Gedragscode voor de Taliban

Gedragscode voor de Taliban

De Arabische nieuwszender Al-Jazeera heeft de hand weten te leggen op een boekje met krijgsregels voor de Taliban in Afghanistan. Het handboek moet de strijd meer moslim-vriendelijk maken, om de hearts and minds van de bevolking terug te winnen. De regels werden goedgekeurd door Mullah Omar.

Rules for Mujahideen

Een voorlopig overzicht van de 13 hoofdstukken en 67 aandachtspunten heb ik nog niet kunnen terugvinden, maar Al-Jazeera’s Key quotes from new Taliban book helpt ons alvast op weg.

  1. On asylum:
    1. “Every Muslim can invite anyone working for the slave government in Kabul to leave their job, and cut their relationship with this corrupt administration. If the person accepts, then with the permission of the provincial and district leadership, a guarantee of safety can be given.”
  2. On prisoners:
    1. “Whenever any official, soldier, contractor or worker of the slave government is captured, these prisoners cannot be attacked or harmed.
    2. “The decision on whether to seek a prisoner exchange, or to release the prisoner, with a strong guarantee, will be made by the provincial leader. Releasing prisoners in exchange for money is strictly prohibited.”
    3. “If the prisoner is a director, commander or district chief or higher, the decision on whether to harm, kill, release or forgive them is only made by the Imam or deputy Imam.”
    4. If a military infidel is captured, the decision on whether to kill, release or exchange the hostage is only to be made by the Imam or deputy Imam.”
  3. On civilian casualties:
    1. “Governors, district chiefs and line commanders and every member of the Mujahideen must do their best to avoid civilian deaths, civilian injuries and damage to civilian property. Great care must be taken.”
  4. On suicide attacks:
    1. “Suicide attacks should only be used on high and important targets. A brave son of Islam should not be used for lower and useless targets. The utmost effort should be made to avoid civilian casualties.”
  5. On unity:
    1. “Creating a new mujahideen group or battalion is forbidden. If unofficial groups or irregular battalions refuse to join the formal structure they should be disbanded. If a governor or leader has in the past had a unit or active group in another province, they should bring it to the attention of the leader of that province. That leader should then take over command of the group.”
  6. On relations with the Afghan people:
    1. “The Mujahideen have to behave well and show proper treatment to the nation, in order to bring the hearts of civilian muslims closer to them. The mujahideen must avoid discrimination based on tribal roots, language or their geographic background.”

Gepubliceerd door Stijn Vogels

Sinds 2003 deelt Stijn Vogels zijn mening over mondiale merkwaardigheden. Gewapend met een geschiedenisdiploma en een scherpe pen zoekt hij naar zin in de chaos. Misschien vind je iets wat je aan het denken zet. Misschien ook niet. Maar dat is het risico van nieuwsgierigheid.