Links, 27 april 2005

  • DiggeliciousNokia ships a 4GB MP3 phone. Nokia’s new N91 phones have a 4GB hard-drive and play unrestricted MP3 tracks.
  • The miniMate, MicroNet’s new external disk drive up to 400GB and port replicator, is created specifically to complement Apple’s new Mac Mini.
  • Ground zero: Asheville? Unannounced military training alarms city residents. Some Asheville residents felt they were living in a war zone one recent evening, as explosions and gunfire echoed through downtown for several hours.
  • Exploding toads puzzle german scientists. More than 1,000 toads have puffed up and exploded in a Hamburg pond in recent weeks, and scientists still have no explanation for what’s causing the combustion, an official said Wednesday.
  • Beijing man lives in nest. A Chinese poet has built a spherical nest and mounted it on a 10 foot poll in a Beijing’s business district. He plans to live in the nest for a month.
  • UFO Sends Bush to Basement. For a few minutes earlier today, President Bush retreated to an underground shelter and tourists were evacuated from the White House’s East Wing.

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 deelt Stijn Vogels zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Gewapend met een geschiedenisdiploma en een scherpe pen zoekt hij naar zin in de chaos. Misschien vind je iets wat je aan het denken zet. Misschien ook niet. Maar dat is het risico van nieuwsgierigheid.