Reiskoffer met wereldkaart

I want to see the world. And at the same time, I feel like there is nothing new for me to discover. By discovery I mean: going ‘wow’ when you see something for the first time. This rush of magni ficence, for some reason it is not for.

What matters more to me is the journey itself, and the rich detail it provides. The people you meet. The food you taste. The music and voices and languages you hear. The sand between your toes.

Case in point: standing next in the Pantheon is magnificent as it is. But tasting the perfect coffee around the corner at Sant’Eustachio adds an unforgettable dimension to my memory of Rome.

A Journey of Wonder

To my pleasant surprise my friend and globetrotter Adrianne shared this list of world wonders. Now, I can already hear you exclaim: “But those ‘world wonders’ have been around since before time itself.” True. But there is more to it.

PiramidesThe first world wonders were classified as such by my fellow historian Herodotus (484 – ca. 425 BCE). The only remaining survivor of his list of 7 Wonders of the Ancient World is the Great Pyramid of Giza. (Which, by the way, is in terrible state, so you should go and visit it as soon as humanly possible.)

During the centuries, people have come up with lists of their own, including: Wonders of the Middle Ages, Wonders of the Modern World, the New 7 Wonders, Natural Wonders of the World, above water and even underwater wonders. What will the come up with next: a robot making pancakes?

My Bucket List

Gathering all of these lists together, I forged my own master list of places to go, things to see and experiences to be had.1Full version: Interactive Map of Natural Wonders and Phenomena. On top of these amazing sights, I want to dive into the local culture and get a real taste of what daily life would be like. Which continent should I start with?

Let’s start with those. Once those are done, I’m sure the UNESCO’s list of 900 world heritage sites will provided ample challenge as well.

Which one of these did you visit? What was your most memorable travel experience?

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 deelt Stijn Vogels zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Gewapend met een geschiedenisdiploma en een scherpe pen zoekt hij naar zin in de chaos. Misschien vind je iets wat je aan het denken zet. Misschien ook niet. Maar dat is het risico van nieuwsgierigheid.

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