links for 2006-12-22

  • Darth Vader uit Star WarsStar Wars done in Black & White Silent Film Format
    “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… The Evil Lord Vader ruled the galaxy with an iron fist…” Hilarious editing with a soundtrack from way back. Gotta love it.
    (tags: starwars, youtube, video, humor)
  • How to get your blog (or yourself) mentioned in print
    Bloggers are generous with advice about how to get mentioned on blogs, but what about the other way around? How do individuals — bloggers and nonbloggers — get mentioned in print?
    (tags: marketing, advertising, blogging, business)
  • Google guru prepares for internet evolution
    Internet guru Vint Cerf tells the BCS’s Brian Runciman about Google’s strategy and gives his opinion about developments in the IT industry.
    (tags: Google, internet, marketing, business)
  • History of Religion
    The geography of faith and it’s wars across history. Want to see 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds? Ready, Set, Go!
    (tags: history, religion, video, animation, flash, war)
  • Mary was only a virgin if you don’t count anal
    The best worst t-shirt that will probably get you killed by fundamentalist Christians.
    (tags: clothing, humor, religion, Christianity)
  • Optimus Prime uit TransformersTransformers (trailer)
    Dueling alien races, the Autobots and the Decepticons, bring their battle to Earth, leaving the future of humankind hanging in the balance. And in the end Optimus Prime PWNZ everyone!!
    (tags: video, youtube, robotics, Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, 2007)
  • Damien Rice – 9 Crimes
    Loes bought me the cd for my birthday last week. The new album is really great. Damien Rice still sounds raw as ever, and Lisa Hannigan is a great singer as well. I love it!
    (tags: music, Ireland, Damien Rice, Lisa Hannigan)

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 deelt Stijn Vogels zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Gewapend met een geschiedenisdiploma en een scherpe pen zoekt hij naar zin in de chaos. Misschien vind je iets wat je aan het denken zet. Misschien ook niet. Maar dat is het risico van nieuwsgierigheid.