Car PM Verhofstadt crashes

Audi of Verhofstadt crashedThe Prime Minister of Belgium has been having a really hard time lately. At the moment, he is supposed to be dealing with some very difficult issues:

  1. the division of the constituency Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde,
  2. the difficult choice between electoral and economic growth due to the issue DHL,
  3. answering the whole economic malaise (due to globalisation?),
  4. the ongoing ageing in the western world.

Trying to find an answer to all of these cutting problems is not easy. As always, in a divided nation such as Belgium, there are long nightly talks to find a compromise that pleases all parties involved. After days and days of hard work, trying to find a solution, mister Verhofstadt still hadn’t decided what would be done. Tired as he was, the chauffeur drove the PM to his home in Ghent. Almost there, the Audi crashed when it was leaving the motorway E40 near the Blaarmeersen.

Read more about it at BBC News: Belgian PM hurt in car accident.

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

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