- Zawahiri Christmas Greeting
A satirical new video from al Qaeda’s second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, about the true meaning of Christmas.
(tags: video youtube religion humor satire Christmas terrorism)
- Minimize distractions on your Mac
How to make your Mac less of a giant distraction machine and more of a lean, mean, focused GTD machine. Watch the video of Backdrop, MenuShade and PathFinder that subdue the Mac’s eye candy and clutter so you can concentrate on the task at hand.
(tags: Apple computer lifehacks productivity Mac video software)
- 50 Greatest Cartoons
A cool list of The 50 Greatest Cartoons as voted on by the animation industry in 1994, with a link to an online video for each one. Enjoy!
(tags: GoogleVideo video comics Cartoons list)
- How to build a cardboard castle
Kids will love this! You need 8 refrigerator boxes to build this design (don’t panic). This plan is easily adapted for fewer boxes or a smaller space.
(tags: kids architecture birthday toys DIY construction)
- Gizmoz
The world of animated avatars, buddy icons, Talking Heads and user generated Talking Heads Videos.
(tags: video Christmas animation free generator avatar cool)
- Title of Harry Potter 7 revealed
Author JK Rowling has revealed the title of the seventh and final Harry Potter book. It will be called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The announcement was made on the writer’s official website.
(tags: literature BBC HarryPotter JKRowling)
- 24 ways (to impress your friends)
A Christmas calendar for web geeks. Each day reveals another set of tips and secrets of web development, from JavaScript shininess right the way through to web accessibility and semantics.
(tags: webdesign CSS/HTML javascript ajax Christmas tutorials typography photography gallery)
- Hidden message in american clothing sold in France
Well that explains why every time the President of France Jacques Chirac is always smirking when you see him around or talking to President Bush.
(tags: humor USA France)
- What’s up with the new Photoshop icon & branding?
The crisp, simple imagery of the Photoshop CS3 Beta icon and splash screen has drawn both rants and raves on the Labs forum.
(tags: photoshop adobe software Branding)
- A Special Christmas Box
The uncensored version of the Digital Short that aired on SNL over the weekend featuring Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake. Something special for your girlfriend this Christmas. XD
(tags: youtube Christmas humor parody sex video)
Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels
Sinds 2003 analyseert Stijn Vogels wereldgebeurtenissen. Met een geschiedenisdiploma van de Universiteit van Gent worden zijn inzichten gepubliceerd op zijn blog, Aardling. Stijn heeft ook een wereldwijde schrijversgemeenschap opgezet gericht op internationale betrekkingen. Gekend voor “connecting the dots” tussen technologie en politiek, streeft hij ernaar door middel van zijn doordachte analyses een waardevol perspectief te bieden op onze snel veranderende wereld.
Bekijk meer berichten
Paola laat weten dat Albert nog steeds verkeerd durft te linken. Aarding.com is namelijk nt te koop ;)
Nu niet meer neen, tenzij voor een aardige smak geld. Uw contacten bij de marine moeten toch iets kunnen regelen, n’est-ce pas?