Zowel Herman, Jan en Google maakten een kort overzicht van hun blog statistieken van 2011. Dergelijke rapporten maak ik maandelijks zelf voor m’n professionele klanten, dus eentje voor mezelf moet ook lukken. Vragen en opmerkingen zijn welkom.
Tag archieven: Google Analytics
Google Analytics v5: now open to everyone!
Google Analytics 5 arrives! Since this morning everyone has access to the new Google Analytics v5. It’s been a while in the making and there were some screenshots and webcasts around, but finally we can all get our hands on it ourselves. Personally, I’m still having a hard timing finding my way around.
Alternatives to Google Analytics?
It’s quite clear Google Analytics is “king of the hill” for most websites. But what else is on the market? And what kind of innovation are they offering. Here’s one overview which also dives into the future of analytics products.