption.
    The price is 450 Eur Monthly and 450 Eur security deposit refundable at the end of the contract!
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Blandina Barrera Pineda and I’m a 50 years old work as researcher in medical field for Spanish government.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies and practice in Antwerpen, but now she is back home in Spain permanently, so I am renting the place for any period time.
    I’m a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my job and don’t allow me to do any traveling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    Since my daughter left Antwerpen, nobody is there to take care about renting it so I will pay a third party company to take care of delivery and payment.
    All the payments will be send by bank transfer so you can have a record of your payments and also the bank transfer are easy traceable and safe.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn’t forget anything.
    Thank you for your interest and Friendly greetings!
    Dr. Blandina Barrera Pineda
    Calle padre xifre 3
    Barrio prosperidad
    Distrito chamartín

  79. En het oplichten gaat rustig verder, op immoweb stonden gisteren (21 november 2012) ook nog 2 fake zoekertjes uit Antwerpen.

    Gelukkig gaan al dit soort oplichters extreem amateuristisch te werk. Vraag me af waarom het zolang duurt om dit probleem echt aan te pakken? Misschien omdat het allemaal iets te doorzichtig is?

    Had ook direct door dat het appartement in de Korte Sint-Annastraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen iets te proper uitgedost was voor die prijs. En je hoeft maar 1 van die foto’s in images.google.com te slepen en je ziet direct dat identiek hetzelfde appartement wordt aangeboden in Rio de Janeiro (geen grap).

    Een melding gestuurd naar Immoweb maar geen antwoord gekregen. Spreekt er eigenlijk wel iemand Nederlands bij Immoweb? Al hun automatische mails zijn duidelijk half mislukte vertalingen uit het Frans.

    Dus wie hier ook achter zit maakt zich blijkbaar niet echt druk over mogelijke straffen en is niet echt geinteresseerd in zij die het door hebben. Ze spelen rustig verder met hun immo-lotto tot er ongetwijfeld mensen intrappen.

    Een ander frauduleus zoekertje op Immoweb (nr 4032977) Leopoldstraat 78, 2000 Antwerpen blijkt precies plots verwijderd te zijn. Misschien omdat ik het niet kon laten om het spel ff mee te spelen en mijnheer / mevrouw de verhuurder, een zekere Adam Konowalski (adam.konowalski1121@gmail.com) of hoe hij / zij zich ’s morgens ook wil noemen, na zijn iets te voorspelbare Engelstalige reactie, een gepast antwoord te hebben verstuurd.

    mijn mail: (koekje van eigen deeg en IQ test voor onze Adam de ‘construction engineer’)

    Hi Adam,

    All sounds very interesting! I can’t wait to move my stuff out of here and live in the great old city of Antwerp.

    I am a 53 year old general manager, running my own export business in delivering the finest sheep skin pyjamas to the Middle East and beyond.

    About the rent you charge: Is it possible for me to rent it for life? Like 50+ years for example? I hope you can give me a small reduction on the total cost if so. My proposition: 50 years x 12 months x 350(?) euro = 210.000 euro of which I will pay 100.000 upfront and 110.000 euro later, starting from the 20th year of renting.

    Are you ok with that?

    Also, I live together with a rather chubby looking girlfriend who weighs about 180 kilos and has real difficulties positioning her large behind on a normal sized toilet seat. Since you’re a construction engineer I thought maybe you could be as friendly as to provide a custom sanitary construction fix for my sweetheart? She would be so thrilled and grateful.

    Just tell me what to do next from here on ok?

    Kind regards,

    1. Serieus, zelfs met mijn overduidelijke spotmail aan het adres van onze nep verhuurder ‘Adam Konowalski’ gaat hij / zij / de bende gewoon door met deze (blijkbaar straffeloze) fraude want vandaag kreeg ik deze mail terug:

      “Hi again ,

      Thanks for your reply, but the problem is that I am already in United Kingdom. As I informed you, the price you will have to pay the first month rent of 400 EUR + 400 EUR deposit ( 800 EUR), with no additional fees . I need from you one month rent plus deposit. I want to receive the money monthly in my bank account. I trust that there is no problem for you to send money to my bank account . The apartment is ready , you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in less than 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called Trulia IMB, which corresponds to FedEx or UPS Escrow .. etc , offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys.In this way, you may see it and decide if you want to live in the apartment or not, before I receive any payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country . I will also have to know the rental period and the day you want to move in, so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will not be any additional cost to you. In addition, if you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can come to an agreement as I have explained here, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.I will wait your quick response, because there are other people waiting for my answer too, so i need to know if I can count on a deal with you .

      Thank you”

      Moest ik wat meer tijd hebben zou ik me nog wel amuseren met er te proberen achter te komen wie ‘ze’ zijn, want het is duidelijk een bende die, tussen het feesten door met de dagelijkse cash die ze binnenrijven via deze weg, de mails die je ze stuurt zelfs niet lezen en gewoon overgaan naar de volgende stap in hun bedrog.
      Maar ja, er bestaat ook zoiets als de Computer Crime Unit in Belgie zeker…

      Ik zal eens (tegen beter weten in) een melding doen op E-cops.be

      ( Ondertussen heb ik natuurlijk nog altijd geen appartement voor mezelf gevonden in Antwerpen! :D )

      1. De straffeloosheid hier is een schande!! Die vreemde loosers komen enkel naar om ons op te lichten via verschillende kanalen!!!
        Leve “de rooien” en de “tsjeven” die de criminelen naar hier lokken met het geld van de hardwerkende mens, in ruil voor stemmen op hun criminele partijen!!!

  80. Dit zoekertje sprong ook direct int oog….alleen dacht ik ni aan oplichters maar da ze een nulleke te weinig hadden ingetikt en daarmee tussen de “goeiekopere” appartementen waren terechtgekomen……maar om de één of andere reden heb ik rond ongeveer 21u toch gereageerd……en een uurtje later al kreeg ik antwoord. Hij noemt zichzelf vandaag Greg Roben, greg2@mail.com en het staat op Zimmo.be…..

    First of all I’m sorry for the late reply but I had a lot to work and this is the time I could give you a message. From the site add, you could see, that the apartment located in: Meistraat 25, 2000 Antwerpen .I am looking for someone to live in it, as soon as possible, because my company has won the auction for a project, in construction, for a building that will rise up in England. I am a civil engineer, so my accommodation period in England will be about 4 years. The renting period is from 2 months upto 4 years. As a result of this I want to rent, for this period, at this price and also to find the perfect person for my apartment. I`m the owner of the apt and it’s like in the pics.
    The apartment is furnished, but I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is € 450, but you must to deposit ( € 900/2months ) (for the whole apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, fireplace, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m the only person who has the keys but I hope that we will find a solution.
    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apartment

    Ik heb het meegespeeld om te zien hoe of wa da er nu dan zou gebeuren…. dit was mijn antwoord….

    Goedenavond Greg,

    Ik ben zeker en vast geintereseerd….De waarborg is geen probleem en ik heb ook vast werk…Wanneer past het voor u om eens aftespreken dan?
    Hoop dat ik vlug iets hoor van u!!

    Ben eens benieuwd…..hoop da ze ze toch op de één of ander manier te pakken kunnen krijgen….Dit is zeer laag en gemeen …Moest ik da voorhebben, ik zou opt straat kunnen gaan slapen dan….zou gedaan zijn met zoeken dan….

    Hoop dak wa heb geholpen…..


  81. Roben Greg is nog steeds actief dus : ik reageerde op een advertentie op immoweb eergisteren en kreeg dit als antwoord en kreeg argwaan en googlde zijn naam en kwam hier terecht :

    Thanks for your reply,

    You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems
    First of all if you want to rent the apartment you need to pay 1 month of rent + 1 month of warranty ( 400 Euro + 400 Euro = 800 Euro ) ! ( but that month of warranty you will receive back after you finish the contract ) !

    If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact ASSET Real Estate (www.assetagency.tk) and provide them all the necessary information, so they can start the process right away.
    I will need your full name and address for that. You will receive a notification from ASSET Real Estate shortly after that, together with all the instructions to follow and the invoice as well.

    Regarding the payment, you will be instructed to deposit the money to ASSET Real Estate. They will hold and insure your money until you check the apartment and decide if you want take it or not.
    That is how their buyer protection policy works. As far as my concerns, I will be glad to know that ASSET Real Estate has the possession of the money during the delivery period. That is my insurance. As soon as the funds have been deposited into their account, they will immediately start the shipping process.

    The keys and rental contract will be delivered at your address in no more than 3 working days. You will be given a five days inspection period from the day you receive the keys and contract at home. If you decide to hold the apartment, then you will have to authorize ASSET Real Estate to release the funds to me, and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the apartment, you will be able to send the keys and contract back through the same service and ask ASSET Real Estate to return the funds to you. Through I am sure you will love the apartment, it is good to know that you do have this second option available. If you wish to proceed with renting the apartment, please provide me your full name and address so I can initiate the deal through ASSET Real Estate right away.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards
    Roben Greg

    1. Heb juist een email gehad van Roben Greg en getelefoneerd. Nam niet op heb gemaild naar hem dat hij me moest bellen. 5 min later kreeg ik telefoon en de vraag om alleen maar met email te contacteren. Het adres waarop hij nu zou verblijven blijkt een hotel te zijn en deze mensen ken R. Gregg niet. Hij wacht op een antwoord van mij morgen. Heb al met de politie gebeld morgen of later op de week leg ik mijn emails voor aan de politie te Antwerpen. Ben zwaar longziek op het moment. Hebt u nog iets gehoord van R. Greg?

  82. Hallo, ik heb deze op immovlan gevonden en heb volgende email gekregen:

    Hello ,

    Thanks for your interest in wanting to be my tenant. I am looking for a responsible & clean tenant that will be able to take good care of my apartment because I work as architect (Building Designer) and I do travel a lot. Presently I am in United Kingdom for a project and I don’t know when I will return back to Belgium that’s why am looking for a Tenant who will live in the apartment and take care of it as i don’t want to sell it. The apartment is available for long term and short term lease is also accepted.
    The apartment is located at Graaf van Egmontstraat 25,2000 Antwerpen.
    It is furnished but if you need it unfurnished, i can order for the furniture be moved to storage. The rent is inclusive of the below listed utilities:
    • High Speed Internet
    • In-Suite Laundry
    • Large in-suite storage
    • Cable
    Its a spacious and lovely 1-bedroom 1-bathroom furnished apartment, Utilities are included and Pets are allowed. Kitchen completely equipped, Kettle – Toaster – Dishwasher – Freezer – Microwave – Oven – Dryer – Heat – Water – Washing Machine and Electric.
    I want you to note that I am a kind and honest man and also I spent a lot on my property that I want to give you for rent, so I will solicit for your absolute maintenance of the apartment and I would want you to treat it as your own, I would like you to keep it tidy all the time I also want you to let me have trust in you as I always stand on my word, the rental fees is € 400 per month, i require first and last month rent. As i am in United Kingdom with my work, we will use a real estate agency who will handles the delivery of the package to your address in Belgium and the other aspects of the transaction.
    Find attached, some of the interior pictures of the apartment for you to know what the inside looks like.
    I will wait your reply as soon as possible.
    Best Regards,
    Patrik Klaus

  83. Wize weet er meer over Roben Greg? Hij is architect en werkt in the UK. Zijn adres blijkt een hotel in London te zijn. Ze kennen hem niet. Had met het hotel gebeld en naar hem gemaild dat zijn telefoonnr niet bereikbaar is en gevraagd of hij me wilde bellen. 5 minuten later krijg ik telefoon van een kantoor zogezegd in London. Deze persoon vertelt me dat we enkel per email verder onderhandelen. Heb alle gegevens en het kantoor in België kent nog deze persoon en doet niet aan verhuur.

  84. Hi,

    My name is Marcus Kulawik and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Coupure 940, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including: (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 37 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town.

    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,

  85. Net hetzelfde met FRANK DOUVEN in GENT Gevonden op IMMOWEB. Verschrikkelijk degoutant. Hoop dat ze hier ooit iets aan doen …


    My name is Frank Douven and I received an email of interest in my apartment located in Coupure 940, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.

    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 500 euro for the entire apartment including: (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    About myself, I am 39 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town.

    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,

  86. Enkele maanden terug hetzelfde berichtje gekregen, was een zoekertje op immoweb. Hier de mail:


    My name is Michael Herbert and I just received an email of interest in my apartment located in Kouter 76, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I am an English researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Belgium on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Gent.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment.I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 400 euro for the entire apartment including all utilities: cold/hot, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
    About myself, I am 36 years and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,


  87. Beste blogbezoekers,

    Bedankt voor de reeds vele meldingen onder dit blogartikel, dit maakt het ons makkelijker frauduleuze zoekertjes op te sporen en te verwijderen. We doen er alles aan om frauduleuze zoekertjes zoveel mogelijk van onze website te weren en rolden medio vorig jaar een resem verbeteringen door. Al zullen er steeds oplichters blijven die door de mazen van het net glippen, hoe hard we ook ons best doen. Sommige bedriegers gaan zelfs zo ver dat ze zich voordoen als werknemer van Immoweb!!

    We herinneren onze website bezoekers graag aan enkele essentiële regels om een transactie veilig te laten verlopen:

    1. Wees voorzichtig met panden waarvan de prijs te mooi is om waar te zijn.
    2. In geval van twijfel, ga geen verbintenissen aan zonder het vastgoed op voorhand bezocht te hebben.
    3. Wees extra voorzichtig indien het telefoonnummer of e-mailadres van de eigenaar u vreemd lijkt (verkeerd telefoonnummer, niemand antwoordt, geen telefoonnummer, …)

    4. Stort of verstuur nooit geld als voorschot op de huur of om de sleutels te verkrijgen, zonder eerst de eigenaar of zijn vastgoedmakelaar te hebben ontmoet.
    5. Wees op uw hoede, in het bijzonder wanneer gevraagd wordt om betalingen uit te voeren via Western Union of naar een buitenlandse bank, aangezien deze vaak anoniem zijn, waardoor het onmogelijk is om de begunstigden terug te vinden.

    6. Immoweb treedt NOOIT of NOOIT op als tussenpersoon bij transacties tussen de kandidaat-koper of kandidaat-huurder en de plaatser van het zoekertje (immobiliënkantoor, notaris, eigenaar). Elk bericht dat het tegendeel beweert, is dus foutief.

    Als u een frauduleus zoekertje op het spoor bent gekomen, kan u dit steeds melden door op de link “Meldt een vergissing” te klikken, rechts naast de foto van het pand zoals in onderstaand voorbeeld:http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7712/captureyue.jpg

    Dagdagelijks analyseert onze technische dienst gerapporteerde “vergissingen” om eventuele fouten (bijvoorbeeld een verkeerd opgegeven gemeente) in een geplaatst zoekertje te wijzigen en/of frauduleuze zoekertjes zo snel mogelijk in de kiem te kunnen smoren. Gelieve alleszins geen enkel gevolg te geven aan dubieuze voorstellen!

    Voor verdere informatie kan u steeds http://www.immoweb.be/nlraadplegen of contact opnemen met de Immoweb Customer Care op 02/333.25.06 of per email naar zoekertje@immoweb.be.

    Voor verdere informatie kan u steeds http://www.immoweb.be/nlraadplegen of contact opnemen met de Immoweb Customer Care op 02/333.25.06 of per email naar zoekertje@immoweb.be.

    Wij danken U voor uw vertrouwen in Immoweb.



  88. Ik heb dit ook meegemaakt. Het voelde niet goed aan dus nog enkele vragen gestuurd, krijg geen antwoord enkel het voorstel om via TNT te werken. Het zoekertje was weg, ben op andere immo sites gaan zoeken en daar stond het weer mijn collega mail laten sturen en hij kreeg net hetzelfde antwoord. Het ging hier over een appartement Begijnenstraat 35, 2800 Mechelen. Naam gebruikt door oplichter Kevin Schultze (een bekende voetballer) Hoop hier iemand mee te helpen…

  89. hoi Stijn, ben blij dat Kat me deze link doorstuurde… net exact hetzelfde meegemaakt…. een copy & paste hier:


    Thanks for your interest . I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , Bristol so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 450 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested . Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks

    afzender: chris.birch1121@hotmail.com

    soit m’n beste, we spreken elkaar snel tussen pot & pint!


  90. Heb dit ook meegemaakt met ene chris burch! Ik heb alle documenten en ga er zo met naar de politie. Daarom wees waakzaam!!!

  91. beste co-aardlingen,
    ondanks de geïnvesteerde energie lijkt het voor de getroffen websites een schier onmogelijke taak om frauduleuze aanbiedingen te weren in een veelvoud aan particuliere zoekertjes. Neem eens een kijkje op vastgoed-portalen die enkel huizen en appartementen te huur groeperen via immo-professionals , zoals logic-immo of een zimmo. Op die manier een pand huren biedt namelijk ook garanties voor de huurder, zoals een objectieve en gedetailleerde beschrijving van het appartement in de staat waarin de nieuwe huurder het betrekt, een aparte geblokkeerde rekening voor de waarborg die over de jaren intrest opbrengt, of een direct aanspreekpunt in geval van problemen met nutsvoorzieningen en dergelijke. Iedereen die ooit een nukkige, wrekkige of onredelijke huisbaas heeft getrotseerd weet waarover ik het heb…

    1. Ik heb ook net gereageerd op een appartement…. Ben blij deze verhalen te lezen, het leek me eveneens te goed om waar te zijn. Super chique appartement, 500euro all inclusief. De zinnen uit zijn mails staan allemaal hierboven vermeldt, echt bizar dat men zoiets doet. Ik zal ook klacht neerleggen bij de politie.

  92. Hallo

    Hier nog iemand om voor op te passen!
    carol skelton (carol6skelton@hotmail.com)
    het zelfde verhaal als bij de anderen.deze keer in gent coupure 940

    Dit is het zoekertje

    en dit is de mail die we kregen


    Thank you for your interest. As you can see I have available the apartment located in Coupure 940, 9000 Gent, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including: (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
    About myself, I am 35 years and I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.

    I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,

    Hopelijk heeft die geen andere mensen in de zak gezet.
    En dankzij deze site ben ik er ook aan ontsnapt. Danku!

  93. En dit is hoe die persoon zei hoe alles zou verlopen..


    I want to inform you that TNT will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don’t like it, you only have to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.
    I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to TNT Service 2 months of rent – ( 450 euro + 450 euro = 900 euro ) – so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract. No deposit required.
    Like I said, I will pay for a 3 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
    1 – To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
    2 – I go to the TNT Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
    3 – TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
    4 – TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.
    5 – At this point you will have to go to your Bank Location and make a money transfer to the bank account of TNT Representative for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is 900 euro.
    6 – After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to TNT.
    7 – TNT will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .
    8 – After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 3 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apartment or not, if everything is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me.
    If you don’t like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense.

    I will pay TNT Service for the shipping.

    Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the TNT delivery.

    Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.

    Ik hoop dat andere mensen hier iets aan hebben.

  94. Dit is de mail die we zogezegt kregen van TNT

    ” Welcome to TNT Global Air Express

    Our company is the WORLD market leader in Global Air Express and international mail services.

    Third Party Service reduces risks associated with Internet transactions by acting as a licensed neutral third party for online transactions. The Owner delivers the package to one of nearest TNT Global Air Express agents for the evaluation of contents. The package will remain in the company custody until the receiver will send the payment by Priority Service Bank Transfer . After verifying the funds, TNT Global Air Express is ready to ship the parcel to the designated address.

    NOTE: We order to avoid the earlier pick up of the funds by the shipper based on fact that he is aware of the sent payment – we are thanking you for choosing our third party service for your transactions – which will be revealed to the shipper along with all the transaction details after the delivery and your clearance. Consider this security measure if you have not dealt with the Owner before and you believe that this is in your best interest.

    Owner Information
    Full Name Carol Skelton
    Address 44 Edgware Road
    London, W2 1ED
    Country United Kingdom
    Status Approved
    Tenant Information
    9000 Gent
    Country Belgium
    Status Approved
    Shipment Information:

    Service: TNT Global Air Express
    Delivered In: 3 Days
    Description of goods: Apartment Keys and Rental Contract verified signed by the Sender. All the papers are double checked.
    Shipping & Handling: EURO 0,00
    Immediate payment: EURO 900.00

    NOTE: You will receive the Tracking Number after the payment is confirmed to us.

    Payment Information:
    The TNT Tenant Protection service guarantees to its customers full safety for their transactions by collecting, holding and disputing funds according to Tenant and Owner instructions. To enjoy the purchase protection, you must submit payment by Urgent Transfer (Priority Service Bank Transfer) to the following TNT Representative bank account. You will pay some additional fees but in this way we will be able to receive the funds in 24 Hours and we will start the shipping immediately.

    How to send the payment:

    Send the payment by Bank Transfer (Priority Service) using the following TNT Representative account Details :

    TNT Representative Account Name : TNT Express
    Beneficiary Bank Name : Barclays Bank
    Beneficiary Bank IBAN : GB83 BARC 2047 3483 5617 39
    Beneficiary Bank Account Number : 83561739 Sort Code: 20-47-34
    Beneficiary Bank Swift Code : BARCGB22
    Beneficiary Bank Address : 1221 Greenford Road
    Beneficiary Bank City : Greenford,Middx
    Beneficiary Bank Zip Code : UB6 0HY
    Beneficiary Bank Country : United Kingdom

    How to complete and confirm payment :

    1.The payment must be sent by bank transfer to the bank account of our TNT Representative.
    2. After payment is complete send us the receipt from your bank by e-mail ( contact@tnt-express-tnt.com ).
    3. E-mail us the serial numbers of the payment receipt document.

    *** Once the bank transfer clears and our TNT Representative confirms payment, we will start the shipping process. We will hold the funds until you send us your confirmation that you are satisfied with the Apartment . As soon as we receive your confirmation we will release payment to the Owner.”

    Wel met mooie opmaak en logo’s enzo.

  95. Op onderstaande website kan je deze mail doorsturen en dan worden ze gelist. Het gaat om een internationaal netwerk van oplichters. Dus op hoe meer plaatsen ze gepost worden op internet hoe beter. De oplichters worden dan gemakkelijker gevonden door te googlen en kunnen dan minder slachtoffers maken.
    Nu en dan proberen ze ook advertenties te plaatsen op zimmo.be maar daar worden deze zoekertjes supersnel verwijderd.

  96. Hey iedereen,

    Onlangs heeft mijn vriend ook een – onrealistisch – zoekertje gevonden op de website van Immoweb voor een appartement te Leuven. Hij dacht wel dat er een addertje onder het gras moest schuilen, maar heeft toch maar een mailtje gestuurd uit nieuwsgierigheid. Meteen kreeg hij een mail terug in het Engels van een zogenaamde Olivier Brunet; het bevat een typisch verhaal zoals ik hierboven vaak heb gelezen. Ik copy-paste het even:


    Thank you for your interest. As you can see I have available the apartment located in: Jan-Pieter Minckelersstraat 38, 3000 Leuven – Belgium, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 2 bathrooms. I purchased this nice apartment 4 years ago when i moved to Belgium with my work (i am a construction engineer), but my company finished his projects in Belgium and now i am back in my country, United Kingdom and i live in Bristol. I renovated and bought new furniture, all appliance are new and i was thinking to reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. I would be happy to rent it to somebody who likes keeping it clean and tidy. I can rent you the flat for 5 years, and, if after the 5 years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract. I can also rent it for short periods (1-2 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is 390 EUR including all utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spot ,air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). You can use my furniture, or you can use your own. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I `m the only person who have the keys but I hope that we will find a compromise. Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thank you,”

    Je ziet meteen de vaak terugkerende elementen na het lezen van de meeste reacties op deze website.

    Nu vind ik het toch wel zeer opmerkelijk dat er meer dan twee jaar gepasseerd is, immers de eerste reacties van slachtoffers hier dateren van 2011, en Immoweb nog steeds geen buffer heeft kunnen bieden tegen deze oplichters? Voor “De 1e vastgoedsite van België” is dit toch echt wel niet kunnen?
    Ik zie hier af en toe een reactie verschijnen van een of ander medewerker van Immoweb, waarin hij meldt dat de technische dienst dagelijks op zoek gaat naar frauduleuze zoekertjes etc. Maar is dit nu werkelijk een permanente oplossing? Blijkbaar niet, aangezien het probleem zich steeds blijft voordoen.

    De manier waarop Immoweb hiermee omspringt vind ik dan persoonlijk zeer onprofessioneel en het getuigt voor mij een groot gebrek aan respect voor de bezoekers van de website.

    Nu vraag ik me af of je het probleem niet voor een groot deel zou kunnen voorkomen door simpelweg enkele voorlichtingen op de voorpagina van Immoweb te plaatsen, dan eerder de schade te proberen “genezen” met nadien op zoek te gaan naar zoekertjes die mogelijk frauduleus zijn?

    Ik lees hier een opsomming van enkele essentiële regels om een transactie veilig te laten verlopen, maar waarom kan men deze niet op de eigen website terugvinden?
    Is het niet veel effectiever om een dergelijke voorzorgsmaatregel op te stellen op de voorpagina, waarin je een groot publiek bereikt & behoed van “het kwade? Naar mijn mening is dit toch een voor de hand liggende uitweg?

    Hoe dan ook, ik hoop dat er snel wat doelmatige acties worden ondernomen en dat het probleem hiermee grotendeels kan worden verholpen.



  97. Wooooh ik ben zoo blij dat ik deze site gevonden heb. ik heb echt precies t zelfde als sommigen gehad, een engelse vrouw die in londen woonde en vanwege haar werk weer terug moest naar londen vanuit antwerpen. ze had haar appartementje dus nog niet verhuurd. Eerst begon ze heel aandachtig over zichzelf te vertellen, waardoor ze dus een beetje vertrouwen op wekt. vervolgens moest ik dus geld overmaken, en ik had het nog bijna gedaan ook. Gelukkig had ik nog even snel de makelaar opgezocht want ik vond het zo’n raar proces, en toen kwam ik op deze site.
    wel bale! nog geen appartement.

  98. Hetzelfde verhaal hier in Gent, met Kevin Nichifor voor een appartement te Koningstraat 3 voor 450 all-in.

  99. Hallo,

    Ik heb vorige week een overschrijving gemaakt en heb nog steeds niets teruggehoord. Dan vond ik deze website… Kan iemand mij helpen met de stappen die ik kan ondernemen?

    1. Zou zoals Paul graag willen weten welke stappen ik nu zou moeten ondernemen als je al gestort hebt?
      Heb via vrienden in Engeland wel te horen gekregen dat dit een ‘goverment site’ is..
      Pakje ging verstuurd worden met PWS…

  100. Hey,
    Ik heb ook op zo’n mailtje gereageerd. Dokter in UK (Joan Piskoti), zoon gestopt met studeren hier en appartement moet snel weg. Sleutel en geld overmaken zou via TNT gaan. Ik ben er nu op aan het wachten :-)
    Appartement werd verwijderd van ImmoWeb, terwijl de ‘deal’ nog niet rond was en er zaten kleine spelfouten in de e-mails: toen wist ik dat er stront aan de knikker zat.
    Wat ik me afvraag: hoe gaat het eigenlijke oplichten dan in zijn werk? Want tot noch toe zie ik niet meteen in hoe ik hier geld aan kan verliezen, tenzij die service van TNT fake is…

    Groetjes en wachtend op antwoord.

    1. Hallo,

      Ten eerste fijn dat deze website bestaat, waardoor ik een gewaarschuwd mens ben en nu voor 2 tel :-)

      Gelukkig had ik dit artikel bij mijn zoektocht van vorig jaar al gelezen. Nu ben ik weer op huizenjacht en heb ik gereageerd op een advertentie op immoweb.
      Helaas heb ik snel maar lui gereageerd via een link op immoweb om snel contact op te nemen met de verhuurder, hierbij vul je je gegevens in, ik heb mijn e-mail en telefoonnummer doorgegeven.

      Ik kreeg een engelstalige mail, vergelijkbaar opgesteld als voorgaande voorbeelden, van “Carol Skelton


      Thanks for your interest, i bought this apartment for my son during he’s studies, but now he’s back home in London UK permanently, so i’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further i would like to know something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, what is your job, how old are you and for how long you will stay. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished equipped and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 430 euro per month and i believe it is convenient for both of us. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit is also 430 euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 1 month notice ). You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. I’m a Neuro-Oncology doctor from London – United Kingdom . I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from here fast and easy . I look forward to hear from you soon.

      Best Regards,”

      Ik was al erg wantrouwig maar heb toch gereageerd om te vragen voor een bezichtiging en kreeg het volgende antwoord (ondertussen was de advertentie van immoweb gehaald met de mededeling: “Het spijt ons, maar dit vastgoed is reeds verhuurd of verkocht of is nooit ingevoerd in onze database.”):

      Hello Evelyne,

      Thanks for your reply

      That sounds great !

      You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. The thing is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 430 euro, with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.
      Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called TNT which is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
      I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the TNT website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained: http://www.tnt.com/express/en_gb/site/home/services/express_delivery.html

      Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one.”

      Dus heb toen gevraagd of ik eerst de sleutels en contract zou ontvangen en als ik dan akkoord zou gaan zou betalen.


      I want to tell you that if you are ready to proceed with this transaction I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works.
      Like I said, I will pay for a 3 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
      1 – To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
      2 – I go to the TNT Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
      3 – TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
      4 – TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.
      5 – At this point you will have to go to your Bank Location and make a money transfer to the bank account of TNT Representative for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is 860 euro ( 1 month of rent and security deposit )
      6 – After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to TNT.
      7 – TNT will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .
      8 – After you receive the package, You will go and check the apartment and in 3 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apartment or not, if everything is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me.
      If you don’t like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense.

      I will pay TNT Service for the shipping.

      Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the TNT delivery.

      Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.”

      Maar wat blijkt TNT heeft helemaal niet zo’n regeling.

      Ik heb gereageerd dat ik niets betaal voor ik iets gezien heb. Dit zijn duidelijk oplichters.

      De lange mails kwamen snel iedere keer dat ik gereageerd had dus waarschijnlijk standaard mails.
      Trap er niet in!

  101. Hier in gent juist van het zelfde,
    en tis al de 3de keer da ik bij zo ene terecht kom.
    tis mij echt beu aant worden, fuccck

  102. Hetzelfde hier !: 2de mail

    Hi there,

    I have given a great deal of thought about this and I think that sending the keys is not such a good idea. I want to use a third party to handle this for us and I hope it’s ok for you, too.
    I want to use the Royal Mail Company. They are a well known company all over the world. So, I went to their office in Edinburgh and I told them that I want to rent my apartment and they told me that they have a new service i can use.
    I’ve already paid the fees (GBP 200).

    So, here is how it goes:
    I start over the process with Royal Mail here in Edinburgh and I leave the keys and a copy of the contract at Royal Mail.Then they’ll e-mail you all the information you need to continue the transaction at your end. As per the Royal Mail`s instructions you send the funds to Royal Mail and then Royal Mail will FedEx-overnight the keys and the contract to you. Then you look around the apartment and decide whether take it or not. If you decide not to rent the apartment Royal Mail will refund you within 24 hours and you return the keys to me. It’s clear and simple. This is the only way to do it given the circumstances and that is an overseas rental process. All I want is to both be safe.

    The deposit you have to send it’s EUR 1,200 and it’s for the first 2 months and for the security deposit. This is the Royal Mail Service I am talking about, read the Phase 1 and Phase 2 to better understand the process: http://24h-royalmaildelivery.info/royalmail.com/portal/rm/webship.high.html

    Should i begin the process with Royal Mail? Please e-mail me and let me know and tomorrow you could have the keys in hand if you complete your end in a timely fashion.

    Thank you,

  103. Hier net hetzelfde, met een zekere Robin Brandsen. Hij ging me het contract en sleutels doorsturen via Royal Mail. Hij kwam uit Edinburgh en had daar een werkcontract van 5jaar. Hij had 3 verschillende appartementen geplaatst op immoweb (super sjiek) voor 400€ per maand all incl. Hij vroeg me of hij the proceeding mocht starten. Ik moest eerst 1200 euros storten (waarborg + 2 eerste maanden) en daarna ging ik de sleutels doorgestuurd krijgen. Indien ik het appartement wou houden mocht ik de sleutels houden en contract tekenen. Indieen niet, gingen ze het geld terug storten. Be careful guys !

  104. Er staat een zogezegd appartement op Immoweb, 500 euro, Willekensmolenstraat na te hebben gemaild. Van ene Robert Schweizer, 44 Edgroad London. Jammer, want het leek een droomkans. Echt een droomkans dus.

  105. hier ook vandaag gekregen!! appartement in hartje brussel voor maar 575 alles inbegrepen :/

    Hello Yousr,

    Thanks for your reply

    That sounds great !

    You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. The thing is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 575 euro, with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.
    Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called TNT which is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the TNT website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained: http://www.tnt.com/express/en_gb/site/home/services/express_delivery.html

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one.

  106. Hoi,

    Ik ben op zoek naar een appartement in Brussel en ben ook in aanraking gekomen met een oplichtster, ene Mw. Nathalie Nicole (nath.nicole12@yahoo.fr) die een appartment in de Leeuwerikenstraat/Rue des Alouettes (anderlecht) aanbiedt.


    J’accuse bonne reception de votre mail et vous remercie.

    Je vous confirme donc le rendez-vous pour le Samedi 06 Juillet 2013 à 17H30 devant le “McDonald’s” sis à l’adresse Drève Olympique 15, 1070 Anderlecht

    Veuillez nous attendre à ce lieu afin de se diriger ensemble vers l’appartement pour vous le faire visiter intégralement
    le jour du rendez-vous,nous viendrons à bord d’une voiture de marque Renault Mégane III de couleur grise

    Voici donc la procédure à suivre pour l’effectivité de la visite et de la signature du contrat de bail

    J’ai demandé un mois de caution et un mois de loyer mais il vous revient à payer à la signature du contrat (1 mois) correspondant à 400€ charges comprises ( Eau , Électricité, Gaz,internet) car la semaine dernière mon mari et moi avions effectué un déplacement pour un client qui était fortement intéressé et ce dernier n’avait pas les moyens financiers. Donc je ne veux plus recommencer à faire ces genres de navettes. Comme le stipule le contrat de bail, le versement de la caution et du premier mois de loyer sera déposé à la poste ou dans une agence western union contre un reçu du mandat Western Union.

    C’est à base de ce reçu obtenue que nous pourrons encaisser l’argent déposé à la poste ou à l’agence western union donc vous viendrez au rendez-vous avec le reçu du mandat Western Union sans oublier bien sûr les autres documents. Je vous prie de vous rendre à la poste ou dans une agence western union le plus tôt possible avec les 400€ en liquide ainsi que votre carte d’identité puis vous demandez à effectuer un mandat Western Union sur les coordonnées de notre fille vivant aux Etats-Unis. Lors de la visite vous allez nous remettre les documents et le reçu postal en guise du versement du loyer du mois de Septembre après l’état des lieux et signature du contrat de bail.
    Au cas où l’appartement ne vous convient pas, vous vous retournez à la poste ou à l’agence western union avec le reçu pour le retrait de votre argent.
    Donc nous aimerions que vous prenez toutes vos dispositions le plutôt possible

    Voici l’adresse du MANDAT WESTERN UNION.

    Nom/Last name: G A D D I E
    Prénom/First name : Kendra
    Montant : 400€
    Type de mandat: Mandat Western Union
    Adresse: 2013;10th street
    Ville: Indianapolis
    Code postal: 46201
    Etat: INDIANA
    Pays: USA

    Les frais d’envoi vous couteront environ 30€.Ils donc seront déduis des 400€

    Attention !!! : Le postier pourra vous demander le motif du mandat western union juste pour vous faire payer la TVA et les frais commerciaux.
    Vous n’avez pas à lui mentionner qu’il s’agit d’un dépôt de caution pour location d’appartement ou autres. Dites leur tout simplement en cas de question que vous voulez faire un mandat Western Union à un ami ou à un membre de votre famille pour éviter de payer la TVA et les frais commerciaux qui sont des frais très élévés allant de 150€ à 250€.

    Dès que vous établissez le Mandat Western Union à la poste,vous aurez un bordereau qui prouve le dépôt des fonds.Sur ce reçu que la poste va vous délivrez vous aurez des informations pour l’encaissement(Code MTCN) que vous aurez à garder jalousement avec vous afin de sécuriser votre argent, comprenez par la que votre argent ne sera pas retiré tant que vous avez le reçu jalousement.

    Donc vous aurez un reçu que vous nous confirmer en le scannant ou en le prenant en photo et en nous l’envoyant par mail en prenant soins de cacher biensûr le Code MTCN.

    Dès le Samedi 06 Juillet 2013 à 17h30, après avoir visité cet appartement ,nous établirons un contrat de bail et nous vous remettrons les clés de l’appartement ensuite vous nous remettrez les documents et le bordereau du mandat Western Union contenant les informations d’encaissement pour que notre fille puisse encaisser le dépôt de garantie si l’appartement vous convenait, dans le cas contraire c’est à dire si l’appartement n’est pas à votre goût vous repartez à la poste retirer votre argent avec le bordereau qui contient les informations d’encaissement.

    Merci de nous envoyer la photo du mandat un mail en prenant soins de cacher biensur le Code MTCN dès que tout est OK pour que nous vous confirmons le rendez-vous.

    Tel: +33


    Ik ben hier zelf gelukkig niet ingetrapt, maar ik hoop dat, door het hier te plaatsen, andere mensen niet worden opgelicht.


  107. Hallo,

    Ik voel mij zo naief.. Ik heb deze soort mail ontvangen van een brit voor een appartement in leuven.. Hij zou de sleutels opsturen, maar hij heeft geen enkele som geld gevraagd..?
    Maar goed, nu weet ik dat het fraude is..

    Ik voel mij wel ongemakkelijk dat ik mijn adres aan die man heb doorgegeven… Met ik mij daarzorgen over maken? Of kan ik iets doen?
    Hij ging onder de naam Andrew Kane


    Thank you for your interest. As you can see I have available the apartment located in: Monseigneur van Waeyenberghlaan 32, 3000 Louvain – Belgium, with 1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I purchased this nice apartment 4 years ago when i moved to Belgium with my work (i am a construction engineer), but my company finished his projects in Belgium and now i am back in my country, United Kingdom and i live in Bristol. I renovated and bought new furniture, all appliance are new and i was thinking to reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. I would be happy to rent it to somebody who likes keeping it clean and tidy. I can rent you the flat for 5 years, and, if after the 5 years you would like to stay more, then we can renew the contract. I can also rent it for short periods (1-2 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is 320 EUR including all utilities (electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spot). You can use my furniture, or you can use your own. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I `m the only person who have the keys but I hope that we will find a compromise. Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

  108. Ahoi, als bij toeval kom ik op deze site/blog terecht. Nou ja..toeval. Hoe goed dat ik niet te naïef ben. Hoe goed dat deze blog/site bestaat… Ben vanavond nog aan het mailen geweest met zo een oplichter. Ik mailde met ene “Gharry Eccles”, die enkele dagen geleden op Immoweb een appartement te huur had gezet in Dilbeek (die hebben we nog niet gehad lijkt me), het dorp waar ik effectief wat te huur zoek.
    Het had deze referentie:
    Appartement TE HUUR N°4429160

    Ik reageerde op het zoekertje maar stelde diezelfde dag nog vast dat het reeds van Immoweb was verdwenen. Vreemd. Maar dan vanavond toch deze mail:

    Thanks for your interest .
    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , Twickenham so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 400 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .
    Here is the address of the apartment:

    1700 Dilbeek
    Itterbeeksebaan 64


    I have uploaded the pictures here and i have also attached my identity details so now you know the person Who are dealing with.
    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.

    Mr Gharry Eccles
    86 Amayand Park Rd
    TW1 3HH
    United Kingdom

    Een erfenis van zijn grootvader… da’s weer een nieuwe. Ik heb verder met de man (of is het een vrouw of een organisatie of…?) gemaild en ook ik heb tot dusver enkel naam en adres doorgespeeld, wat me onschuldig lijkt.
    Ik verwacht dus morgen een mail met de vraag tot betaling van 800 euro.

    Kan iemand me zeggen…. waar kan ik dit officieel melden? En heeft het zin dit te melden? Dit werpt kwaadheid op. Ik tracht gewoon-net als zovele anderen– een droom te realiseren en dat impliceert een verhuis. Maar dit –en het rijmt– is ruis! En werkt ontmoedigend.

    In ieder geval, bedankt Stijn Vogels, nobele onbekende. Dankzij dit item ben ook ik van een flater bespaard gebleven.
    Terwijl het enige wat ik wil is een droom realiseren, hetgeen een verhuis impliceert.
    Zaken als dit maken het er verdomd niet makkelijker op.



    1. Goedemorgen Vanesse. Bedankt voor je uitvoerige omschrijving. We hebben ons al eerder afgevraagd wat een mogelijke oplossing kan zijn.

      Immoweb leest mee, en je geeft al aan dat het zoekertje verdwenen is, dus langs die kant is er duidelijkheid.

      Wat jouw persoonsgegevens betreft zou ik verwachten dat de Federal Computer Crime Unit (FCCU) je nog meer specifieke tips kan geven.

      Daarnaast zijn er ook nog de eCops, “een online Belgisch meldpunt waar je als internetgebruiker misdrijven in verband met België op of via het internet kan melden.”

  109. Hmm, zonet nog twee mogelijk verdachte te huur zoekertjes tegengekomen op Immoweb.
    400 euro voor appartementen van 100m². Sounds to good to be true.
    Heb uit curiositeit een mailtje gestuurd met de vraag om meer info.
    Kan een sport worden ;-)

    1. Mij is het opgevallen dat oplichters vaak in het Engels schrijven. En dan nog slecht Engels ook. Rapporteer die links maar meteen aan Immoweb. Zo hebben ze dat het liefst, en ga je ook het snelst resultaat zien. Moogt natuurlijk ook altijd de linkjes delen hier.

      1. Ditmaal is Immoweb bij de pinken. Kreeg vanochtend dit berichtje in mijn mailbox (als reactie op het ‘uitlokmailtje’ dat ik gisteren stuurde). In het Frans, dat wel.

        Annonce douteuse

        Chère Cliente, Cher Client,

        Vous souhaitiez plus d’informations concernant l’annonce reprise ci-dessous.

        Selon nos analyses, cette annonce est douteuse et nous vous conseillons de ne plus donner aucune suite à vos démarches. Nous vous rappelons quelques règles essentielles afin de vous protéger lors d’une transaction :

        Soyez vigilants lorsque vous tombez sur un bien dont le prix semble trop beau pour être vrai.
        En cas de doute, ne vous engagez pas sans avoir au préalable visité le bien.
        N’envoyez jamais d’argent comme acompte de loyer ou pour obtenir des clés avant d’avoir rencontré le propriétaire ou son agent immobilier.
        Méfiez-vous particulièrement des paiements demandés via Western Union ou vers une banque à l’étranger, car ils sont souvent anonymes et ne permettent pas d’en retrouver le bénéficiaire.

  110. Deze week zoiets voorgehad, betrof appartement in Antwerpen waar ik op had gereageerd..


    First of all i want to inform you that CQout Ltd. will hold the money in there account until they have the confirmation from you to pay me or not.

    If you don’t like the apartment, you only have to return the keys and they will refund the money to you.

    How it Works:

    – You agree to use Cqout service and i will start the transaction.

    – CQout Ltd. will send you the payment notification. You will pay the amount to CQout account by bank transfer ( 1440 EUR first month and deposit ). You will receive the payment notification after the transaction is started with transaction and payment information.

    – After the payment will be in Cqout account they notifies me to send the keys and contract. The delivery take 2 days and will be made by UPS or RoaylMail.

    – You receive the keys and inspect the contract and the apartment. You have 14 days time for inspection.

    – Cqout releases payment to me or refunds money to you, depending on yours decision after inspection.

    If you are agree with the apartment you have to sign the contract and send me a copy back ( you will get it in original ).

    To start this transaction i will need your details where to send the key and the contract, phone number, period of rent and in what name the contract will be made.

    Please read carefully the company steps and send me the details which i asked only if you are 100% sure you`ll be able to pay the money to Cqout because i try to avoid the losing of time and tax payment when i will start the transaction.

    Thank you

    Van Catherine Davis

  111. Ik denk dat ik een nieuw geval ben tegengekomen, mail op mijn reactie op een zoekertje:


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Gouvernementstraat 18, 9000 GENT. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.
    Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.
    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 480EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Alexander Achen and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.
    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Alexander Achen
    44 Edgware Road
    W2 1ED
    United Kingdom

    Dit bericht lijkt zeer stek op wat hierboven al vermeld is. Ik heb geantwoord en dit was de volgende mail:


    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in London already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 480EURO, with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.
    Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called TNT which is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the TNT website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained: http://www.tnt.com/express/en_gb/site/home/services/express_delivery.html
    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one.

    Ik denk dat de volgende stap de mail van 800€ zal worden? Heb dit zoekertje gemeld aan Immoweb. Ik hou jullie op de hoogte.


  112. Eentje op Zimmo.be. (Zimmo-code: 9N4EG) Appartement in Antwerpen, Lambermontstraat 7. Contactnaam in advertentie: Nathaniel Heusinkveld. Geen telefoonnummer. Zijn email:

    Hallo Betty,
    Ik ontving uw e-mail over mijn appartement gelegen in Lambermontstraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen (BE). Het heeft 2 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 1 keuken en 1 woonkamer. Ik kocht dit appartement voor mijn dochter tijdens haar studie in Duitsland, maar nu is ze weer thuis (Londen / UK ) permanent, dus ik ben het huren van de plaats voor onbepaalde tijd.
    Voordat we verder gaan wil ik graag iets over jou, zoals hoeveel personen u van plan bent om te leven in het appartement, en voor hoe lang weet.

    De flat is precies zoals op de foto’s, volledig gemeubileerd en gerenoveerd. Ook heel belangrijk, de nutsvoorzieningen (koud / warm water, elektriciteit, draadloos breedband internet, digitale televisie, vaatwasser, vuilophaal, magnetron, koelkast, wasmachine, etc.) zijn inbegrepen in de prijs van 420 Euro. Borg is ook 420 euro, en je het terug te krijgen, als je besluit om het appartement (je moet me ten minste 30 dagen van tevoren) te verlaten. Wat mij betreft, kunt u er zeker van dat ik nooit zal u vragen om het appartement te verlaten. Mijn dochter is de bouw van haar leven hier, en ik ben te oud om te verhuizen naar Duitsland, dus we zullen je niet storen.

    U kunt mijn meubels gebruiken, of u kunt ook gebruik maken van uw eigen als je dat liever. Als u besluit om jou te gebruiken, krijgt u toegang tot een zeer groot en goed geventileerde kelder, waar u mijn meubels kunt slaan.

    Nu, een beetje over mezelf, zodat we kunnen krijgen om elkaar beter te leren kennen. Mijn naam is Gavin Linsen en ik ben een 63 jaar oud grafisch ontwerper uit Londen, van plan met pensioen te gaan in de komende 2 jaar.

    Het enige ongemak is dat mijn werk kan ik niet naar Londen vertrekken, zelfs voor een enkele dag. We huurden een aantal nieuwe medewerkers en ik ben verantwoordelijk voor hun opleiding.

    Maar dit zal niet van invloed op u te allen. Ik kan regelingen om het appartement te huren van London ( op mijn kosten natuurlijk) te maken.
    Vooruitblikkend naar snel van u te horen.

    Met vriendelijke groet,
    Gavin Linsen

    1. Goedemorgen Betty. Er is zoveel fout aan dit bericht dat ik zelfs niet weet waar te beginnen. Het is overduidelijk dat deze 63-jarige man geen deftig Nederlands schrijft. Deze vertaling komt volledig uit Google Translate. De lage voorwaarden die hij stelt zijn buitensporig positief en dus ongeloofwaardig. Een duidelijke poging tot oplichting. Hopelijk doet Zimmo het nodige.

  113. Pingback: oplichterij ?
  114. Beste. Jammergenoeg blijven deze oplichters bezig op immoweb. Deze keer een Appartement in Brussel – emailcommunicatie van viviennemercier@outlook.com wonende te UK

    Vivienne Mervier
    68 High Street
    Ponders End Enfield,
    Greater London
    EN3 4ER
    United Kingdom

    Oppassen dus…

  115. Hier ook iets gelijkaardigs voor gehad ook een appartement gevonden voor veel te lage prijs uiteraard te goed om waar te zijn. Maar uit nieuwsgierigheid toch maar gereageerd.. Maar ook het zelfde verhaal terug gekregen:


    Désolé je ne parle pas très bien français ou en néerlandais, donc je préfère parler en anglais
    Sorry for my late reply i just come back from my Holiday.
    Thanks for your interest .
    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 400 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.

    Ms Vivienne Mervier
    68 High Street
    Ponders End Enfield,
    Greater London
    EN3 4ER
    United Kingdom

    Vreemde was om te beginnen al dat de reactie helemaal niet laat of traag was maar echt 5uur na mijn eerste mail :p dat de naam van de persoon in de mail andere spelling had dan de naam van het mail adress Vivienne Mercier was ineens ‘Mervier’… Maar bon toch nog nieuwsgierig en maar eens gevraagd of we niet eens konden gaan kijken want uiteindelijk kijken kost niks he :D Of dat dacht ik, kreeg namelijk volgende terug:

    Hello ,
    Thanks for your reply, but the problem is that I am already in United Kingdom. As I informed you, the price you will have to pay the first month rent of 450 + 450 EUR deposit (900 EUR), with no additional fees . I need from you one month rent plus deposit. I want to receive the money monthly in my bank account. I trust that there is no problem for you to send money to my bank account . The apartment is ready , you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in less than 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called OneHomeLimited, offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys. In this way, you may see it and decide if you want to live in the apartment or not, before I receive any payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country. I will also have to know the rental period and the day you want to move in, so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will not be any additional cost to you. In addition, if you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can come to an agreement as I have explained here, and consider it only an inspection and reservation. I will wait your quick response, because there are other people waiting for my answer too, so i need to know if I can count on a deal with you. Thank You

    Ga deze persoon nog wat aan het lijntje houden maar ga uiteraard geen euro cent storten voor dat ik iets gezien heb :D

    1. Goedemorgen Kevin. Heb je toevallig ook nog het adres van dit zoekertje? Ik merk dat mensen vaak zo’n adres in Google opzoeken. Het zou anderen kunnen helpen op dit bericht te stuiten en mogelijke oplichtingen voorkomen.

      1. Het adres was het volgende: Van Beethovenstraat 2 bus 1 2800 Mechelen, dit heeft de oplichter volgens mij gewoon gecopypaste van een ander zoekertje dat momenteel nog wel op de site staat en er wel gewoon betrouwbaar uit ziet. Zijn eigen adres van in de mail ook eens ‘gegooglestreetviewed’ en dan kom je op een western Union terecht ookal een give away…

    2. Hahaha grappig, ik heb net dezelfde mail ontvangen van ons Vivienne of hoe ze ook mag noemen. Een luxe app in Aalst voor 400 euro, maar dan in ‘haar’ 2de mail zei ‘ze’ 450!! Ik wist meteen dat dit niet kon kloppen hoor maar wou toch eens zien. Want het adres dat ze mij gaf was van een recent gerenoveerd huis. Dus ik dacht, laten we eens proberen. En toen kwam het he, eerst betalen en dan krijg je de sleutels. Yeah right. Ook wou ‘ze’ mijn naam, adres FOTO????? Heel erg dit. Ik hoop echt uit de grond van men hart dat niemand hier in trapt.
      Aah ja, ook heb ik op google streetview het adres ingetikt waar ‘ze’ woont. Een marginaal buurt, maar dat kan je toch niet verwachten van iemand die net heeft geërfd van haar op?? En die net terug is van een holliday??



      From: @hotmail.com
      To: viviennemercier@outlook.com
      Subject: Appartement
      Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 10:01:56 +0100


      graag had ik een afspraak met u gemaakt om het pand op de Moorselbaan 133 eens te komen bezoeken.
      Ik kan op maandag, woensdag en vrijdagnamiddag na 15u.

      Met vriendelijke groet,

      RE: Appartement
      Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 11:33:50 +0000


      Désolé je ne parle pas très bien français ou en néerlandais, donc je préfère parler en anglais
      Sorry for my late reply i just come back from my Holiday.
      Thanks for your interest .
      I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 400 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .

      Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.

      Ms Vivienne Mervier
      68 High Street
      Ponders End Enfield,
      Greater London
      EN3 4ER
      United Kingdom
      Hello ,
      Thanks for your reply, but the problem is that I am already in United Kingdom. As I informed you, the price you will have to pay the first month rent of 450 + 450 EUR deposit (900 EUR), with no additional fees . I need from you one month rent plus deposit. I want to receive the money monthly in my bank account. I trust that there is no problem for you to send money to my bank account . The apartment is ready , you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in less than 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called OneHomeLimited , offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys.In this way, you may see it and decide if you want to live in the apartment or not, before I receive any payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country . I will also have to know the rental period and the day you want to move in, so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will not be any additional cost to you. In addition, if you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can come to an agreement as I have explained here, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.I will wait your quick response, because there are other people waiting for my answer too, so i need to know if I can count on a deal with you . Thank You

      Ms Vivienne Mervier
      The reason i use OneHomeLimited is because i have nobody there that could show you the apartment.
      I have proposed real, palpable third party too use with this transaction, they explain how the transaction work on the page i sent you, OneHomeLimited came up with this service specially to prevent unpleasant situations, so, you see, i want safety on this as much as you do even more because I have an apartment to rent, not a kids toy if i may say so.
      You will send the money to OneHomeLimited not to me and the company will put your money on hold until you see the apartment and then after you decide to move in the apartment OneHomeLimited will release the money to me.
      In case you wont like the apartment OneHomeLimited will bring me back the keys and you will be refunded within 24 hours.
      We both must be protected.

      I ensure you of all the security and I guarantee you that you will enjoy a great stay in my apartment:)

      Best Regards

      1. Hi. Ik heb dezelfde mails van die vrouw gekregen. Ik vond het al vreemd en te mooi om waar te zien. Maar ik baal alleen dat ik mijn adres had gegevegn omdat ik het contract inwilde zien grr/


        Désolé je ne parle pas très bien français ou en néerlandais, donc je préfère parler en anglais
        Sorry for my late reply i just come back from my Holiday.
        Thanks for your interest .
        I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 400 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .

        Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.

        Ms Vivienne Mervier
        68 High Street
        Ponders End Enfield,
        Greater London
        EN3 4ER
        United Kingdom

  116. Ik heb allemaal exact dezelfde mails gekregen van deze ms. Mercier. Het grappige is dat ze in haar voetnoot haar achternaam al fout schrijft, namelijk als Mervier. Ik ben zo blij dat ik deze site heb gevonden want mijn vriend en ik waren en zo goed als zeker van overtuigd!

    Op 5-nov.-2013 om 23:12 heeft Vivienne Mercier het volgende geschreven:

    Hello ,
    Thanks for your reply, but the problem is that I am already in United Kingdom. As I informed you, the price you will have to pay the first month rent of 400 + 400 EUR deposit (800 EUR), with no additional fees . I need from you one month rent plus deposit. I want to receive the money monthly in my bank account. I trust that there is no problem for you to send money to my bank account . The apartment is ready , you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in less than 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called OneHomeLimited , offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys.In this way, you may see it and decide if you want to live in the apartment or not, before I receive any payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country . I will also have to know the rental period and the day you want to move in, so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will not be any additional cost to you. In addition, if you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can come to an agreement as I have explained here, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.I will wait your quick response, because there are other people waiting for my answer too, so i need to know if I can count on a deal with you . Thank You

    Ms Vivienne Mervier
    68 High Street
    Ponders End Enfield,
    Greater London
    EN3 4ER
    United Kingdom

  117. immoweb leo de bethunelaan 127 aalst te huur is OPLICHTERIJ!!! ref.nr. 4664760

    Dank aan allen voor de geposte mails, die me lieten inzien dat ik hier ook mee te maken had.
    Het was te mooi om waar te zijn, lees dit mailtje:


    Thank you for your interest. I received your e-mail regarding my apartment located in: Leo De Bethunelaan 127, 9300 Aalst, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.
    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 440 euro for the entire apartment including: (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). Security deposit is 440 euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Irina Simmons and I’m a 39 years old graphic designer from London.
    The only inconvenience is that my job d oesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from UK.

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Best Regards,
    Irina Simmons


  118. Afgelopen weekend, op twee advertenties gereageerd op de immowebsite (raadpleegbaar http://www.immoweb.be: Appartement te huur – Antwerpen (n° 4643666) en Appartement TE HUUR (N°4701012)).

    Soortgelijk verhaal: bemeubelde appartementen, centrum Stad (Antwerpen), super goedkoop te huren, all-in formule, in de prijscategorie 450 – 500€/maand.
    Huren in een grootstad is natuurlijk altijd veel duurder dan de rand: aangezien ik in het centrum ook werk, leken deze aanbiedingen mij dan ook ’too good to be true’.
    Maar goed, wie niet waagt..

    De antwoorden die ik terugkrijg, respectievelijk van een zeker Jeffrey Dean en van een Victoria Watson:

    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather i’m from United Kingdom so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, i would like to know more about you, such as how many persons you intend to stay in the apartment and for how long , also if you can send me a picture with you will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy . I can rent the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 3 years maybe more ) . The rent for 1 month is EUR 500 including all utilities , you can use my furniture, or you can use your own at the same price . I can send my furniture to a storage deposit if you want to bring your own . You can move in to the apartment immediately , the only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys and i’m in UK , but i have a solution for that if you are still interested . I want to tell you something about me, first my visit card:

    Name: Jeffrey J. Dean
    Birth: 25/03/1963
    Nacionality: British Citizen
    Current adress: 20 Morden Road, London SW193BN, United Kingdom

    Paar uurtjes daarna, de reply van onze Victoria:

    Thank you for your interest. I received your e-mail regarding my apartment located in: Arenbergstraat 1, 2000 Antwerpen, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I purchased this nice apartment during a business trip to Belgium with the intention of renovating it to a luxury state, then reselling it, but due to the market blockage and the international crisis, it is impossible for me to sell it right now, so I’ve decided to rent it. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems.

    I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc. You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.

    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.

    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)

    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro for the entire apartment including: (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless Internet, digital TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine). Security deposit is 450 euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 5 months.

    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Victoria Watson and I’m a 39 years old graphic designer from London.

    The only inconvenience is that my job d oesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.

    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from UK.

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Jammer genoeg heb ik wél een email teruggestuurd naar onzen Jeffrey en heb vermeld waar ik werk. Wat me op de maag ligt..
    Op Victoria heb ik niet meer gereageerd.

    Spread the word, deze gangsters zijn nog steeds bezig!

    Thank you

  119. Ik heb ook zo’n gekke advertentie gevonden, leek allemaal te mooi voor woorden. Appartement in de Reeshof, Tilburg voor erg weinig geld. Kreeg precies zo’n vreemd verhaal terug van ene “Aart Treffers” in superslecht Nederlands. Na even googlen kwam ik op deze website. Niet vertrouwen dus!

  120. Ik (maar erg genoeg, nog vooral mn ouders) waren er ook bijna in getrapt! Vivienne Mercier, uit rara Londen, verhuurt een appartement aan de Franklin Rooseveltlaan 28 in gent, zicht op zuidpark, alles inbegrepen blablabla en dat voor de luttele som van 450 eurootjes, zij heeft als enige de sleutels, maar die zouden via Immohousegate opgestuurd worden, twee dagen na betaling… toen met die eurootjes, viel mijn eigen euro ook onmiddellijk..

    1. Ik vond een appartement in Aalst van dezelde Vivienne Mercier. Ik ben nu wat aan het mailen met haar, maar ben blij dat ik weet dat het niet klopt allemaal. Ik zal mijn eigen verhaal posten wanneer het wat duidelijker wordt wat ook hun bedoelingen zijn.

    1. Dankjewel Iris voor deze bijdrage. Ik heb alvast een screenshot gemaakt van de pagina in kwestie. Zo kunnen latere lezers ook zien hoe zo’n oplichters precies te werk gaan.

      Luxe appartement te huur in Mechelen (immoweb)

  121. Vivienne Mercier is blijkbaar erg actief. Ik vroeg echter om identificatiebewijs en zonder blikken of blozen krijg ik een scan van een identiteitskaart. Is dit iets wat ik ergens zou moeten aangeven ? Want dit vind ik toch eigenlijk wel erg ver gaan.

  122. Hier net hetzelfde.

    Ze vroeg wie we waren, waar we woonden en of ik meer wou vertellen over ons.
    Ik wist dat het allemaal niet klopte en deed mee met haar spelletje.

    Het waren identiek dezelfde mails van mercier viviene.

    Hopelijk trapt niemand in haar fabeltje.

    Ik wil echt dat die vrouw of meneer zijn of haar straf zal krijgen om naive mensen te bedotten.

    Haar eerste mail:


    Désolé je ne parle pas très bien français ou en néerlandais, donc je préfère parler en anglais
    Sorry for my late reply i just come back from my Holiday.
    Thanks for your interest .
    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 450 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.

    Ms Mercier Vivienne
    191, Walnut Road, Leyton,
    London, E10 5TQ
    United Kingdom

    En het gaat verder:

    Hello ,

    Thanks for your reply, but the problem is that I am already in United Kingdom. As I informed you, the price you will have to pay the first month rent of 450 + 450 EUR deposit (900 EUR), with no additional fees . I need from you one month rent plus deposit. I want to receive the money monthly in my bank account. I trust that there is no problem for you to send money to my bank account . The apartment is ready , you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in less than 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called ImmoHomeGate, , offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys.In this way, you may see it and decide if you want to live in the apartment or not, before I receive any payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country . I will also have to know the rental period and the day you want to move in, so I can put it in the contract. I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will not be any additional cost to you. In addition, if you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can come to an agreement as I have explained here, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.I will wait your quick response, because there are other people waiting for my answer too, so i need to know if I can count on a deal with you . Thank You

    Mr Mercier Vivienne
    191, Walnut Road, Leyton,
    London, E10 5TQ
    United Kingdom

    Om dan af te sluiten met:


    I have sent the keys just earlier and now I received an invoice from ImmoHomeGate saying they have contacted you with the confirmation and instructions to your e-mail. Please confirm you have received the instructions and complete your end.
    I have completed my part, please do so with yours, I paid GBP 200 for this transaction and i hope you keep your word :). Please find attached my Passport Copy.We both must be protected.
    I ensure you of all the security and I guarantee you that you will enjoy a great stay in my apartment:)
    Thank you and I am waiting a sign from you.

    Best Regards,

    Ze stuurde kopie van haar paspoort. Het was een mooi appartement te lier 450 Euro!!!!

    Ik heb het slim gespeeld en gebeld naar de onderburen van dit appartement. Die vrouw kon me meer info geven over van wie het echt was het appartement en bij welke agency dit te huur stond.

    Dus ons vivienne zit nog steeds te wachten op haar 900euro die ik zogezegd zou storten.

    Ze stuurde via immogate bestanden die ik moest downloaden,maar heb dit niet gedaan.

    Stel dat er virus in zit, in haar geval een hele kolonie broeihaard van virussen.

  123. hallo, wij hadden ook gereageerd op het app in lier, koningin astridlaan, en kreeg dezelfde emails als hier reeds vermeld stonden, zijn naar de onderburen zelf gegaan en die kenden haar niet,zelfs met haar foto kwamen we niet verder en niks wijzer, de verdieping klopte niet met de ramen die je ziet in het appartement, hebben ook de bijlages met het zogenaamde huurkontrakt ook niet geopend.

    nu stond er dit weekend een app voor 450€ op de lintsesteenweg nr 3 te huur, immoweb nr 4776865, heb direkt alles genoteerd en gekopieerd, want de maandagmorgen was het reeds verwijderd, ik heb toch eens gereageerd en kreeg deze mail vanmorgen in mailbox:


    Désolé je ne parle pas très bien français ou en néerlandais, donc je préfère parler en anglais
    Sorry for my late reply i just come back from my Holiday.
    Thanks for your interest .
    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 450 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.

    Ms Laurent Guertin
    31 Crown Lane
    London N14 5EX
    United Kingdom

    zo zie je maar ze zijn overal bezig, hopelijk trapt er daar niemand in, want je centen ben je kwijt!!!

    1. wij hebben vandaag net dezelfde reactie gehad op een goedkoop maar veel te mooi appartement.
      vanmiddag nog naar de advertentie gekeken, vanavond mail gekregen en advertentie nergens meer te vinden!
      het gaat om een pand in de meysbrug in mechelen voor 450 euro, alsook vermoedelijk een appartement op de zwartzustersvest 1 in mechelen voor 460 euro.

      wij dachten ook es effe onze slag geslagen te hebben, maar – gelukkig – gingen er al bellen rinkelen bij de eerste zinnen van de mail.

      ook van laurent guertin, zelfde woonadres, gewoon alles letterlijk hetzelfde.

      oef zeg!

    2. Ik kwam ook twee zoekertjes tegen op Immoweb met dezelfde verdachte informatie die jullie reeds verkregen.

      Dient er gereageerd te worden op zo’n gelijkaardige e-mail of gewoon verwijderen.

      Beide gaan over een appartement in Gent, mooi op foto (bijna te mooi om waar te zijn! Wat dus ook zo blijkt te zijn.)

      Eerste e-mail:


      Désolé je ne parle pas très bien français ou en néerlandais, donc je préfère parler en anglais
      Sorry for my late reply i just come back from my Holiday.
      Thanks for your interest .
      I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 450 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .
      Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.

      Mr Laurent Guertin
      31 Crown Lane
      London N14 5EX
      United Kingdom

      Tweede e-mail:


      I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Ferdinand Lousbergskaai 301, 9000 Gent. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen.
      I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.
      Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.
      The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 470EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
      You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
      Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Claus Piening and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
      I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
      The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
      But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

      Looking forward to hear from you soon.

      All the best from United Kingdom!

      Claus Piening
      18 Rainhill Way
      E3 3EY
      United Kingdom

  124. I couldn’t believe it when I received a few mails and compared the text… The same words and sentences. So disgusting these people.
    Today I have received three mails and every landlord is living in London now. Amazing! A little bit strange when they told me everything about their lives.
    Well, here they are.
    Be careful.
    And now I don’t know if I will be able to get an apartment in Leuven… :(


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Naamsestraat 74, 3000 Leuven. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.
    Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.
    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 460EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Herrmann Erath and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!


    Désolé je ne parle pas très bien français ou en néerlandais, donc je préfère parler en anglais
    Sorry for my late reply i just come back from my Holiday.
    Thanks for your interest .
    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is EUR 450 including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.


    My name is Beatrice Leighton and I received your email of interest for the rental of my apartment located in Slachthuislaan 16, 3000 Leuven. The apartment have 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom.
    I am a research engineer for a pharmaceutical company and I bought the apartment while working on a 2 year contract in Belgium as an alternative to renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, the apartment is paid in full and with no legal problems. The apartment is not inhabited since I am no longer living in Belgium . You could be my second tenants.
    My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 520 euro (for the entire apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, private washing machine). Security deposit is also also 520 euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract).
    About myself, I am 39 years old and I am a research engineer for pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m already in London but I hope that we shall find a solution.

    Thank you for your interest and looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

    Best regards,

  125. Heel heel heel triest eigenlijk….. Want leek me wel een leuk iets :s Kan je hiermee naar politie? Zoekertje is al lang verwijderd ook…


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Edward Pecherstraat 35, 2000 Antwerpen. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen.

    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.

    Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.

    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 475EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.

    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.

    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Rudolf Hille and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.

    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.

    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.

    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Rudolf Hille
    18 Rainhill Way
    E3 3EY
    United Kingdom

  126. Hallo allemaal,

    Helaas wordt er nog steeds opgelicht via het adres ‘Korte Gasthuisstraat 36‘, onderstaande e-mails heb ik ontvangen, vertoont helaas flink wat overeenkomsten met bovenstaande e-mails.

    Ik ga er vanuit dat dit dezelfde persoon/organisatie is…



    From: donapts@hotmail.com
    To: annemoon@live.nl
    Subject: RE: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur
    Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:07:59 +0000

    Hello Annemoon,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 450 euro, with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.
    Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called TNT which is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the TNT website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained: http://www.tnt.com/express/en_gb/site/home/services/express_delivery.html

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one.

    From: annemoon@live.nl
    To: donapts@hotmail.com
    Subject: RE: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur
    Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:55:13 +0100

    Dear Donna,

    Thank you very much for your e-mail. I am sorry for not getting back to you earlier, I have been very busy working last week.
    I am not sure if you were able to understand my reply to Immoweb, since it was in Dutch, so about me in a nutshell again:
    My name is Annemoon ….

    I am currently living in the old centre of Antwerp, which I love for the location, but the appartment itself appeared to be terrible after moving in. It is full of moisture and therefore, I have to deal with different kind of bugs and the owner does not take me seriously and refuses to help me out with some professional assistance.

    The rent will be paid by my parents, so no worries are needed regarding the monthly payments. Currently they are also paying for my rent in advance every month.

    Your appartment, including the furniture, sounds like a great solution for me. I will probably only bring my own matrass.The sooner I could move in, the better. Of course, before I transfer the deposit, I would love to see the appartment. If I am correct, according to the advertisement on Immoweb the address was Korte Gasthuisstraat 18 – I have already walked by this building this week -, but the actual number is 36? And furthermore, what do you propose regarding the key? Do you might have any friends/family/other relatives you could send the key to and who could show me around?

    I am looking forward to your response.

    Have a nice weekend!

    Kind regards,

    Annemoon Borst

    From: donapts@hotmail.com
    To: annemoon@live.nl
    Subject: RE: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur
    Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:18:46 +0000


    My name is Donna Pattison and I received your email of interest for the rental of my apartment located in Korte Gasthuisstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen. The apartment have 1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom.
    I am a research engineer for a pharmaceutical company and I bought the apartment while working on a 2 year contract in Belgium as an alternative to renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, the apartment is paid in full. The apartment is not inhabited since I am no longer living in Belgium.
    My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc
    In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
    The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment. I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs)
    The rent for 1 month is 450 euro (for the entire apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable ). Security deposit is also 450 euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract).
    About myself, I am 39 years old and I am a research engineer for pharmaceutical products, currently living in London, my home town .
    You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m already in London but I hope that we shall find a solution.

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,

    Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:12:29 +0100
    From: info@immoweb.be
    To: donapts@hotmail.com
    CC: annemoon@live.nl
    Subject: Immoweb – Reactie op zoekertje Te huur

    Een bezoeker wenst meer informatie.
    een bezoeker wenst meer info over uw… Appartement TE HUUR N°4878044
    449 EUR ?
    2000 Antwerpen
    Korte Gasthuisstraat 18
    Uw referentie: 0
    Deze bezoeker wil graag bijkomende informatie:
    Naam: Borst, Annemoon

    Opmerking van de surfer:
    Goedenavond meneer/mevrouw, Met grote interesse heb ik uw advertentie op Immoweb gelezen. Mijn naam is Annemoon Borst, ….

    Ik ben een nette huurster en rook niet. Ik ben met spoed op zoek naar een nieuw appartement tot en met 1 juli. Ik ben al woonachtig in het centrum van Antwerpen, echter bleek al snel na mijn intrek in dit appartement dat er flinke problemen met de woning zijn. Mijn huisbaas geeft helaas geen gehoor aan mijn verzoeken en daarom zou ik het liefst nog vandaag dan morgen elders gaan wonen. Deze woning, gemeubileerd en wel, zou ideaal voor mij zijn. Ook de locatie vind ik fantastisch, welke voor mij een favoriet stukje Antwerpen is. Is de woning nog steeds beschikbaar? Ik zou per direct mijn intrek kunnen nemen. Ik kijk zeer uit naar uw reactie! Met vriendelijke groet, Annemoon Borst
    Wij danken u voor uw vertrouwen.

    Het Immoweb-team

  127. Got the same “fun” with that guy / those guys.

    Found an Immoweb add with Apartment for rent – Ixelles (n° 5008319).

    Contacted him and got few hours later a nice reply:


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Rue Saint-Georges 97, 1050 Brussels. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.
    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 550EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Stephan Dalton and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Following up, he would not go into any of my questions asked about him, his company and if we can have a call. Instead – he kept on going about “how this will work”:


    I attached you some photos of apartment. I want to inform you that TNT will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don’t like it, you only have to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.
    I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to TNT Service 2 months of rent – ( 550EURO + 550EURO = 1100EURO ) – so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract.No deposit required.
    Like I said, I will pay for a 3 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
    1 – To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
    2 – I go to the TNT Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
    3 – TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
    4 – TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.
    5 – At this point you will have to go to your Bank Location and make a money transfer to the bank account of TNT Representative for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is 1100EURO.
    6 – After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to TNT.
    7 – TNT will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .
    8 – After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 3 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not, if everything is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me.
    If you don’t like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense.

    I will pay TNT Service for the shipping. In the mean time you can call me at: +44 7031857054

    Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the TNT delivery.

    Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.

    Hope no one falls for that scam…

  128. Ik had gisterenavond gereageerd op een appartement in Antwerpen. Helaas ben ik er achtergekomen, grotendeels door deze site, dat het een grote oplichter is.
    Hierbij wil ik ook iedereen waarschuwen zodat niemand hiervan de dupe wordt!

    Dit is de reactie die ik kreeg:


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Tabakvest 122, 2000 Antwerpen. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.
    Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 480EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Michael Neudorf and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Michael Neudorf
    1 Elm Grove,
    London, SW19 4HE
    United Kingdom

  129. hey beste
    mijn verhaal is ook zo mij hebben ze zwaar opgelicht kben mijn 800euro kwijt het leek zo verleidelijk en toen ik mijn geld terug vraagde hebben ze niet meer geantwoord en ze hebben alles verwijdert in voormuide72 in gent wilde ik het huren maar ze schreef int engels ik ben kwaad op mijn eigen kben dom geweest om te storten kben bij de flikken geweest ze kunnen me ni helpen zij kwam zogezegd van kingdom of zo iets let op jolien garnier noem ze bij mij en ze had papieren door gestuurd op mijn mail tis van as estates ik in geloofde en mijn vriend ook en ja voilla beter ni gedaan let er wel op mensen mvg veronique roels

  130. goeieavond is dit appartement nog te huur
    met vriedelijke groeten
    veronique roels

    Malheureusement, je ne sais pas beaucoup de néerlandais, français ou allemand, donc je préfère parler en anglais
    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is 400 Euro including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .
    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.
     Ms Jolie Garnier
    65, Russell Street, Luton,
    Bedfordshire, LU1 5EB
    United Kingdom 

    hello my english is not so good
    I’m still interested in the apartment
    I and one friend will be there live alone
    and how we are going to arrange terms of paper
    I can come first visit
    and yes I can maybe grab your stuff
    with kind regards

    Hello ,
    Thanks for your reply, but the problem is that I am already in United Kingdom. As I informed you, the price you will have to pay the first month rent of 400 + 400 EUR deposit (800 EUR), with no additional fees . I need from you one month rent plus deposit. I want to receive the money monthly in my bank account. I trust that there is no problem for you to send money to my bank account . The apartment is ready , you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in less than 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called AS Estates, offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys.In this way, you may see it and decide if you want to live in the apartment or not, before I receive any payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country . I will also have to know the rental period and the day you want to move in, so I can put it in the contract.  I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will not be any additional cost to you. In addition, if you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can come to an agreement as I have explained here, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.I will wait your quick response, because there are other people waiting for my answer too, so i need to know if I can count on a deal  with you . Thank You
    Ms Jolie Garnier
    65, Russell Street, Luton,
    Bedfordshire, LU1 5EB
    United Kingdom

    I currently live in 39 new land in 9000 Gent Belgium
    This is a student digs, but on July 30, is one contrackt expired
    I call veronique roels
    I can immediately 800 euros one month rent and one month deposit
    each month, you will then be deposited to your account
    I would like to live in 2 years. How long should I wait for the papers and keys when working with a real estate
    with kind regards

    I have sent the keys just earlier and now I received an invoice from AS Estate saying they have contacted you with the confirmation and instructions to your e-mail. Please confirm you have received the instructions and complete your end.
    I have completed my part, please do so with yours, I paid GBP 199  for this transaction and i hope you keep your word :).
    Thank you and I am waiting a sign from you.
    Best Regards,
    I will be the morning paper form and send it back to the estate
    you can sometimes even sending pictures of the apartment
    because I do not think it’s back on the Internet

    The reason i use AS-Estates is because i have nobody there that could show you the apartment.
    I have proposed real, palpable third party too use with this transaction, they explain how the transaction work on the page i sent you, AS-Estates came up with this service specially to prevent unpleasant situations, so, you see, i want safety on this as much as you do even more because I have an apartment to rent, not a kids toy if i may say so.
    You will send the money to AS-Estates not to me and the company will put your money on hold until you see the apartment and then after you decide to move in the apartment RentalImmo will release the money to me.
    In case you wont like the apartment AS-Estates will bring me back the keys and you will be refunded within 24 hours.
    We both must be protected.I have attached my Passport .
    I ensure you of all the security and I guarantee you that you will enjoy a great stay in my apartment:)
     Best Regards,

    I have attached the pictures. Please contact the agency after you do the payment .
    Also keep update me when you receive the key,

    I’m going to the bank in order to make the payment, and I hope that I can receive the keys and that everything come

    Keep update me when you receive the key,

    When do I get my money back I have been seriously against you trusted you and give you money they do not come back let me know where that money is one

    Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:16:05 +0000
    To: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    From: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    Subject: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!

    Dear Customer,

    The refund was made. Here is the confirmation number: AK704NG03458G

    Thank you for using AS-Estates service,

    On June 13, 2014, veronique roels wrote:
    I m go looking to my bank i am nog getting money from you do you real receive my money pleas let me now

    — Oorspronkelijk bericht —

    Van: “AS-Estates”
    Verzonden: 10 juni 2014 19:07
    Aan: “veronique roels”
    Onderwerp: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!
    Dear Customer,

    The refund was made today. You will receive back in 2-3 working days.

    Thank you for using AS-Estates service,

    On June 10, 2014, veronique roels wrote:
    Why can not I get replies from you is my money now returned deposited ??

    Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 16:09:28 +0000
    To: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    From: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    Subject: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!

    Dear Customer,

    We have cancelled the transaction.
    Your money will be refunded back today.

    Thank you for using AS-Estates,

    On June 9, 2014, veronique roels wrote:

    can you deposit money back because I really can not wait, I really do not have 800 euros more because I have to pay my house, so I just want you money back! 

    can you give back

    Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 11:30:29 +0000
    To: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    From: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    Subject: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!
    Dear customer,

    First we want to apologize for the late response but there are some problems regarding the delivery!
    We successfully received your payment but we were informed that due some new EU orders (due to the financial crisis) we can not continue the delivery without having an transport insurance payment from the receiver. This transport insurance represents a formal payment and 100 % refundable. You will not have to worry because you will receive your money back when the package arrives .

    We did not know anything about this until now and we would like to inform you that you must make the insurance payment of EUR 800.00 under the same Bank Account as the first time. We hope that you understand and cooperate with us!
    We will start the shipping to your address and we inform you that the keys will be there after 2 days if you confirm the payment for the transport today.

    Before the keys will arrive at your home address you will receive a call from our delivery agents one day earlyer so you can be at home to sign the papers when the keys will arrive.

    When you will receive the keys and the contract, the agents from AS-Estates Rent will give you the money back (insurance payment of EUR 800.00).
    The keys are shipped but the problem is that the transport is stopped until we will receive the insurance payment from you. This way after the payment will be in our custody our agent will finish the delivery and you will begin the checking period.
    We are sorry for all these inconveniences and we hope to understand and cooperate with us!

    P.S: We will send you now the bank account where you must make the second deposit.

    Thank you for your patience,

    Thank you for using AS-Estates,
    The AS-Estates Customer Service

    On June 9, 2014, sissy roels wrote:
    Ok thanks and the papers is by the keys or not ?

    — Oorspronkelijk bericht —

    Van: “AS-Estates”
    Verzonden: 9 juni 2014 08:33
    Aan: “sissy roels”
    Onderwerp: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!
    Dear Customer,

    Tomorrow you will receive the package!

    Thank you for using AS-Estates service,

    On June 9, 2014, sissy roels wrote:
    When get i the keys today or tomorrow

    — Oorspronkelijk bericht —

    Van: “AS-Estates”
    Verzonden: 4 juni 2014 16:16
    Aan: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    Onderwerp: Welcome to AS-Estates!

    Welcome to AS Estates!

    Dear Sissy Roels,

    Our Company AS Estates reduces risks associated with Internet transactions by acting as a trust license in a neutral third for online transactions. The Owner leaves the keys in our custody.

    will remain in the custody of our company until the Tenant provides the payment information to the billing department of our company. Payment must be made by bank transfer to our verified Bank Account.

    Once the funds are verified by our billing department, the keys will be delivered to the Tenant. Once the Tenant receives the keys, our policy gives you three business days to make the necessary checks of the order. The payment will be delivered to the Owner only if the Tenant is completely satisfied with the apartment. If the Tenant is not satisfied with the goods received, AS Estates collect the keys instantly and returns the money to the tenant. In United Kingdom and throughout Europe, services are provided by our trusted company. With 170 offices throughout Europe, we provide our clients with specially trained staff contact.

    Owner’s name and address:
    Name: Jolie Garnier
    Address: 65, Russell Street,
    City: Luton
    Zipp code: LU1 5EB
    Country: United Kingdom
    Tenant’s name and address:
    Name: Sissy Roels
    Address: 39 New Land
    City: Gent
    Zipp Code: 9000
    Country: Belgium

    Shipping Information (06F4EIDUU2FG) AS Estates :

    Shipping Information:
    Service: AS Estates http://as-estates.co.uk

    Apartment address: Voormuide 72 , Gent 9000 , Belgium

    Tracking Number: 06F4EIDUU2FG
    Total : EUR: €800.00

    Verified Bank Account AS Estates:
    Bank: TSB Bank PLC
    Holder`s Name: AS Estates
    Bank Address: 8 Halifax Road, Todmorden, Lancashire, OL14 5AD.
    Swift/BIC: LOYDGB21K88
    IBAN: GB29LOYD77761815761160

    6 Steps Insurance:

    Step 1: The Tenant and Owner are in accordance with the terms set by us.
    Both parties agree to the terms of the transaction, which includes a description of the apartment, rent price, number of days for checking the goods.

    Step 2: The Owner leave the keys and contract at our office. The tenant signs the contract and authorize us to inspect the apartment and submit payment by wire transfer to the owner. The payment processing time is 48 hours maximum.

    Step 3: The owner must pay all shipping cost. Behind the payment verification, our company is authorized to send the package and present contract information. Delivery times vary depending on the payment confirmation and are up to 5 days.

    Step 4: The tenant receives the keys. The same has three working days to examine the apartment and have the ability to accept or reject the apartment.

    Step 5: If tenant is not satisfied with the apartment, refunds the keys. The costs are covered by our company and the amount paid by the owner will be paid at the time of collection of the same. The payment will be paid as the tenant desired by bank transfer, check or in cash directly.

    Step 6: AS Estates paid to the owner when the tenant confirms the acceptance of the apartment. For security reasons, please do not disclose payment information to the owner or any unauthorized person. All transactions, payment and personal information is considered confidential and will not be disclosed under any circumstances. The protection program on security measures are constantly reviewed and modified given evolving circumstances globally.
    Our priority is the safety of our customers.

    When payment is received, it will be verified by our billing department. The payment verification process takes less than 48 hours. You should send a scanned copy of the bank receipt to confirm payment. Also we need your phone number so that our representatives contact you before delivering the package. Once we confirm the payment, we are entitled to proceed with the shipment of the package. Through this email, we are pleased to inform you that the keys were in our custody. Shipping costs are paid by the Owner. The Onwer does not have access to information on payment details.

    This action is limited by mutual agreement between the owner and our company.

    Send the payment information to our email: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    To view the status of your shipment should only go to our website : http://as-estates.co.uk and enter the tracking number.

    Company AS Estates

    dat is het bewijs van mij tis een beetje door elkaar en aia ik zie dat er nog iemand is de zelfde berichten heeft als mij mvg

  131. goeieavond is dit appartement nog te huur
    met vriedelijke groeten
    veronique roels

    Malheureusement, je ne sais pas beaucoup de néerlandais, français ou allemand, donc je préfère parler en anglais
    I inherited the apartment from my grandfather when he past away, i am from United Kingdom , London so i decided to rent it. Before we go further, I would like to know a little about you, such as how many persons you intend to have staying in the apartment and for how long also if you can send me a picture it will be nice . I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. I can rent out the flat for unlimited time ( 1 to 5 years maybe more ) . I can also rent it for short periods (2-3 months minimum). The rent for 1 month is 400 Euro including all utilities . You may use my furniture, or you can use your own , it’s the same thing for me . I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost). You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only problem is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested .
    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon. Thanks.
     Ms Jolie Garnier
    65, Russell Street, Luton,
    Bedfordshire, LU1 5EB
    United Kingdom 

    hello my english is not so good
    I’m still interested in the apartment
    I and one friend will be there live alone
    and how we are going to arrange terms of paper
    I can come first visit
    and yes I can maybe grab your stuff
    with kind regards

    Hello ,
    Thanks for your reply, but the problem is that I am already in United Kingdom. As I informed you, the price you will have to pay the first month rent of 400 + 400 EUR deposit (800 EUR), with no additional fees . I need from you one month rent plus deposit. I want to receive the money monthly in my bank account. I trust that there is no problem for you to send money to my bank account . The apartment is ready , you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in less than 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called AS Estates, offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys.In this way, you may see it and decide if you want to live in the apartment or not, before I receive any payment. To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country . I will also have to know the rental period and the day you want to move in, so I can put it in the contract.  I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will not be any additional cost to you. In addition, if you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can come to an agreement as I have explained here, and consider it only an inspection and reservation.I will wait your quick response, because there are other people waiting for my answer too, so i need to know if I can count on a deal  with you . Thank You
    Ms Jolie Garnier
    65, Russell Street, Luton,
    Bedfordshire, LU1 5EB
    United Kingdom

    I currently live in 39 new land in 9000 Gent Belgium
    This is a student digs, but on July 30, is one contrackt expired
    I call veronique roels
    I can immediately 800 euros one month rent and one month deposit
    each month, you will then be deposited to your account
    I would like to live in 2 years. How long should I wait for the papers and keys when working with a real estate
    with kind regards

    I have sent the keys just earlier and now I received an invoice from AS Estate saying they have contacted you with the confirmation and instructions to your e-mail. Please confirm you have received the instructions and complete your end.
    I have completed my part, please do so with yours, I paid GBP 199  for this transaction and i hope you keep your word :).
    Thank you and I am waiting a sign from you.
    Best Regards,
    I will be the morning paper form and send it back to the estate
    you can sometimes even sending pictures of the apartment
    because I do not think it’s back on the Internet

    The reason i use AS-Estates is because i have nobody there that could show you the apartment.
    I have proposed real, palpable third party too use with this transaction, they explain how the transaction work on the page i sent you, AS-Estates came up with this service specially to prevent unpleasant situations, so, you see, i want safety on this as much as you do even more because I have an apartment to rent, not a kids toy if i may say so.
    You will send the money to AS-Estates not to me and the company will put your money on hold until you see the apartment and then after you decide to move in the apartment RentalImmo will release the money to me.
    In case you wont like the apartment AS-Estates will bring me back the keys and you will be refunded within 24 hours.
    We both must be protected.I have attached my Passport .
    I ensure you of all the security and I guarantee you that you will enjoy a great stay in my apartment:)
     Best Regards,

    I have attached the pictures. Please contact the agency after you do the payment .
    Also keep update me when you receive the key,

    I’m going to the bank in order to make the payment, and I hope that I can receive the keys and that everything come

    Keep update me when you receive the key,

    When do I get my money back I have been seriously against you trusted you and give you money they do not come back let me know where that money is one

    Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:16:05 +0000
    To: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    From: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    Subject: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!

    Dear Customer,

    The refund was made. Here is the confirmation number: AK704NG03458G

    Thank you for using AS-Estates service,

    On June 13, 2014, veronique roels wrote:
    I m go looking to my bank i am nog getting money from you do you real receive my money pleas let me now

    — Oorspronkelijk bericht —

    Van: “AS-Estates”
    Verzonden: 10 juni 2014 19:07
    Aan: “veronique roels”
    Onderwerp: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!
    Dear Customer,

    The refund was made today. You will receive back in 2-3 working days.

    Thank you for using AS-Estates service,

    On June 10, 2014, veronique roels wrote:
    Why can not I get replies from you is my money now returned deposited ??

    Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 16:09:28 +0000
    To: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    From: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    Subject: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!

    Dear Customer,

    We have cancelled the transaction.
    Your money will be refunded back today.

    Thank you for using AS-Estates,

    On June 9, 2014, veronique roels wrote:

    can you deposit money back because I really can not wait, I really do not have 800 euros more because I have to pay my house, so I just want you money back! 

    can you give back

    Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 11:30:29 +0000
    To: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    From: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    Subject: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!
    Dear customer,

    First we want to apologize for the late response but there are some problems regarding the delivery!
    We successfully received your payment but we were informed that due some new EU orders (due to the financial crisis) we can not continue the delivery without having an transport insurance payment from the receiver. This transport insurance represents a formal payment and 100 % refundable. You will not have to worry because you will receive your money back when the package arrives .

    We did not know anything about this until now and we would like to inform you that you must make the insurance payment of EUR 800.00 under the same Bank Account as the first time. We hope that you understand and cooperate with us!
    We will start the shipping to your address and we inform you that the keys will be there after 2 days if you confirm the payment for the transport today.

    Before the keys will arrive at your home address you will receive a call from our delivery agents one day earlyer so you can be at home to sign the papers when the keys will arrive.

    When you will receive the keys and the contract, the agents from AS-Estates Rent will give you the money back (insurance payment of EUR 800.00).
    The keys are shipped but the problem is that the transport is stopped until we will receive the insurance payment from you. This way after the payment will be in our custody our agent will finish the delivery and you will begin the checking period.
    We are sorry for all these inconveniences and we hope to understand and cooperate with us!

    P.S: We will send you now the bank account where you must make the second deposit.

    Thank you for your patience,

    Thank you for using AS-Estates,
    The AS-Estates Customer Service

    On June 9, 2014, sissy roels wrote:
    Ok thanks and the papers is by the keys or not ?

    — Oorspronkelijk bericht —

    Van: “AS-Estates”
    Verzonden: 9 juni 2014 08:33
    Aan: “sissy roels”
    Onderwerp: RE: Welcome to AS-Estates!
    Dear Customer,

    Tomorrow you will receive the package!

    Thank you for using AS-Estates service,

    On June 9, 2014, sissy roels wrote:
    When get i the keys today or tomorrow

    — Oorspronkelijk bericht —

    Van: “AS-Estates”
    Verzonden: 4 juni 2014 16:16
    Aan: sissy.v.r@hotmail.com
    Onderwerp: Welcome to AS-Estates!

    Welcome to AS Estates!

    Dear Sissy Roels,

    Our Company AS Estates reduces risks associated with Internet transactions by acting as a trust license in a neutral third for online transactions. The Owner leaves the keys in our custody.

    will remain in the custody of our company until the Tenant provides the payment information to the billing department of our company. Payment must be made by bank transfer to our verified Bank Account.

    Once the funds are verified by our billing department, the keys will be delivered to the Tenant. Once the Tenant receives the keys, our policy gives you three business days to make the necessary checks of the order. The payment will be delivered to the Owner only if the Tenant is completely satisfied with the apartment. If the Tenant is not satisfied with the goods received, AS Estates collect the keys instantly and returns the money to the tenant. In United Kingdom and throughout Europe, services are provided by our trusted company. With 170 offices throughout Europe, we provide our clients with specially trained staff contact.

    Owner’s name and address:
    Name: Jolie Garnier
    Address: 65, Russell Street,
    City: Luton
    Zipp code: LU1 5EB
    Country: United Kingdom
    Tenant’s name and address:
    Name: Sissy Roels
    Address: 39 New Land
    City: Gent
    Zipp Code: 9000
    Country: Belgium

    Shipping Information (06F4EIDUU2FG) AS Estates :

    Shipping Information:
    Service: AS Estates http://as-estates.co.uk

    Apartment address: Voormuide 72 , Gent 9000 , Belgium

    Tracking Number: 06F4EIDUU2FG
    Total : EUR: €800.00

    Verified Bank Account AS Estates:
    Bank: TSB Bank PLC
    Holder`s Name: AS Estates
    Bank Address: 8 Halifax Road, Todmorden, Lancashire, OL14 5AD.
    Swift/BIC: LOYDGB21K88
    IBAN: GB29LOYD77761815761160

    6 Steps Insurance:

    Step 1: The Tenant and Owner are in accordance with the terms set by us.
    Both parties agree to the terms of the transaction, which includes a description of the apartment, rent price, number of days for checking the goods.

    Step 2: The Owner leave the keys and contract at our office. The tenant signs the contract and authorize us to inspect the apartment and submit payment by wire transfer to the owner. The payment processing time is 48 hours maximum.

    Step 3: The owner must pay all shipping cost. Behind the payment verification, our company is authorized to send the package and present contract information. Delivery times vary depending on the payment confirmation and are up to 5 days.

    Step 4: The tenant receives the keys. The same has three working days to examine the apartment and have the ability to accept or reject the apartment.

    Step 5: If tenant is not satisfied with the apartment, refunds the keys. The costs are covered by our company and the amount paid by the owner will be paid at the time of collection of the same. The payment will be paid as the tenant desired by bank transfer, check or in cash directly.

    Step 6: AS Estates paid to the owner when the tenant confirms the acceptance of the apartment. For security reasons, please do not disclose payment information to the owner or any unauthorized person. All transactions, payment and personal information is considered confidential and will not be disclosed under any circumstances. The protection program on security measures are constantly reviewed and modified given evolving circumstances globally.
    Our priority is the safety of our customers.

    When payment is received, it will be verified by our billing department. The payment verification process takes less than 48 hours. You should send a scanned copy of the bank receipt to confirm payment. Also we need your phone number so that our representatives contact you before delivering the package. Once we confirm the payment, we are entitled to proceed with the shipment of the package. Through this email, we are pleased to inform you that the keys were in our custody. Shipping costs are paid by the Owner. The Onwer does not have access to information on payment details.

    This action is limited by mutual agreement between the owner and our company.

    Send the payment information to our email: contact@as-estates.co.uk
    To view the status of your shipment should only go to our website : http://as-estates.co.uk and enter the tracking number.

    Company AS Estates

    dat is het bewijs van mij tis een beetje door elkaar en aia ik zie dat er nog iemand is de zelfde berichten heeft als mij mvg

  132. Deze praktijk herhaalt zich nog steeds helaas.
    Vorige week verscheen er op IMMOWEB een advertentie voor een appartement in Halle.
    Mijn zoon en zijn vriendin hebben hierop gereageerd.
    Met de alom gekende ketting van mails tot gevolg.

    1. Hoi Anne Marie. Wat erg om te horen. Ik hoop dat je kinderen geen al te grote problemen ondervonden. Het is echt jammer om te zien dat, meer dan 3 jaar na mijn artikel (en 4 jaar na Humo), deze criminaliteit nog steeds welig tiert op Immoweb. De oplossing blijft nochtans eenvoudig. Sterkte, en hopelijk vinden jullie toch nog een fijne woning.

  133. Hey,
    Ney als iedereen ben ik in contact gekomen met een oplichter, het ging om een appartement in de minderbroedersstraat 10 te Antwerpen. Het was 480€ huur met alles inbegrepen en geen extra kosten… Ook ik kreeg een mail van ene Patrick Nielsen, toen ik de mail van TNT kreeg heb ik het mail adres via Google gaan checken en kwam direct op een site uit waar het dus idd om fraude gaat! Weet dat TNT nooit als tussen persoon werkt! Ook heb ik hen gemaild met de vraag of dit klopte en ze melde mij dat dit om fraude gaat!


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Minderbroedersstraat, 10, 2000 ANTWERPEN. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.
    Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 480EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Patrick Nielsen and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Patrick Nielsen
    1 Elm Grove,
    London, SW19 4HE
    United Kingdom

  134. Hallo,

    ik was onlangs een appartement in Leuven aan het zoeken via Immoweb en kwam heel snel twee appartementen tegen die te mooi om waar te zijn waren. Daarom ook dat ik toen direct een e-mailtje gestuurd heb naar de eigenaars. De eerste bleek in Engeland te wonen en dat was meteen reden genoeg voor mij om aan de alarmbel te trekken. Niet veel later kreeg ik een e-mail van de eigenaar van het andere appartement, ook uit Engeland en met een heel gelijkaardige boodschap. En tevens heel gelijkaardig aan de e-mails die ik hierboven gelezen heb! Ik en mijn partner hebben het weliswaar vanaf het begin allemaal heel raar gevonden (de e-mails waren dus eigenlijk louter een bevestiging van onze vermoedens) maar toen ik dan op deze site stuitte, vond ik dat ik mijn ervaring toch even moest delen. Hieronder de beide e-mails!


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in Slachthuislaan 16, 3000 Leuven. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I bought the apartment while working on a 3 year contract in Belgium, I am constructor engineer and i am from UK ( British Citizen) so i decided to rent it. My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc
    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, the utilities Tv/electricity/bin charges are included in the price of 450 euro /month. Security deposit is 1000 euro , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested.

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon.

    PS: This is how it`s look the apartment as we speak.

    Hector Donnelly
    66 Etherley Road
    London N15 3AU
    United Kingdom


    Thank you for your interest in the flat. It is located on Fonteinstraat 5, 3000 Leuven. The rent is 400 Euros with all the utilities and collective costs for the building included in the rent.It is easy to manage. The flat is available, i just moved in England for the next 6 years with my work. It has been fully renovated in 2012 (new wiring, furniture, bathroom, paintings,… It is fully furnished (fridge, equipped kitchen, dishwasher, washing machine, microwave, toaster, vacuum cleaner, etc…. ).
    The building is very well maintained. I would like to know about you, such as how many persons you intend to stay in the apartment and for how long, also if you can send me picture it will be nice. I will be glad to rent it to anyone who likes to keep it clean and tidy. You can use my furniture, or you can use your own, it’s the same thing for me. I have the option of sending all my furniture to storage, if you want to bring your own (no extra cost).
    If you wish an appointment to visit it, do not hesitate to contact me for any further question.


  135. ook hier van het zelfde. het valt me op dat het adres hetzelfde is:


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in: Italielei, 2000 Antwerpen. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I bought the apartment while working on a 3 year contract in Belgium, I am constructor engineer and i am from UK ( British Citizen) so i decided to rent it. My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc
    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, the utilities Tv/electricity/bin charges are included in the price of 450 euro /month. Security deposit is 1000 euro , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested.

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon.

    Daniel Loughran
    66 Etherley Road
    London N15 3AU
    United Kingdom

    let op!! ik was er bijna mee weg tot ik deze site tegen kwam!

    1. Nu in Mechelen te huur appartement in Electriciteitsstraat ik was ook bijna beetgenomen


      I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in: Elektriciteitstraat 31, 2800 Mechelen. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I bought the apartment while working on a 3 year contract in Belgium, I am constructor engineer and i am from UK ( British Citizen) so i decided to rent it. My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc

      The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, the utilities Tv/electricity/bin charges are included in the price of 450 euro /month. Security deposit is 1000 euro , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.

      You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day, but i can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

      Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon.

      Daniel Loughran
      66 Etherley Road
      London N15 3AU
      United Kingdom

  136. Ongelooflijk dat deze personen hier mee blijven doorgaan. Ik heb contact gehad met een zekere Daniel Loughran, dezelfde als Rita De Backer hierboven.

    In mijn geval ging het om een appartement in de Slachthuislaan 16 in Leuven.

    De eerste e-mail die ik van hem (of haar?) kreeg was op 27 september 2014.


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in: Slachthuislaan 16, 3000 Leuven. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I bought the apartment while working on a 3 year contract in Belgium, I am constructor engineer and i am from UK ( British Citizen) so i decided to rent it. My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc
    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, the utilities Tv/electricity/bin charges are included in the price of 450 euro /month. Security deposit is 1000 euro , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day, but i have a solution for that if you are still interested.

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon.

    Daniel Loughran
    66 Etherley Road
    London N15 3AU
    United Kingdom

    Bij deze is iedereen nogmaals gewaarschuwd!

  137. I am contacted by him today through the ad 5286298. Be careful with the address. He is still using the same:

    Daniel Loughran
    66 Etherley Road
    London N15 3AU
    United Kingdom

  138. In oktober 2014 in Mechelen heel actief Daniel Loughran


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in: Elektriciteitstraat 31, 2800 Mechelen. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. I bought the apartment while working on a 3 year contract in Belgium, I am constructor engineer and i am from UK ( British Citizen) so i decided to rent it. My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc
    The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, the utilities Tv/electricity/bin charges are included in the price of 450 euro /month. Security deposit is 1000 euro , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    You can move in to the apartment on the same day that you receive the keys. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day, but i can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hear from you soon.

    Daniel Loughran
    66 Etherley Road
    London N15 3AU
    United Kingdom



    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Varkensstraat 9, 2800 Mechelen. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.
    Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 470EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Simon Stuard and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Simon Stuard
    1 Elm Grove,
    London, SW19 4HE
    United Kingdom

    en nu

    Marinefrappier@outlook.com duplex te huur Zwartkloosterstraat 28 bus 1 te 2800 Mechelen voor 390€ + 110€ kosten, de foto’s zullen wel nep geweest zijn gezien op hetzelfde adres er een duplex te huur is voor 850€ dat het juiste zal zijn gezien de foto van de buitenkant van het appartement klopt. Dus die Frappier Marine is een oplichter

  139. Een nieuwe die nu in Mechelen ook appartement te huur zet

    From: Marine Frappier
    Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:36 AM
    To: Rita De Backer


    J’espère que vous comprenez l’anglais …. S’il vous plaît me repond en anglais!
    Si vous ne comprenez pas l’anglais traduire ici: http://translate.google.org/#en/fr/

    First, Thank you for your e-mail.
    Second, sorry for my late reply .
    I own the apartment from my husband that he passed away 3 months ago.
    I am constructor engineer and i decided to rent the apartment since i am in UK ( British Citizen ).
    The whole apartment is for EUR 500 per month including all utilities/bills (water, electricity, internet, cable).
    The deposit i ask is the normal and legal deposit for any apartment and i mean 1st month rent (EUR 500) + 2 months security deposit (EUR 1000), that`s EUR 1,500 in total, with no additional fees.

    I am pleased to give you basic details about my apartment:
    There are 2 bedrooms, elevator, balcony, washer/dryer in unit, A/C, dishwasher, parking–1 garage included in the rent, also internet ( Wifi ), close to transportation and everything else.
    It’s fully furnished, but I can rent it unfurnished also, same price if unfurnished, will use a moving company if you want it unfurnished. As I said pets are allowed.
    The length of the lease is flexible: short term or long term.

    Below is the apartment address:
    Zwartkloosterstraat 28
    2800 Mechelen

    This is how it`s look the apartment ( Real Pictures ) :
    Hi there,

    I am glad to hear from you.
    As I told you i am in Birmingham, UK and the thing is that I am the only person who has the keys, but i have a SAFE solution for that.
    The apartment is vacant, you just need to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you can accept it. Of course we will need some way to go through this agreement, to allow us ensure that we get what we are expecting. For in it, I have discovered how we could finish the deal securely and quickly, and in this way, you will receive the keys in 2 days, if you move quickly as well. A rental third party service called Alpimmo, offers this solution and will handle both payment and delivery of the keys.
    They handle rentals for people who can’t leave their jobs to show their apartments in person.

    So, here is how it goes:
    I start over the process with Alpimmo here in Birmingham and I leave the keys and a copy of the contract at Alpimmo. Then they’ll e-mail you all the information you need to continue the transaction at your end. As per the Alpimmo`s instructions I will receive the money after you visit the apartment and you agree to rent it.
    It’s clear and simple. All I want is to both be safe.

    To start this transaction, I need your full name, address, city, postcode and country. I will pay for the services performed by the agency, so there will be no additional cost for you.

    Should i begin the process with Alpimmo? Please e-mail me and let me know and in 2-3 days you could have the keys in hand if you complete your end in a timely fashion.

    Thank you,

  140. Let nu ook op bij de naam Brian Anderson.
    Als het adres wordt meegezonden: Niet Doen!

    Brian Anderson
    66 Etherley Road
    London N15 3AU
    United Kingdom

    1. Die is inderdaad nog steeds bezig.
      Zocht een appartement voor mijn zoon in Mechelen en kwam bij deze fraudeur terecht.
      Had gelukkig door dat er iets niet klopte.
      Dus pas op !!! ook voor volgende namen:
      Hector Donnelly 66 Etherley Road London N15 3AU United Kingdom
      Daniel Loughran 66 Etherley Road London N15 3AU United Kingdom
      Matthew Bailey 66 Etherley Road London N15 3AU United Kingdom

  141. !! Nog een naam te melden van fraude op Immoweb !!
    CAMMILE DURAND (durandrcammile@hotmail.com)
    Adres van het apartement: Bergensesteenweg 56, 1500 Halle.

    De prijs leek in de eerste plaats te mooi om waar te zijn, maar ik dacht: toch maar eens contact opnemen. Reactie was in het Engels (en 2 zinnen Frans). De inhoud van de mail (onnodige info over een zogezegde overleden echtgenoot die het appartement bezat,$. Wie stuurt zulke info nu in het 1e contact met een toekomstige huurder) bracht mij al op mijn hoede en Immoweb stuurde zelf ook een waarschuwingsmail i.v.m. desbetreffend zoekertje. Ook op deze site terecht gekomen en heel veel herkenbare zaken tegengekomen.
    Even de test gedaan en gevraagd om het appartement te bezoeken. Antwoord dat zij in Leeds, UK woont voor haar werk en de sleutel zal opsturen via FedEx, nadat ik 1500 waarborg + eerste maand huur heb betaald.

    Het zoekertje was overigens reeds verwijderd, nog voor ik reactie van haar kreeg.

  142. Thank God dat ik deze site gevonden heb, want ik was er ook mee weg. Ladies and Gents, meet Martin Loughran !


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment for rent. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.

    My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated.Also, the utilities Tv/electricity/bin charges are included in the price of 450 euro /month. Security deposit is 1000 euro , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.

    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Martin Loughran and I’m a 53 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.

    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.

    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Martin Loughran
    66 Etherley Road
    London N15 3AU
    United Kingdom”


  143. Hallo, hier idem, hetzelfde verhaal. Gisteren reageerde ik ook via Logic Immo naar het appartement in Antwerpen in de Minderbroedersstraat 10, en kreeg ook deze e-mail;


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Minderbroedersstraat, 10 , 2000 ANTWERPEN. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.
    Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are INCLUDED in the price of 480EURO/month. As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Patrick Daecher and I’m a 58 years old graphic designer from London /United Kingdom, planning to retire in the next 2 years.
    I have a lovely wife,Sarah and a 25 year old daughter, Maria. I am very proud to say that soon I’m going to be a grandfather :). Another member of our family is a 8 year old Labrador which we all love, so, I have no problem if you will keep pets.
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day. We just hired some new staff and I’m in charge of their training.
    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Patrick Daecher
    1 Elm Grove,
    London, SW19 4HE
    United Kingdom

    From: info@ipm.logic-immo.be
    To: daecher774@hotmail.com
    Subject: Een gebruiker van Logic-Immo.be heeft interesse in dit pand
    Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 06:25:30 +0100
    Gelijkvloers appartement 2 slaapkamers

    Het heeft een ruime living met veel lichtinval, open geďnstalleerde keuken, 2 slaapkamers, badkamer. Kelderberging en ondergrondse autostaanplaats inbegrepen in de huurprijs. Gelieve te antwoorden op mijn e-mailadres voor mor info:
    Bekijk de advertentie Ref. : LOGIC 54cb9d6389009297598b4568 (9055)

    Gelukkig wist ik bijna direct dat het hier weer om een handeltje ging omdat de mail in het Engels was, en doordat een vriend van me ook op soortgelijke advertentie over een pand, een soortgelijk antwoord kreeg waar we toen ook al niet ingetrapt hadden doordat ook die de waarborg vroeg over te maken en hij dan de sleutels zou bezorgen later.
    Maar toch heb ik hem een beetje info verschaft om eens te zien wat zijn antwoord zou zijn doordat ik hem dit ook had verteld over mijn vriend, het soortgelijke antwoord als in deze mail en de fraude daarrond. En dan ben ik gewoon zelf eens beginnen opzoeken op het adres van dit pand in de Broedersminderstraat 10 te Antwerpen en zo kwam ik hier. Inmiddels kreeg ik wél al terug antwoord van hem in deze mail;


    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in London already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 480EURO, with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.
    Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called UPS which is similar to FedEx, DHL or TNT, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the UPS website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained: http://www.ups.com/content/gb/en/shipping/index.html?WT.svl=PriNav
    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one.

    En nu ga ik nog even mee spelen en intussen zet ik fraudebestrijding online achter de hele zwendel aan, of wat doe ik hier het beste mee?

    Groetjes Samanta

  144. Nog 2 namen voor de collectie:

    Gregor Huppert
    57 Cambridge Gardens
    London, W10 6HR ( de 6 HR klopt trouwens niet met het adres )


    Thomas N. Smith
    211 Stannigley road, apt 7 ( moet Stanningley zijn)
    LS45 3PL Leeds

  145. Nog ééntje tegengekomen: Simon Stamer. Doet zich voor als een 58 jaar man uit Praag.

  146. Hallo,
    Ik kreeg vandaag ook een vreemde email van iemand met hetzelfde adres als van iemand hier bovenstaande:


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in: Korte Gasthuisstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Belgium, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time.

    My intention is to rent the apartment to nice, clean people and in order to do that I would like to know a little something about you, like how many people do you intend to live in my apartment, do you have a steady income ,etc. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated.Also, the utilities Tv/electricity/bin charges are included in the price of 450 euro /month. Security deposit is 1000 euro , and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My daughter is building her life here, and i am too old to move to Belgium, so we won’t disturb you.

    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture.

    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Stephen Lawson and i am a dental doctor ( Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) .
    The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave London even for one single day.

    But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from London (on my expense of course).

    PS: I have removed the add from Immoweb.
    This is how it`s look the apartment.


    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    All the best from United Kingdom!

    Stephen Lawson
    Cissbury Rd
    London N15 5QA
    United Kingdom

    Hij had zelfs een kopie van zijn paspoort erbij gedaan.
    Pas op mensen dit is echt fraude!!

  147. Hier hetzelfde, was naar een appartement op zoek op zommit en plots zag ik een appartement voor 500 euro all in.
    Had er een mail naar gestuurden kreeg te horen dat hij een dochter had dat daar studeerde en nu ze gedaan had en nu het wou verkopen. Ik krijg bijna een kennismaking van heel zijn familie en mooie aanbiedingen dat ik zijn inboedel en al mocht gebruiken. Tot ik ineens op een site terecht kwam fraude op appartementen en bijna juist hetzelfde verhaal las dan dat hij mij door gestuurd had. Gelukkig zag ik die site want anders was ik er mss wel ingetrapt. Dus mensen wees echt voorzichtig ze weten het allemaal mooi uit te leggen.

  148. Ik werd geschroefd door een man op het Net. Het was schattig en in de liefde; Ik werd verleid en toen vertelde hij me dat hij had een zilveren bezorgdheid en ik hielp hem.

    Ik ontmoette een man genaamd Michel, op Meetic Affinity eind januari 2013; we vonden en we vervolgens besproken Messenger; Hij stelde zich voor: hij een goede man, beleefd, intelligent en aangenaam was; We wisselden foto’s en we waardeerden geleidelijk dagen. Hij zei dat hij werd verleid door mij en vervolgens verliefd op me, vertelde me lief en aangenaam woorden, en ik was in de hemel. Dan, acht dagen later, terwijl het leven in Nantes (44), deelde hij me dat hij moest vertrekken in Ivoorkust, op het particuliere bedrijfsleven; het was om de erfenis van zijn overleden moeder te herstellen; Hij moest daar heen te gaan om het geld vrij te geven. Hij vroeg me om een ​​rekening te openen, zodat de overdracht valt op een onafhankelijk verslag van zijn persoonlijke bank; Ik opende een rekening. Dan toen hoorde hij dat hij niet onsite wijze van betaling had omdat hij de fout om met hem te nemen van zijn credit card, dat hij helaas niet kon gebruiken in Afrika had gemaakt; en hij had genoeg geld niet genomen. Zoals ik in de liefde meer en meer viel, maakte hij me verdrietig en ik was bang voor hem dus stuurde ik hem 8,740.00 euro in contant geld via Western Union; Hij zei dat dit geld in de notaris voor de vrijlating van de nalatenschap zou worden gestort.

    Toen vertelde hij me dat de Ivoriaanse regering gevraagd om dit geld te krijgen van Afrika te betalen ” stempel ” een bedrag van € 4.500. Michel wist dat mijn financiële problemen, want ik ben werkloos voor een paar maanden en ik krijg slechts ongeveer € 1000 compensatie, zodat hij me vertelde dat ik hulp nodig had, maar dat hij een regeling met had gevonden de gouverneur, die hem meer een voorschot van 3.250,00 euro geëist; dus ik stuurde hem terug een postwissel via Western Union naar 3.000,00 euro en met dat, ik was volledig geruïneerd, want ik was met mijn spaargeld rechtstreeks; Ik had het plafond van mijn rekening-courantkrediet bereikt. Toen zei hij dat hij kon geen contact opnemen met zijn bank in Milaan, dat het niet zou helpen hem geld te sturen, omdat hij nog steeds nodig en nog steeds in staat zijn om te schakelen geld direct in mijn account in Frankrijk …

    Ik begon te vertrouwen te verliezen in wat hij me vertelde. De laatste strohalm, stuurde hij me foto’s van hem, vond ik iets vreemds: op een van zijn foto’s verschenen van een band waar er werd geschreven ” Bandoo / Massimo Leonardi “; Ik sta te popelen om te gaan op het net dat was wat Massimo Leonardi en wat was niet mijn verbazing een aantal foto’s van ” sweetheart ” te zien. Ik zweette dit moment ervoer ik een scam gevoelens. Ik onmiddellijk een klacht ingediend bij de politie dat niet werkte en dank aan mijn ex, die zijn vriend, de heer Bernard flesjes, welke stappen genomen onder arrest te zetten, want ik was altijd contact opgenomen in contact met de genoemde Michel, die het onderzoek vergemakkelijkt om ze te stoppen. Gelukkig was ik in staat om een ​​terugbetaling plus schadevergoeding te krijgen. Ik laat u hun e-mailadres: services_police_interpol@diplomats.com
    Hoe dan ook, ik heb geleerd een grote les en grote dank aan de heer Bernard Flesjes want zonder deze meneer, zou ik zeker in de straat.

  149. Don’t trust this one, same story, scam emailadres… found the exact same respond emails online on scam warners.

    Re: Rent apartment in Rue des Poissonniers 12, 1000 Brussels City with 1 room, 60 m², 570 €


    Like I have informed you before, the apartment is currently free, I accept short-term 3 to 4 months and long-term disposal from 5-6 years or more this depends on your decision. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar. The price for 1 month of rent will be 570 euro with all the bills included in it, and I also need a guarantee deposit of 1.000 euro (that you’ll get back when you move out). Now I’m living in Italy-Roma, but this will not influence at all the rental as I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it if you like it. You will have 2 days available to inspect the apartment before rent it. The delivery of the keys and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made through Airbnb.com to make sure that we can trust each other. If you want to know more about the rental process please get back to me and I will send you the step by step procedure. A quick response would be much appreciated.

    Best regards,
    Inger Margareta

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