US soldiers are sick of it

American soldiers also are beginning to suffer injuries from a silent and pernicious weapon material of U.S. origin—depleted uranium. The Department of Defense says depleted uranium is powerful and safe, and not that worrisome. A shell coated with depleted uranium pierces a tank like a hot knife through butter, exploding on impact into a charring …

Tony Blair – Troops should be out of Iraq by 2008

Tony Blair set a 16-month limit for keeping British troops in Iraq yesterday as he admitted for the first time that they would be a “provocation” if they stayed too long. It was British policy to “withdraw progressively” when Iraq’s own security forces were able to take over. Quoting from a statement by Gen George …

North Korea: Sanctions are declaration of war

North Korea said Tuesday the United Nations effectively declared war on the country when it imposed sanctions for the North’s nuclear test. North Korea wants “peace but is not afraid of war,” the North’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.