Fragments of Canadian Meteor Found

Meteoriet Canada

Fragments of the big meteorite that lit up the Canadian skies across the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan last week have been found, according to a report in CBC online. University of Calgary scientists said they located several meteorite fragments late Thursday afternoon, and they were planning to take reporters to the site Friday. Planetary scientist Dr. Alan Hildebrand and graduate student Ellen Milley believe thousands of meteorite bits from the 10-ton bolide are strewn over a 20-square-kilometre area. The video below of the fireball was taken by a video camera in a police car in Edmonton, Alberta.

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 publiceert Stijn Vogels hier zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Met een geschiedenisdiploma op zak streeft hij ernaar door middel van zijn doordachte analyses een waardevol perspectief te bieden op onze snel veranderende wereld.