links for 2006-12-25

  • Jesus the FreshmakerJesus versus Terminator: The greatest action story ever told.
    You cannot go arround killing people. Why? Because it’s one of god’s comandmenst, you shall not kill. Why? Because it is a sin. Why? Because it’s not nice! Why? Forgive him father, he is a robot from the future.
    (tags: parody religion Christmas Christianity)
  • Wallet 2.0
    This item claims it’s “the wallet from the future”, the Web 2.0 future it appears. Made of soft silicone so it can easily bend, it contains organizer/planner-like “refill sheets”: bill, coins, ID, credit cards and “other”.
    (tags: clothing gadgets money design)
  • Laser Stars
    The Laser Stars projector will fill any dark space with a super sharp spectacle of animated stars and cloud formations. It will even surprise you with the occasional shooting star.
    (tags: astronomy Shopping star)
  • Addictive little online games
    Stop pretending you’re trying to get any work done today. Here’s a list of some addictive online games, easy to play but hard to master. Have hours of fun. Go on, you deserve it.
    (tags: games free)
  • Flying Spaghetti Monster WWFSMD?Flying spaghetti monster: the game
    As the flying spaghetti monster, you must convert as many people into Pastafarians as you can before time runs out!
    (tags: games humor free)
  • Life in the Googleplex: Photo Essay
    The Googleplex is the Google company headquarters, located in Mountain View, California.
    (tags: photography google googleplex Culture Time architecture)
  • Map for a new Middle East, reflecting ethnic/religious identities
    If the borders of the greater Middle East could be amended to reflect the natural ties of blood and faith, it could look something like this.
    (tags: cartography Arabia politics religion world future)
  • Foods that heal
    A very comprehensive chart of foods and their specific medical benefits. Eat well!
    (tags: health eating lifestyle recipes food)

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 deelt Stijn Vogels zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Gewapend met een geschiedenisdiploma en een scherpe pen zoekt hij naar zin in de chaos. Misschien vind je iets wat je aan het denken zet. Misschien ook niet. Maar dat is het risico van nieuwsgierigheid.