Your new idea, your proposal to the company, your new venture, your innovation—no one knows about it. Most of the people don’t get it, think it’s a risky scheme, a solution to a problem no one has or that it’s too expensive.
If you’re keeping track of all the people who hate what you’ve done, you’ll give up right here and right now. This is when the gulf of disapproval is at its maximum. The number of new fans (the blue line) is far smaller than the number of well-meaning (but, in this case, wrong) people on the red line.
If you persist, the value created for the folks on the blue line begins to compound. And so your fans persist and, one by one, convert some of the disapproving. Person by person, they shift from being sceptics to accepting the new status quo.
Gelezen bij Seth Godin als Beware the gulf of disapproval.